The Financial Jigsaw Part 2, Chapter 1 – THE ENEMY WITHIN – First-Ever Nationwide Nuclear Drill – Always Follow the Money – Is Geoengineering Real? – US-China relationship – [10-07-23]

‘The Financial Jigsaw Part 2: Chapter 1 – An Empire Crumbles – The Geopolitical Battlespace

‘Protect & Survive’ offers a Plan ‘B’ for an off-grid happy lifestyle

STOP PRESS – Israel is fighting the Enemy Within at this very moment – this is what the elites really fear!



  • Army – 86% of officers of the rank of major-general and above
  • City – 80% of directors of clearing banks
  • Church of England – 67% of assistant bishops and above
  • Judiciary – 80% of high court judges and above
  • Ambassadors – 82% of heads of embassies and legations
  • Civil Service – 62% of under-secretary level and above

The late Tony Benn, a Labour MP, explained how the ‘system’ continues to manipulate Britons today:  “The British Constitution works in a very subtle way to keep us in our place … And guarantee that the privileges of the powerful are protected from any challenge … The Crown, the Lords, the Honours List and all the paraphernalia of state power play an important part in preserving the status quo.

We are not citizens, but subjects, for everyone in authority must, by law, swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch before taking up a position. MPs, Cabinet Ministers, peers, judges, police chiefs, and even arch-bishops and bishops, have to swear their homage to the Crown before they can be enthroned.

All those in high office got there by an elaborate system of patronage, all done in the name of the Queen. The actual decision in every case is made by the Prime Minister or other Ministers, giving them immense and unaccountable political power.

The power to go to war is a Royal Prerogative and Parliament does not even have to be consulted. … Compare a British subject with an American, French, German or Irish citizen and you will find they elect their head of state and both houses of their own parliaments. We are only allowed to elect one house of our Parliament while the Throne and the Lords are occupied by hereditary right of patronage.” [Sunday Mail (Scotland), 21st April 1996].

But the flame of protest and dissent from centuries past still inspires and burns bright in Britain and across the world.  Repression of the masses is global now led by tyrants at the UN, WEF, WHO and a multitude of unelected global institutions who are not shy in publishing their agenda. The modus operandi is their “Quiet War using Silent Weapons” with the ‘WHO Global Health Treaty’ leading the charge among a multitude of silent attacks.

The 1975 song, ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ by Leon Rosselson, commemorates ‘The Diggers’. His lyrics describe the aims and plight of the resistance movement.  In Rosselson’s words, ‘The Diggers’ were dispossessed through theft and murder but reclaimed what was theirs only to be violently put down yet again.  COVID Non-compliance is now labelled a top domestic ‘Terror Threat’

Whilst business-as-usual prevails in Kapito’s  BlackRock world of privilege and that of major arms, energy, pharmaceuticals, and food companies, whose mega-rich owners continue to rake in massive profits, Kapito and Pill tell ordinary people to get used to poverty and the ‘new normal’ as if we are ‘all in it together’ – billionaires and working class alike. They conveniently use COVID and Climate Change myths as cover for collapsing neoliberalism.

However this is only part of the hegemonic agenda that seeks to ensure the Establishment’s world-view is the accepted cultural norm. Anyone who challenges this world-view – whether it involves, questioning climate alarmism, the ‘new normal’, the nature of the economic crisis, the mainstream COVID narrative, or the official stance on Ukraine and Russia, is regarded as a ‘spreader of misinformation’ and the ‘enemy within’.

Although the term ‘enemy within’ was popularised by Margaret Thatcher during the miners’ strike in 1984-85 to describe the striking miners, it is a notion with which Britain’s rulers have regarded protest movements and uprisings down the centuries. From the Peasants’ Revolt in 1381 to the Levellers and Diggers in the 17th century, it is a concept associated with anyone or any group that challenges the existing social order and the interests of the ruling class.

John Ball, a radical priest, addressed the ‘Peasants Revolt’ rebels with the following words, “Good friends, matters cannot go well in England until all things be held in common; when there shall be neither vassals nor lords; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves.”  The revolt was viciously suppressed. John Ball was captured, hung, drawn and quartered; this is all part of the blood-soaked history of the British ruling class.

Later on, the 17th-century Diggers movement wanted to create small, egalitarian rural communities and farm on common land that had been privatised by enclosures.  Little surprise then that, in the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher used the state machinery to defeat the country’s most powerful trade union and the shock troops of the labour movement, the National Union of Mineworkers – ‘the enemy within’. She needed to do this to open the gates for capital to profit from the subsequent de-industrialisation of much of the UK and the dismantling of large parts of the welfare state.

Britain has now become a declining, hollowed-out, debt-soaked economy with the destruction of the social fabric of entire communities becoming victims of the ‘Great Financial Ponzi Scheme’.  It is the ‘miracle’ of deregulated finance (“financialisation”) which teeters on the brink of collapse, leading to the likes of the WEF & UN readying the public to become much poorer – own nothing and be happy.

Yet we now have a globalist cabal of evil actors invoking their decades-long plan to create a New World Order.  Here, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger speaks during a BOMBSHELL interview.  For courageously speaking out since the beginning of the outbreak of this criminal scamdemic, Dr. Stuckelberger has been a beacon for truth. In response, the University of Geneva cut off all her courses and deprived her of her faculty position.

She is also otherwise threatened and coerced, often censored – to no avail: Astrid keeps speaking out, to spread the truth as far and widely as possible – so that people eventually may wake up – stand up – and stop obeying. To not obey is everyone’s right.

Neither the UN nor the WHO statement mentions the number of world leaders or heads of state, who approved the crucial WHO documents, the severely revised (more than 90 points of revision) International Health Regulations (IHR), including the Pandemic Treaty – which is actually no longer a treaty, as it is planned to ram it through during the next World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2024 – making the new IHR effective without a vote.

And now, in 2023, the latest version of the ‘enemy within’ disseminates ‘misinformation’ – anything that challenges the official state-corporate narrative. So, this time, one goal is to have a fully controlled (censored) internet.  The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) recently awarded ‘Accrete’ a contract for ‘Argus’ software to detect disinformation threats from social media. ‘Argus’ is AI software that analyses social media data to predict emergent narratives and generate intelligence reports at a speed and scale to help neutralise viral ‘disinformation’ threats.  Sources:



GEOPOLITICAL ACTIONS always follow the money and there’s more money in drugs than oil except the profits are hidden in murky cartels enabled by CIA, BIS, global banks and mega-corporations.  The ruling elite believe that keeping the masses high on drugs will offer some safety for them as they panic about the masses revolting when economies fail.  Economies have grown for 200 years fuelled by virtually free energy which is now coming to an end.

Professor Richard Werner explains why the global financial system is failing and reveals at the end of his commentary when it will fail.  This is a Whistle-Stop Tour of Modern Banking – IMHO worth every second of the 27-minute discussion involving the 2020 Soviet-model lockdowns, CBDCs, importance of cash, and why crypto-currencies were introduced in the first place.  In short, we have a failure of the Western Financial System which the ruling elites believe can be rescued by AI and Digital Everything but their fears can never be assuaged by amassing obscene quantities of the fantasy lucre.

I understand their fears because I have seen it first-hand during my career.  A multimillionaire once replied to my question, “when is enough, enough?” He told me that it’s never enough as he beavered manically 24/7, ruining his family life, his health, and his state of mind. This is what drives many of these ‘elites’ and to counter their fearful inner discomfort they will use drugs and destroy anything and anybody that gets in their way.

Imagine, if you will, the terror of being on a burning building with no escape.  This is how these elites feel inside all the time and thus, not only will they never find the love they seek in their sad lives, but they will also ruin it for the rest of us.  Of course, in the end, it’s the US/UK corrupt system that’s causing much of this distress and the fix is to change the system – “Build Back Better anyone?”

This is no better illustrated than James Corbett’s example when he writes, “The Afghan poppy war is one that can be read in the annals of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), one of the many bureaucratic arms of the UN’s globalist octopus. Tasked with helping make the world safer from drugs, organized crime, corruption and terrorism” (which apparently involves, “supporting Member States in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” for some unexplained reason).

The UNODC has diligently documented the ups and downs of the Afghan poppy crop and its contribution to the illicit opium market in recent decades. They publish the results of this research in the form of an annual “Afghanistan Opium Survey,” which tells the story in plain numbers.

Corbett’s report is well worth reading in full HERE because it is a classic example of how the ‘Empire of Lies’ twists the facts to come to the following conclusion, “this ‘problem’ will not be ‘solved’ as long as the Taliban are in power. If only someone could come along, depose the Taliban, and get the drugs flowing again…” as published by the “United States Institute of Peace,” a made-up, feel-good institution.




REFERENCE – My Books: “The Financial Jigsaw” Parts 1 & 2 Scroll:   including regular updates.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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October 7, 2023 9:09 am

You are very relaxed , now repeat after me. There is no geo-engineering, only ‘ climate-change ‘

Why Is There Still A Media Blackout In Lahaina, Hawaii?

Why Is There Still A Media Blackout In Lahaina, Hawaii?

October 7, 2023 10:01 am

Oh no not another chem trail debate. It has taken the place of the did we go to the moon debate.
Destruction of the traditional family unit is another contributor to the decline of the US. Government destroyed black families and is now hard at work on white families. Yes, we are going the same way as the Roman Empire. There is nothing new under the sun. History repeats but does it rhyme?

October 7, 2023 10:19 pm

The fact is, Russia has made the necessary preparations for its citizens to survive a limited nuclear war. Every major city has huge underground facilities that have double purpose as fallout shelters.
The US and Europe only make preparations for the most senior government officials. So as the rest of us are incinerated, we can take solace in the knowledge that the most despicable among us have taken care of themselves.