Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into 15-minute cities and abide by tyrannical laws in exchange for government aid. They handed out free crypto in Africa in exchange for biometric data, for example. In Austria, the government is offering free transportation to anyone who chooses to tattoo their Climate Ticket (Klimaticket) on their skin as a walking sponsorship for the New World Order.

It sounds like a bad radio marketing gimmick. The Klimaticket grants users access to all public and private transportation for one year at the cost of €1,095. However, those who permanently mark their body with an ode to the Klimaticket will receive free transportation, but only for one year. You’d have to be extremely desperate or stupid to agree to those terms. Austrian Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler said the initiative will help the country grow closer to their goals of the Paris Agreement. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) would like to reduce private car ownership by 16% before 2024, claiming transportation is the largest carbon pollutant.

“Action that gets under your skin,” banners appeared at popup parlors during various summer events. Gewessler had a temporary tattoo inked on her body reading “Gewessler takes the lead.” A look at the comment section shows how negatively this program was received. “For me it really doesn’t make sense at all how you can encourage young people to have political advertisements for the rest of their lives and that has NO consequences for the Federal Minister,” one user on X wrote. “This has been carried out with great care. It is only done during daylight and only offered to people over the age of 18,” Gewessler said, adding that “the people who get the tattoos mostly already have some.”

So, it is ok to permanently brand your body with a message from the government by her standards. NEOS party lawmaker Henrike Brandstötter also bashed the plan. “Offering people money for putting advertising under their skin reveals an unacceptable view of humanity from a government minister,” she declared on X. Again, governments are targeting desperate people who will jump at the opportunity to save $1,180 USD for one year or about three euros per day. They’ve accepted the mark without hesitation.

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September 12, 2023 8:23 am

…adding that they already have some (tattoos)…

Conditioning. I always thought it was weird that tattoos seem to sort of addictive to some people.
The Bible has a passage against tattoos which was described to us as because it was part of pagan cults. Once again literal and figurative.

Tattoo's? Most Common reference?
Tattoo's? Most Common reference?
September 12, 2023 8:56 am

Leviticus 19:28
“Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”

King James Version (KJV)


tattoos (plural noun)
an evening drum or bugle signal recalling soldiers to their quarters:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 12, 2023 9:10 am

So, it’s like branding cattle. Got it.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Iska Waran
September 12, 2023 9:47 am

What colour ear-tag would you like, serf?

  Iska Waran
September 12, 2023 5:59 pm

its like branding goyim, got it ?

September 12, 2023 9:12 am

I hear the most popular face tatt for democrats is………….”Insert niggercock here”.

September 12, 2023 9:36 am

In Austria, the government is offering free transportation to anyone who chooses to tattoo their Climate Ticket (Klimaticket) on their skin as a walking sponsorship for the New World Order.

Free transportation apparently not true “to anyone”, but you could get the tattoo for free….

For several of the bravest (or perhaps the most frugal) public transit users, the Austrian government recently offered an unconventional deal: A select few would receive free, unlimited transit tickets for a year—but only if they got a tattoo of the word “Klimaticket,” the name of the pass, reports the Austria Press Agency (APA).

This summer, a total of six people attending one of two music events—the Electric Love Festival in Salzburg and the Frequency Festival in the town of St. Pölten—took the government up on its offer. At each festival, only the first three participants were eligible for the passes, though many others still got free tattoos at the pop-up stands.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
September 12, 2023 10:42 am

The last time the Austrian government offered “free” tattoo’s and a train ride didn’t work out so well at the end. Kinda like most progressive ideas, up in smoke.

September 12, 2023 11:31 am

Logan’s Run is underrated as a circle in the Venn diagramming of overlapping dystopias

September 12, 2023 11:38 am

The first paragraph mentions fifteen minute cities.

I think that’s a good idea for colored negroes.

Offer comfortable shoes and a warm place to shit.

September 12, 2023 1:43 pm

Can I get it on my right hand or my forehead? Asking for a friend.