SOLAR & LUNAR ECLIPSES: Why it’s important NEVER to watch them!

Via State of the Nation

Why it’s important NEVER to watch them!

Comment submitted by Stargazer

It’s no coincidence or quirk of fate that Israel and Gaza blew up just 7 days before today’s solar eclipse.  As a matter of scientific fact, this eclipse will be followed by a lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28.

The critical point, which enlightened eclipse watchers the world over are well aware of, is that it is the interval of time between the eclipses that is the most volatile and surprising and potentially calamitous.  Which means that the remainder of this month will be full of October Surprises.  Keep your eyes on Israel and the Middle East.

However, the really crucial point here is that it’s best NOT to view these eclipses take place in real time.  Doing so is considered inauspicious by the ancients, the sages of yesteryear and the wisest astrologers among us.  They know the adverse effects which can, and do occur, in the wake of viewing any eclipse of one of the two major luminaries in our sky.

You’ve been forewarned.  And don’t forget what happened to the USA after the “Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017”.  First you saw the Covid Plandemic wreck and ruin the nation in 2020 before the worst POTUS in history was criminally installed by his malevolent masters in 2021.

KEY POINT #1: Notice how today’s eclipse cuts right thorough the western half of the United States (in the diagram posted above), and especially how it will traverse the great state of Texas at 100% occlusion. See: TEXASQUAKE: Unparalleled political maelstrom leaves Lone Star state government in turmoil as calls intensify for the treacherous RINO Speaker to resign after false prosecution of AG Paxton

KEY POINT #2: Donald Trump was born during a lunar eclipse on June 14, 1946, which explains a LOT about his behavior and how he relates to his world.  He also made the egregious mistake of staring at the “Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017” while he was POTUS.  Of course, things were very bad before that eclipse, but they got a LOT worse during his presidency afterwards, as they continue for him today.

President Trump watched the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 without the proper viewing glasses.


N.B. Now see what the Health Coach has to say about NOT watching eclipses.  (FYI, today’s solar eclipse begins at 11:44 AM ET.)

Be Prepared for the Upcoming
Solar & Lunar Eclipses
During October, 2023 

The Health Coach

If you place no faith in astrology, you may not want to keep reading. However, if you’ve ever heard of “Saturn Return” or “Mercury in Retrograde” or “Pluto in Capricorn”, then you just might want to keep on reading.

Regardless of your understanding of astrology and how accurate it can be, we offer the following health blog so that you will get a sense of how seriously we take threats to health and wellness. This earlier coaching session delineates the reasons why one should never watch an eclipse, either solar or lunar, total or partial:  Lunar Eclipse: Why To Avoid Looking At It

For those who are true believers in this subject, please continue to read this piece very carefully. It just may save you from unnecessary pain and suffering.

Eclipses, both solar and lunar, are considered inauspicious events (i.e. unfavorable) throughout the field of astrology. Whether it is the sun’s rays that are being blocked as perceived from the earth, or the moon-rays that are being obstructed, a similar celestial phenomenon is occurring. In both cases the light from a major luminary in our sky is being temporarily cut off completely or partially obscured.

The Sun and the Moon are the most important luminaries in the heavens where it concerns the affairs of humanity. Who would dispute that? Therefore, when the light of either of these two heavenly bodies is prevented from reaching the Earth, something very dramatic is really happening … astrologically speaking, that is.

Within Western Civilization this type of knowledge is considered quite esoteric, but throughout the East it is known that one never indulges an eclipse with indiscriminate viewing. It’s just not done among those who know the truth of these things. It’s even understood that such unenlightened behavior can precipitate the most unfortunate and unwanted karma to sprout. Bearing in mind of course that whatever is meant to happen will surely happen.

What is it exactly that makes watching an eclipse so inauspicious? That’s a very good question that requires a thorough explanation, which is way beyond the scope of this session. In the meantime here’s a little perspective (read: crucial) which will allay your fears and address some concerns: Eclipses

“As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This can happen only during a new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial and annular eclipses only part of the Sun is obscured.”

“A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle.”

Therefore, it’s important to check out times of the upcoming solar and lunar eclipses set to occur on Oct. 14 and Oct. 28, respectively, so that you’re not staring at the obstructed sun or moon. As we have indicated, it’s NOT a good idea. Eclipse energy is quite notorious for creating circumstances here on earth that are conducive for things to go wrong.

As a matter of fact, in some ancient spiritual traditions the three days prior and three days after the day of an eclipse — both solar and lunar — are also viewed with cautious respect and appropriate conduct. For instance, within some religions it is considered quite unfavorable to begin any new venture or to inaugurate a project during the entire five day period surrounding the eclipse.

Likewise, it is always recommended that unnecessary travel be kept to a minimum. Certainly beginning long journeys, flying to a vacation destination or taking treks up the mountainside would be discouraged during this period.

Personal Testimony:

The Health Coach once worked for a healthcare consulting company in Atlanta, GA. On the day of an extraordinarily dramatic, mid-afternoon solar eclipse there was a lot of buzz around the office.  Everyone eventually agreed to congregate at the best vantage point to view the full solar eclipse.

The Health Coach weighed in on the matter with those who asked why he had no interest in watching such an “awesome” event. As they pressed him, he shared his Vedic knowledge concerning such celestial events. Of course, they all laughed and made fun of such ‘nonsense’. One associate, “the ringleader”, was particularly dismissive as he rallied his impressionable co-workers to go outside asap to watch the entire solar drama unfold from the best location they could find. And that they did … against any and all advice from The Health Coach.

As fate would have it, they all came back to the office afterwards wowed and drunk with the delight of just having witnessed a rather impressive full solar eclipse. Within seconds of sitting down at his desk, the aforementioned “ringleader” was summoned to the office of the President, whereupon he was summarily fired from his job and told to clean out his desk immediately, which he did.  He was then quickly ushered from the building, never to be heard from again.

Anecdote from the East:

Throughout many of the spiritual communities of the Orient, this particular astrological phenomenon is quite well known and understood and respected. Once upon a time a spiritual master encouraged his students to sit quietly throughout the entire period of the eclipse. He guided them into meditation – a practice which is always suggested during an eclipse. Others he led into a group prayer for hours on end. Still others were encouraged to sing special hymns much like the Gregorian chants, which might propitiate the spiritual forces which are capable of mitigating the effects of this inauspicious adumbration of the Sun. This, he did from the very beginning to the very end of the day, but particularly throughout the entire period of the eclipse.

At the end of the day, one of the students was brought before the teacher. An inquiry was made as to her whereabouts during the day’s many spiritual practices conducted in the interest of alleviating the effects of the eclipse. The response from the student did not please the teacher. She explained that she spent time with her friends watching the awesome display of the sun’s eclipse.

The teacher immediately displayed signs of displeasure with the student’s behavior. The teacher explained in painful detail what happens to those who watch eclipses and do not perform spiritual practices during the most consequential period. This discussion ended with the teacher giving a gentle command to the unwitting student: that she must change her clothes immediately and burn those she was wearing when watching the eclipse. For they possessed the negative energies associated with the eclipse and needed to be shorn from her body. The student followed through with complete obedience and belief about the latent repercussions which will eventually manifest for one who watches an eclipse.

Qualifications from The Health Coach:

Everyone has to go about and live their lives and do their work during solar and lunar eclipses. Many may not have the luxury of performing special prayers as such. However, who cannot pray in place wherever you happen to be, unless you happen to be a telemarketer.

The point is that, while it is not a good idea to unnecessarily expose yourself to an eclipse, if you have no choice you can repeat a mantra, whatever form that may take. You can pray for world peace; ask the Almighty for serenity or become the peace that you want to see in the world.

If you have the choice, it is highly suggested that you engage in conduct that does not make you vulnerable to unforeseen happenings. That’s why it is really very good to sequester yourself during the period of maximum eclipse and go inside to the extent that you’re able to. Truly, spiritual practices of any kind are particularly powerful during this period of ramped up celestial energies.

By all means, there is absolutely no need to fret or worry. Eclipses have come and gone from time immemorial, as they will continue to for the lifetime of our solar system. We have weathered all of them well in the past; now we can look to respond to them more appropriately in the future, yes?

For those who still doubt, we advise that you do not tempt fate. Destiny is such that for those who have HEARD THE TRUTH, willfully turning away from that truth will always bring down from the heavens a hard lesson.  Hey, no one ever said the best lessons learned (you know, really learned) aren’t learned in the schoolhouse of hard knocks. Just make sure you’re ready to take a two-by-four upside the head, because that is often how it will manifest.

For the true believers, seek out further guidance and answers from your scriptures or holy books. It’s all there, just need to go and fish around. Seek and ye shall find the answers!

Positive Side of Eclipses:
Like all things in God’s Creation, when utilized appropriately an eclipse can serve as a great junction point in which to release negative energy on any level of your being. They do present a unique astrological opportunity for the entire planet to move to a higher level.

By transforming the energies with positive intention and sincere feelings, an eclipse can move an individual or group into a more liberated state of being. Were an entire nation to respect the powerful transformations which can occur, they might set about the process of “beating their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.”

What we’re trying to say here is that if you use this time with right purpose and genuine respect, it can produce quite positive results for you, your family, your community.
Remember, God often writes straight with crooked lines.

Guidance from a Vedic Astrologer (aka a Jyotish practitioner):

“While the eclipse is going on, it is best to stay inside with the curtains pulled and be in a meditative, contemplative state occupying ourselves with meditation or chanting of mantras. It is best not to go out and be exposed to the shadow of the eclipse or the rays of the Sun as it is being eclipsed. Exposure means we are increasing vulnerability and risk. Children born at this time will have difficult births and challenges in life in general.

It is not safe too look at this eclipse with the naked eye and, from the Jyotish perspective, it is not safe to expose one’s self to it. Be inside meditating or chanting while it is going on.

As with all eclipses, is best to be careful and not to undertake any serious risks while this is going on. It will not be visible to most of us so the risks are minimized but the vibrational effect will still be there and affecting us in an adverse way.”

In closing:
If you plan on taking this eclipse matter seriously, we offer the following practical suggestion. Because the solar energy during an eclipse is substantially diminished, so will the digestive fire be burning less intensely. Therefore, it is often recommended that people eat very lightly, if at all, throughout the duration of an eclipse. For laborers, appropriate discretion is advised.

May you enjoy great health,
The Health Coach

During these frenzied times on Planet Earth we do recommend that you always put the odds in your favor to always maintain and optimize your health and wellness physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore, being aware of the context in which you live is always helpful. The following coaching session offers some perspective as to why anyone might want to take special care during these times of inordinate duress and/or unfavorable circumstances. Endtime Madness: A Condition To Be ‘Reckoned’ With

Excellent Reference:
For those who want to go a little deeper into this matter, the following video is quite instructive and edifying. This video description is shown as follows:

“The Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st 2017 is like no other. It only appears coast to coast across America and is reinforced by an unusual collection of powerful malefic planetary alignments. It portends for the USA the worst karmic potential for many decades of any solar eclipse. Watch this discussion on how a summarized Vedic astrological analysis indicates America is about to have a very negative event shortly afterwards. This video has been made with the sole intention not to scare but to urgently encourage individuals to thoroughly prepare for self sufficiency, should the grid go down or some other extreme shift occur to our lifestyle.”


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Captain Save A Hoe
Captain Save A Hoe
October 14, 2023 1:24 pm

Crack is a hell of a drug

October 14, 2023 1:25 pm

I love reading this guy’s stuff. It’ like L. Ron Hubbard came back from the dead as a conspiracy nut.

October 14, 2023 1:41 pm


October 14, 2023 8:42 pm

L. Ron Hubbard wrote some pretty interesting stuff, fiction wise. Battlefield Earth is epic, and to a lessor extinct so is the Mission Earth series.

October 15, 2023 9:31 am

Battlefield Earth IS an epic.

October 14, 2023 1:31 pm

It’s pretty neat, and the outdoors seem to be lit by light bulbs rather than the sun, and the light also has no heat.

October 14, 2023 1:35 pm

Drove over 9 hrs each way 7 years ago for two minutes of totality. Have an RV rental reserved and can’t wait to do it again. 4 minutes this time.

October 15, 2023 1:08 am

In ’17 we were standing at the top of a ridge where a wide gully ran up to. As the light waned the temperature seemed to drop about 10 degrees and the still air was overcome by a moderate breeze. Most obvious in the animal kingdom were the birds, who seemed confused, as would make sense. Too bad it was over so quickly.

October 15, 2023 1:57 pm

When I was a kid my mom hung blankets over all the windows so us kids couldn’t look at the solar eclipse and wouldn’t go blind. My parents were paranoid about stuff like that

October 14, 2023 1:39 pm

One of the best parties I was ever involved with was a middle of the night eclipse in Seward Alaska in September 1979 just after I turned 21. A roaring fire, lots of beer, and fun loving people from all over the country were the highlights, and everyone lived to talk about it.

October 16, 2023 5:54 am

“A roaring fire, lots of beer, and fun loving people from all over the country were the highlights,”
Sounds like every weekend when I was in High School.
Pretty boring little town other than that.

October 14, 2023 2:29 pm

Monte Alban, 1970. Hung around and looked directly at Comet Bennet. With that much ill omen it’s a wonder I’m still here.

October 14, 2023 2:47 pm

This level of crazy is quite impressive!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 14, 2023 2:49 pm

What a bunch of BS. One of the best nights of my life was spent on the deck of a sailboat in the Bahamas watching a lunar eclipse while eating popcorn and drinking rum punch, following an evening of drinking and dancing at the Compleat Angler.

I also traveled 3 hours up to BL’s state to observe the total solar eclipse in ’17 and marveled at how magnificent God’s creation could be. In April, I plan on travelling up into AR to observe the next solar eclipse.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2023 3:00 pm

Sounds good to me. One for each Hindu god (there are a million of them)

  Mary Christine
October 14, 2023 9:16 pm

How about all of them? One would hardly have an impact.

October 14, 2023 3:00 pm

The moon is fake and gay.

October 14, 2023 8:28 pm

Please don’t shatter my child hood. Mr Squiggle was the man from the moon he could draw a picture with his pencil nose out of a few already placed squiggles sent in by children. Every episode he would rocket in and at the end of the episode the spunky assistant would place him back in the rocket strings and all and he would zoom back to the moon waving away. He was not gay and he was not fake hevwas a man’s man and if you say that again you’ll visiting the man on moon on your way to God. Hehe

October 14, 2023 9:17 pm

Indeed. comment image

And only our supposed landing on the moon was fake.

October 14, 2023 3:21 pm

I think of that eclipse all the time. The temp dropped fifteen degrees and stayed down the rest of the day.

King James
King James
October 14, 2023 4:25 pm

Luke 21:25;

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations

  King James
October 14, 2023 10:52 pm

Eclipses only occur when God is gonna do something. Like make an eclipse.

October 14, 2023 4:32 pm

If you place no faith in astrology, you may not want to keep reading.

Fartgazer’s IQ ranks right down there with every other ASSHOLE’S belief in ASS-trology

October 14, 2023 10:57 pm

If the driving motive force of our solar system is a spinning birkeland current, then planetary alignments at several angles would have an electromagnetic effect on earth.

Also, when the earth goes through the tail of venus, some atmosphere may still be ending up in earth atmosphere.

The Astrology stuff is just so Christians will not study the interralationshop between various planetary angular alignments and messurable effects on earth.

October 14, 2023 4:33 pm

Was this a serious article??? I did not pick up on the , or am I just being thick??? People really believe this crap?

Perhaps her buddy was banging the bosses wife or side piece, coincidence?

This one snuck up on me, but I don’t do television or antisocial media so not surprising. Noticed the light was getting ‘weird’, kinda orangish, glanced out my LR window, saw chemtrails in a tic tac toe pattern. Figured it was the next scamdemic incoming.

I was bigly disappointed, I was rootin for a giant meteor!

WTF exactly is a ‘life coach’? I’m 63 and never had one, yet, I think I’ll be okay. Lol.

Here, some nice music to go blind to;

Peace, L.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
October 14, 2023 7:07 pm

Within Western Civilization this type of knowledge is considered quite esoteric

OK then…

October 14, 2023 8:03 pm

Yeah, I’m taking the eclipse seriously. Such things demonstrate the incredible majesty of God and He made the moon the right size and right distance (at perigee) to put on a glorious show. It points to the world being created by design and not random chance. I’ll be taking my grandsons to see it and reminding them that the heavens declare the glory of God.

My last eclipse was nothing less than an experience of worship. Not worshiping the moon, of course, but the one who designed it and laid out its orbit.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 14, 2023 10:36 pm

Great comment!

I can’t hardly even look up into the heavens without seeing Grace!

Flat or sphere….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum

October 14, 2023 8:20 pm

A man isn’t an ocean. When the moon travels around the earth it slightly goes in and slightly goes out by about 80mile. This action creates waves which are ripples. Tides, wind, depressions, highs all shape the wave. No one can prove beyond reasonable doubt that although you have a lot of water in you the moon action affects you. However statistics in the west gathered by police show that on a Friday night full moon more fights in pubs happen than any other time.

October 14, 2023 8:42 pm

This article is absolute urological proof!

October 14, 2023 9:35 pm

The harbinger of bad things to come, okay. Only I don’t need an eclipse to clue me into this matrix we all seem to live in and the break down of the illusion its projecting.

October 14, 2023 10:50 pm

When certain planets align at right angles….watch out for energy surges.

October 15, 2023 12:12 pm

October surprise? Nothing surprises me anymore.