A Pro-Liberty Speaker

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson has been chosen as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, ending the three-week drama. Representative Johnson has a reputation as a fiscal and social conservative. He has at times opposed funding the Ukraine war, suggesting he may be open to non-interventionist arguments or at least unwilling to give the military-industrial complex a blank check. However, he also supports giving Israel “whatever it needs” to defeat Hamas.

Speaker Johnson has suggested that another short-term continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown may be necessary to ensure the House is not pressured into passing an omnibus spending bill at the end of the year. He has said he wants to pass individual spending bills through the House. This could help restrain spending.

However, Speaker Johnson should not trade away the leverage a potential shutdown gives fiscal conservatives. A Speaker who is truly committed to individual liberty and who understands the urgent need to cut government spending would be willing to shut down the government if that is what it takes to get Congress to make real spending cuts. This hypothetical pro-liberty Speaker would refuse to bring any bill increasing any spending in any area to the House floor unless it offsets the spending increases with equal or greater spending cuts.

A pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal unconstitutional federal programs, agencies, and departments. Instead of replacing Obamacare with Obamacare Light, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal all federal intervention in healthcare and restore patient control via tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Instead of No Child Left Behind 2.0, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to shut down the unconstitutional Department of Education.

A pro-liberty Speaker would form coalitions with antiwar progressives to defund all unconstitutional military operations, bring the troops home, dramatically cut spending on militarism, and forbid funding for wars not declared by Congress. There could also be a left-right populist coalition formed to end corporate welfare and all other federal regulatory and spending legislation that benefits large financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and other big businesses. The savings from those cuts could be used to support those dependent on government programs while Congress phases out the welfare state. Also, young people should be allowed to opt out of Social Security and Medicare in exchange for a payroll tax exemption.

A pro-liberty Speaker would only bring legislation to the floor of the House that protects liberty and is constitutional. A pro-liberty Speaker would work to protect the entire Bill of Rights. That means no more PATRIOT Acts, drug wars, civil asset forfeiture, airport harassment, or government-sponsored online censorship. Instead of responding to mass shootings with thoughts, prayers, and authoritarianism, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal unconstitutional gun control laws that leave innocent Americans defenseless.

Last, but certainly not least, a pro-liberty Speaker would seek to audit and end the Federal Reserve. He should also seek to protect the people’s right to use alternative currencies such as precious metals and cryptocurrency.

The election of a pro-liberty Speaker of the House will not happen until the liberty movement is able to gain more influence in the political climate. This is why all of us who know the truth must continue to spread the ideas of liberty.

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October 30, 2023 10:42 am

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October 30, 2023 10:57 am

I just hope Mike Johnson hasn’t been sponsored and co-opted by the Zionist cabal that controls our elected officials…apparently supporting Israel is a prime requirement for money and power in D.C.

October 30, 2023 12:04 pm

You can bet on it. Watch.

October 30, 2023 7:39 pm

He has. He’s taken “donations” from all the bad actors!

October 30, 2023 11:10 am

Every member of Congress is guilty of treason, and should be tried and executed.

October 30, 2023 11:12 am

Pro liberty Speaker of the House? We should all live so long.

October 30, 2023 11:20 am

The House – or any .gov house – is, by definition, anti-liberty. Ron Paul himself said live in 20112, after his last run for the Offal Office, that he thought anarchism sounded like a great idea.

October 30, 2023 11:57 am

He spoke out against the Patriot act, but voted for it anyway. A sell out, or just facing the political reality it was going to pass anyway?
Once a politician always a politician.

October 30, 2023 12:44 pm

Hi, Langley.

Yeah, that sounds like Ron: go along to get along. Not.

“Paul broke with his party by voting against the PATRIOT Act in 2001; he also voted against its 2005 enactment. He has spoken against federal use of what he defines as torture and what he sees as an abuse of executive authority during the Iraq War to override Constitutional rights.”

This is why he was derisively known as “Dr. No” in the Parliament of Whores for decades. Go to about 33:00:

Dr. Paul voted “nay” among only sixteen GOP who did.

‘Bye, Langley.

October 30, 2023 7:42 pm

He still spouts the gov’t line on 911. I’ve listened to him for years and any time it comes up I get sooo frustrated because he actually seems to believe in hijackers with boxcutters! SMH

October 30, 2023 11:57 am

Big Mike’s Johnson

October 30, 2023 2:07 pm

There is only one big mike, and ITS last name starts with an “O” (and ryhmes with “Yo Momma)!

October 30, 2023 12:02 pm

Holy smokes! Really?

There’s only ONE reason why Mike Johnson MIRACULOUSLY received all 220 Republican votes on his first ballot for Speaker.

October 30, 2023 1:02 pm

Yeah Tex – really.

It is a shitshow for sure. Want some of my popcorn?

October 30, 2023 3:28 pm

Hold Your Wallets! New Speaker’s Ukraine Aid Views ‘Evolving!’

Here we go again . . .

October 30, 2023 1:00 pm

Let’s see…anyone check the donor list for the new Speaker?? Yes, that’s right – all MIC except for AIPAC.

Interesting that in a single 24 hour period, EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE fell in behind this relatively unknown guy. All the squabbling, back stabbing…everything was simply set aside and by unanimous vote this Louisiana redneck was selected – yes, SELECTED, not elected.

We’ve met this guy before… anyone know his position on vaxx mandates?? Asking for a friend… No voting your way out when all the candidates are feeding on mammon from our hard work.

It’s best to look at our congress as a shitshow in progress. They only know how to spend money we don’t have, but that train is running out of track. Your time is better spent reloading, getting to know your neighbors (do like me – start barbecue going in the front yard, put up a picnic table and wave at folks) and making sure you got your elk or deer put back, etc.

The only way this shitshow goes away is when mammon goes, so we literally have to watch this train run out of track. Take care of family, friends and know your neighbors. REALIZE that MILLIONS of men have crossed into this country looking for FREEBIES, NOT FREEDOMS. They were/are paid by our government as they cross, with pre-loaded debit cards, phones, and tickets to all places here in the US.

It’s gonna be crazy, like Rome was when their government broke the social contract. The Executive and Legislative have broken our contract myriad ways – stop looking to vote your way to something better. Get ready to ride or be ridden… I’m done ranting, but it kinda felt good.

October 30, 2023 3:27 pm

Oh, oh . . .

Hold Your Wallets! New Speaker’s Ukraine Aid Views ‘Evolving!’

October 30, 2023 4:26 pm

I trust no one in our .gov

No one.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
October 30, 2023 8:00 pm

“However, he also supports giving Israel ‘whatever it needs’ to defeat Hamas.” I do not think this man is who Dr. Paul thinks he is. The new Speaker of the House will be a tool of the “Israel first” cabal who own the Congress, the White House, the corporate media and the Western financial system. All US congress critters must pledge fealty to Israel, (http://occupywallst.org/forum/us-lawmakers-forced-to-support-israel-cynthia-mcki/) so please do not expect Rep Johnson to stand up to the Zionists, or work to stop the unsustainable debt spending of the government or the policies of forever wars!