HUGE April 8th Solar Eclipse Omen Revisited

Via State of the Nation


Submitted by Cosmic Convergence Research Group

According to some scientific systems of astrology, a total solar eclipse is quite predictable in one way in particular.

They take place as a foreshadowing of profound revelations about things which have been previously unknown or kept secret, traditionally mysterious or deliberately obfuscated.

These revelations, disclosures and/or uncoverings can occur on both the macrocosmic or microcosmic levels.  Similarly, they can unfold for the individual (or family or community), as well as for the many larger collectives (city, state, nation or world).

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On Perspective and Prerogatives…

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In 1978, a 22-year-old man began teaching earth science at a school in Rochester, New York.  At that time, he told his ninth-grade students about a solar eclipse that would occur on April 8, 2024 and he invited his students to attend an “eclipse party” that he would be hosting 46 years in the future.

On the Monday of the eclipse, or four days ago as of this writing, approximately 100 former students gathered at the home of their now 68-year-old former teacher.  Here is a link to the news article.

Four days prior to the eclipse (on 4/4/2024), four planets in our solar system aligned on the same side of the sun as Earth: Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune.  The next day a 4.8-magnitude earthquake was felt in New Jersey, New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia.

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Dorks Of Nation Helpfully Identify Themselves By Wearing Solar Eclipse Glasses

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S. — Dorks across the nation have begun helpfully identifying themselves for the general populace by all wearing solar eclipse glasses.

“Oh, look honey, another huge dork,” said local man Ben Williamson to his wife as they spotted another man with eclipse glasses. “Gosh, I had no idea there were so many giant dorks in this country!”

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Embracing Realism with an Attitude of Pessimism and a Foreboding Sense of Fatalism

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


We perceive our civic challenge as some vast, insoluble Rubik’s Cube. Behind each problem lies another problem that must be solved first, and behind that lies yet another, and another, ad infinitum. To fix crime we have to fix the family, but before we do that we have to fix welfare, and that means fixing our budget, and that means fixing our civic spirit, but we can’t do that without fixing moral standards, and that means fixing schools and churches, and that means fixing the inner cities, and that’s impossible unless we fix crime. There’s no fulcrum on which to rest a policy lever. People of all ages sense that something huge will have to sweep across America before the gloom can be lifted – but that’s an awareness we suppress. As a nation, we’re in deep denial.

– Straus and Howe (1997):  “The Fourth Turning”, FIRST EDITION page 2


The books Generations (1992) and The Fourth Turning (1997) by historians William Strauss and Neil Howe identified and categorized recorded cycles of history across multiple cultures and eras.  Both books analyzed the timelines of historical events and correlated them to specific life cycles identified as generational “types”.   Strauss and Howe addressed the concept of time in the context of both circular and linear perspectives.  In so doing, they described the “saeculum” as a “long human life” measuring approximately 80 to 90 years and comprised of four turnings, each lasting around 20 to 22 years.

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SOLAR & LUNAR ECLIPSES: Why it’s important NEVER to watch them!

Via State of the Nation

Why it’s important NEVER to watch them!

Comment submitted by Stargazer

It’s no coincidence or quirk of fate that Israel and Gaza blew up just 7 days before today’s solar eclipse.  As a matter of scientific fact, this eclipse will be followed by a lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28.

The critical point, which enlightened eclipse watchers the world over are well aware of, is that it is the interval of time between the eclipses that is the most volatile and surprising and potentially calamitous.  Which means that the remainder of this month will be full of October Surprises.  Keep your eyes on Israel and the Middle East.

However, the really crucial point here is that it’s best NOT to view these eclipses take place in real time.  Doing so is considered inauspicious by the ancients, the sages of yesteryear and the wisest astrologers among us.  They know the adverse effects which can, and do occur, in the wake of viewing any eclipse of one of the two major luminaries in our sky.

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Crossing the Line: Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

On August 21, 2017 the narrow line of a solar eclipse’s shadow cut a path of totality right through the middle of the United States, dividing north from south.  If one believed in signs from the heavens they could make a pretty good case of an astronomical pairing to recent headlines depicting America as broken in two.  Of course the division began long ago, perhaps from the time of our nation’s earliest constitutional convention, through the Civil War era, and onward into modernity as the country has once again become mired in a civil war; this time the fight raging between the globalists and those striving to maintain constitutional national sovereignty. Obviously, before the utopian one-worlders can realize their ultimate new economic, political, and possibly spiritual, order, the atavistic and anachronistic United States must fall.  It is a fight unto death.  The winners take all.

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