GLOBAL CHESSBOARD – Infinite Games – BANXIT – Cover Up – Judge Dread – Ukraine – UK-SIS – Gold? – Healthy Amish – TWTWTW – Be Kind – Letter from Great Britain – [07-29-23]

Beautiful Earth is NOT a Chessboard. There are no squares occupied in the service of a Grand Geopolitical Agenda. We are God’s people, magical spirits, living in love, peace and harmony


Edward Snowden opined, “We trusted the government not to screw us, but they did. We trusted the tech companies not to take advantage of us, but they did. That is going to happen again, because that is the nature of power.”

Neil Oliver: The reality: the Purveyors of  “kindness and inclusion” is hatred.

AND – if you want to know about games – check out this book. “There are at least two kinds of games”, states James P. Carse, as he begins this extraordinary book. “One could be called finite; the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.”

We are playing the infinite game – the Globalists are playing the finite game – guess who wins?  “Finite games are the familiar contests of everyday life; they are played in order to be won, which is when they end. But infinite games are more mysterious. Their object is not winning, but ensuring the continuation of play. The rules may change, the boundaries may change, and even the participants may change, but as long as the game is never allowed to end, the infinite players win every time.

What are infinite games? How do they affect the ways we play our finite games? What are we doing when we play finitely or infinitely? And how can infinite games affect the ways in which we live our lives?

A fellow writer reinforces my cry:

James Roguski
Mark Sexton, a retired police constable, has been calling for official police investigations into multiple crimes against humanity for many, many months. Philip Hyland and Mark Sexton have filed a claim that is explained in the video in this link:


STOP PRESS – ‘BANXIT BOMBSHELL’ – NIGEL FARAGE v COUTTS BANK (NWB). The Banksters are under increasing pressure to abandon the Globalists’ ESG dystopian agenda  (aka ‘moral correctitude’) following this week’s Nigel Farage’s de-banking saga.

But will GloboCap ditch the “Environment, Social, and Governance” (ESG) Agenda under public pressure?  However this is only one root of the dystopian UN Agenda 2030 Cabal exposed by this June 10 Tweet by Elon Musk,  “ESG is the Devil”.

The NatWest Bank (NWB) CEO, Dame Alison Rose, resigned on Wednesday before the markets opened and Coutts CEO, Peter Flavel resigned on Thursday. This may not be the last departure as PM Sunak failed to back NWB chairman Sir Howard Davies.

In a statement Alison Rose said: “I remain immensely proud of the progress the bank has made in supporting people, families and business across the UK, and building the foundations for sustainable growth.”  BUT I know these are typical weasel-words which will be proven in the coming weeks and which I shall pursue in-depth going forward.

But first, who exactly is this woman, having hidden for 30 years in the dark recesses of an obscure Financial Multiverse?  An MSM profile of Alison Rose is HERE.  This is the seismic tip of a very corrupt iceberg meriting a full Chapter in my serialised book, ‘The Financial Jigsaw Part 2’, coming soon.

In the meantime you can read TFJ Part 1 HERE; scroll down, use “Ctrl find”, and see what I wrote about the corruption rife in the banking world following the 2013 Cyprus bank robbery.  The repercussions of this crisis will rock the City of London to its very roots.

This is ‘Regulatory Capture’ WRIT LARGE and is embodied in Coutts Bank’s de-banking policy, defaming innocent customers, and libelling Nigel Farage, who remains unable to open a new bank account, after applying to nine banks recently; (at the time of writing).

This tells yet another story in the concluding years of ‘The Fourth Turning’ when all institutions and governments are challenged to defend their inherent corruption now leaking in a veritable torrent of stinking sewerage spewing out over the City of London – the beating heart of the Global Financial Jigsaw.

It is a long and dark rabbit hole going back to the 1970s, to my knowledge, when I was involved with senior City bankers as a corporate systems consultant. The Banksters have kept their secrets for centuries but it will now deepen and intensify as the hidden banking cloisters are opened up, one at a time, in the coming months and years.

THIS IS NOT GOING AWAY.  City minister, Andrew Griffith summoned bank chiefs to discuss how customers can be protected from “being de-banked”.  But don’t expect mere politicians to remedy this because the Bankster Cabal is Global, centred on the ‘Bank for International Settlements’ (BIS) – the kill-box in Switzerland – the Central Bank for all central banks.

UPDATE: Farage will launch a new website for thousands of ‘de-banked customers’ revealing the skulduggery having prevailed in the Global Financial System for decades. The City Minister, Andrew Griffith, tweeted, “It is right that the NatWest CEO has resigned, this would never have happened if NatWest had not taken it upon itself to withdraw a bank account due to someone’s lawful political views.”  Bank shares took a hit this week.

NEWS FLASH – Watch carefully as the Banksters start covering their tracks when the ‘Banxit Saga’, kicked off by Nigel Farage this week, shook them rigid.   I will interpret their moves on the Financial Chessboard for readers as we move forward. They have opened the game by appointing lots of their cronies in the Big Club to an ‘Inquiry’ and begin by looking in the wrong place.  Of course this is by design and will take months, if not years, before the redacted findings are made public, but to no avail – by design.

Here’s a tip for the Banksters; they need to read, “The Tower of Basel” which tells the inside story of the ‘Bank for International Settlements (BIS)’: the central bankers’ own bank. The BIS has remained largely unknown, until now. Here’s the BIS head, Agustin Carstens talking about CBDC and CONTROL in just 60 seconds – you have been warned.



BREAKING NEWS:  Don’t forget to follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members

THE BRITISH JUDICIARY IS COMPROMISED (to say the least) in the strange case of Julian Assange.  I have followed the fate of Julian Assange for years.  Not only is his life at risk threatening the ability of media to reveal the lethal criminality of states, but also there’s another hugely important issue in Britain: the corruption of politicians like Sajid Javid as well as the judiciary in general.  Does Britain actually have an independent judiciary when it comes to ‘national security’? Read on:

Declassified has long documented the conflicts of interest surrounding Assange’s previous judges.  The present judge, Jonathan Swift, rejected Assange’s attempt to halt his extradition to the US.  It turns out that Swift is HMG’s former top lawyer and previously defended both the ‘Defence and Home Secretaries’. His “favourite clients were the security and intelligence agencies” while representing HMG & the Blob.

Matt Kennard discovered something important about Keir Starmer’s time as head of the Crown Prosecution Service when he was in charge of Julian Assange’s earlier proposed extradition to Sweden. The CPS told Matt it had destroyed all records of Starmer’s visits to the US at the time.

But US records show Starmer met with Attorney General Eric Holder and a host of American and British national security officials in Washington in 2011 and made other trips in 2012 and 2013. “During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder.”  Declassified discovered:

  • Starmer joined the Trilateral Commission [yet another WEF] between 2017-18 while he was Corbyn’s shadow Brexit secretary
  • He is one of only two serving British MPs to have been a member, according to available records
  • Starmer spoke at the group’s London event in 2017 alongside former heads of MI5 and GCHQ
  • Former CIA director said in 2019 “we will do our level best” to stop Corbyn getting elected – [democracy anyone?]
  • Corbyn’s former spokesman tells Declassified that Starmer’s membership “was plainly incompatible with Labour’s then-stated policies”
  • Keir Starmer joined an international grouping closely linked to US and UK Intelligence agencies while he was serving in Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet, Declassified has found more:

The Trilateral Commission describes itself as a “global membership organisation” which seeks “to discuss and propose solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems”. Its meetings are strictly off-the-record.

It was founded in 1973 by billionaire banker, David Rockefeller as a networking group for elites from the US, Europe and Japan. Rockefeller was close to the leadership of the CIA at the time. I’ll leave the reader to draw their own conclusions. Take a trip down the corridors of power and discover what’s really been going on so carefully hidden in Britain’s secret societies HERE (10 min read).   Look out for Starmer next year; he’s a Snake-in-Grass Globalist, aiming for the highest public office in Britain.  Sources:

UKRAINE UPDATE: Russia is DESTROYING Ukraine on the Battlefield

Ben Wallace had a great time at Tony Blair’s ‘Institute for Global Change’ discussing Britain’s Defence and the Future of NATO, [start at 5mins in], chortling about Novichok and Ukraine Legacy.  Jon Sopel joined Secretary of State for Defence, Ben Wallace to discuss the future of NATO, Britain’s role within it, and some of the key challenges the alliance faces, including the future of Ukraine at the ‘Future of Britain Conference 2023’.  But with this gang of globalist misfits and demagogues, I fear Britain’s future is bleak.  Check out the rogue’s gallery HERE.  Sources:

  • Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – July 26, 2023
  • Ministry of Defence: Our ministers.  The MoD Chief Operating Officer, Dr Nina Cope is married to Neil Basu, in 2019 a senior official at the National Crime Agency  often described as Britain’s FBI; but they still can’t stop the boats?
  • The MoD Evaluation Strategy will guide project and policy evaluation activity in the department – July 26, 2023 {Note the 21st century corporate structure of government]

BRITAIN’S MILITARY/SPY operations around the world get very little attention in the MSM. Matt Kennard visited Gibraltar to find out more about what military and intelligence sites are there. The previous week, Spain renewed calls for Britain to withdraw its military installations from the territory. Matt counted 11 British military or intelligence sites on Gibraltar.

HMG never disclose what spy facilities it has around the world. But Matt discovered a formerly secret UK military report from the 1970s revealing that Gibraltar’s “main value” to Britain during the Cold War was its role as a covert US/NATO military and intelligence outpost.

Declassified published three other stories from their files this month. John McEvoy, a regular contributor reported that 14 years before the Falklands war, British ministers planned to transfer sovereignty of the islands to Argentina. The files show they privately argued the territory could become costly, could not be defended, and was a source of military tension with Buenos Aires.

Phil Miller also discovered that bodyguards for Kenya’s president Daniel arap Moi were trained by the SAS in 1985 amid a crackdown on dissent in the country. This came as Moi entrenched a one-party state by rigging elections and arresting opponents. (Britain’s weird ideas about mother democracy!)

Declassified files on Pakistan and Afghanistan this month, for the period when the Taliban first took over Afghanistan in 1996, show that British officials knew Pakistan was directly aiding the Taliban, but continued to arm the government in Islamabad anyway. British policy may have had significant consequences since Osama Bin Laden was setting up his terrorist infrastructure in Afghanistan at the time and was protected by the Taliban.

The British MSM interminably quotes the ‘Royal United Services Institute’ (RUSI), a proven arm of the British Secret Service.  They comment on just about any military Ops, from the war in Ukraine to UK military strategy, as though it’s an independent think-tank. This is misleading the public (to put it kindly) as exemplified in Declassified’s article here.

RUSI, which is based in Whitehall right next to the Ministry of Defence, is funded by the military, US DoD, and sundry Arms Dealers. It’s a bastion of the ‘Establishment Blob’ Deep State. There are no instances in over 300 press articles in the past two years where RUSI’s funders have ever been mentioned.

You may have noticed that Leila Dougan, a professional South African journalist now living in the Britain, is making short videos for Declassified about some of their investigations, and published over social media platforms. The video about the MSM quoting RUSI is HERE.  And here is Leila’s video on SAS training in Kenya.

INFLATION WATCH – BOOM just about destroyed the idea of gold-backed money last Tuesday when he wrote: “UK & USA abandoned gold-back currencies because their money supply was artificially constrained by the volume of gold metal ingots sitting in vaults. The only way to expand their money supply as the economic demand expanded was to repeatedly re-value it.  And that required a committee of very clever, wise economists to be appointed.

Both governments decided that such a committee could not be found. And, with 193 nations in existence, 193 wise, clever committees would have to be found if there was no generally accepted, global reserve currency.  The whole concept is economically and financially ridiculous on a first principles basis.”

And yet some of the alternative media keep pressing the gold button. The Epoch Times asks: “ANALYSIS: Will Zimbabwe Pave the Way for Gold-Backed Money?”  I believe that a case for gold-backed currencies could be made in economies that are not expanding or even contracting, because the money supply does not need to be expanded but this argument is for another day following the Great Reset

But according to the CoinDesk headline:  “Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Digital Token Won’t Fix the Country’s Currency Woes, Economists Say.  Aaron Rafferty, CEO of the financial technology firm Standard DAO, supporting BOOM, says, “The critical factor here isn’t gold itself, but rather a reliable, trusted institution to maintain the gold reserves and handle redemption requests, any nation considering such a policy will need robust systems to manage these requirements.”

Lessons about hyperinflation in ZIMBABWE: Sources:

With global debt exceeding $300 trillion, can the global economy afford to dismantle their fiat empire?


Fox Media
The Amish Died of COVID at a Rate 90 Times LOWER Than the Rest of America. Watch now (3 min) | “I did the calculation,” testified Steve Kirsch in front of the Pennsylvania State Senate. Given five Amish people died in Lancaster County, PA, “the Amish died at a rate 90 times lower than the infection fatality rate of the United States of America…”

NARRATIVE BATTLE – I mentioned last week that satire has been a fundamental component of British humour for a century or so but it only really came to the masses when TV got underway in the early 1960s.  1962 was a seminal year by virtue of the Cuba missile crisis which I believe should be remembered, especially in these final years of The Fourth Turning.  The BBC’s series “That Was The Week That Was”, also affectionately known as ‘TWTWTW‘, offers a trip down memory lane for us of the Silent and Boomer generations.

FINALLY – A gentle reminder from the People:

COMING NEXT WEEK: Leading with how the BBC and Met Office, et al are promoting the Climate Change PsyOp; Boat-people invading British waters in volume; more on Big Pharma (WHO) & CBDCs; plus my Plan ‘B’ now in effect.  And  more fun & games to tickle your fancy.


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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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July 29, 2023 9:24 am

If you think finance shock and climate control is the only undercurrent in play , pay attention.

comment image

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 29, 2023 12:07 pm

There won’t be any uproar from liberals in the United States.

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
July 29, 2023 9:29 am

Wolf to review foxes management of the hen house.

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
  Austrian Peter
July 29, 2023 2:52 pm

There’s a slightly worrying ‘mistakes were made’ with ‘very big lessons to be learned’ narrative evolving with this appointment. Suggestive of a cover-up of previous policy actions, or harbinger of things to come. Probably nothing time will tell, maybe Bernanke will report back in the spring and advise that CBDCs will fix this.

July 29, 2023 10:22 am

Eritrea President Afwerki: "The EU will not get out of intensive care, these are systems that are crumbling. It's only a matter of time. The world should be ready not to defend Russia, but to stand with Russia so these hegemonistic systems will not prevail"

— COMBATE |🇵🇷 (@upholdreality) July 28, 2023

anon a moos
anon a moos
July 29, 2023 10:27 am

Best take away, DO NOT COMPLY. Don’t vote, don’t comply with edicts and demands, don’t participate in any ‘elections’, don’t give anything govt legitimacy. There is no voting moar harder. There is no solution to fixing a house that is filled with vermin, termites and dry rotted completely.

Let the vermin burn it down, we’ll start fresh afterwards.

July 29, 2023 11:37 am

“I am the destroyer of your world.”

Don’t blame me. I voted for the Stay Puft marshmallow man to get another go at it.

July 29, 2023 11:41 am

I enjoy most of your articles, but this was a really fine one, Austrian Peter. Thank you for sharing.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 29, 2023 12:03 pm

We knew one objective of CBDCs was to cut Conservatives off from the US Financial System, to impoverish and starve us into submission, like TPTB intended to do to the Russians when TPTB cut off the Russians from SWIFT and imposed massive Sactions. The ZOG has jumped out ahead of their CBDCs scheme and already used this hammer to attack Nigel Farage. Of course this is illegal discrimination , but given the corruption of the Legal System and Politics, probably nothing can be done other than good citizens stepping forward to help him. This illegal hammer can and will be used against all Conservatives eventualy unless we act. Another banking system independent of the Rothschild bank system is needed ASAP, just like the BRICS Bank which they have had to establish for half the World’s population, and which is flourishing at a rate that will eventually bury the very corrupt ZOG Financial System. Florida has already banned FedCoins; it also needs to establish a State Bank for Floridians to end run the Federal Reserve Bank so we can continue to have an Economy when the US Treasury and Fed Reserve implement the Universal ID and kill the US Dollar (and ban Cryptos, PMs, and barter) to implement their FedCoins within a year. This is not a joke; ref Rev 13:17. Everyone is not doomed as the BRICS have demonstrated; just those Sheep that let themselves be led to slaughter.

  rhs jr
July 29, 2023 12:09 pm

Another banking system independent of the Rothschild bank system is needed ASAP

Correct. But they burn countries to the ground for trying that.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 29, 2023 12:19 pm

If we can’t end run them with another bank, and we have nowhere to run, don’t they leave us only one other choice.

  rhs jr
July 29, 2023 12:39 pm


July 29, 2023 12:17 pm

The Austrian missed one thing…Bin Laden was a CIA construct, and the videos of him were made by the Pentagon…so Pakistan was “just following orders.”

July 29, 2023 1:55 pm

Peter- Wow, so many topics packed into one article. Most excellent work.

I do believe the LPTB are planing to drop us off the financial cliff and Dame Rose got her title by doing the cabal’s biding……damn them all to hell. I skipped to the back of the good book and we win this, not sure how just yet but it will unfold.

The Amish: When asked about Covid, they stated, “We don’t have TV so we don’t worry about Covid”. They believe in that statement, it is hard to infect them with the black mirror know as TV. Does black magik work on those who shun the magicians, obviously not. I think a real investigation would reveal the 5 Amish who died had the flu or were offed with a respirator.

Busy day, gotta go but thanks for the latest installment.

July 29, 2023 6:11 pm

So does that make the Amish right about electricity?

July 29, 2023 9:47 pm

BB- I live smack dab in the middle of 200 Amish family farms. Guess who sells solar panels/systems in our county? The Amish

They all have cell phones and solar now days, but TV is a no go for them. They aren’t missing anything IMO.

It’s hard to figure them out and every cluster of Amish have different rules. That said, they have no problem with 99% of the ills that have beset us out here in the electrified world, societal or medical. They must be doing something right.

July 29, 2023 2:27 pm

Great video’s, as usual. I keep reading little bits about the Bank of International settlements. That might be a great topic for one of your articles. Many thanks and blessings.

Michelle Obama's nuts
Michelle Obama's nuts
July 29, 2023 9:08 pm

We’re gonna need to change the heading on the photo of Mama’s least favorite child, Klaus, to ‘I am dead’.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Michelle Obama's nuts
July 30, 2023 7:09 am

Won’t be soon enough for Klaus, Harpy, Soros, Gates, Fauci, Hussein, FJB, Smuckberg, Victoria Nuland, Myjerkus, etc.

July 30, 2023 7:30 am

We seem to think about a lot without really thinking at all.