Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

Via The Cradle

Following Us Veto Unga Must Act 4

Israeli culture magazine Mekovit published on 28 October a leaked document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance.

The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border.

The existence of the document does not necessarily indicate that its recommendations are being implemented by Israel’s security establishment.

The Ministry of Intelligence, headed by Gila Gamliel of the Likud party, does not control any of Israel’s intelligence agencies, but independently prepares studies and policy papers, which are distributed for consideration by the government and its security bodies.

However, recent statements by Israeli government officials and actions by the Israeli army in Gaza suggest the plan is indeed being implemented. Since 7 October, Israeli officials have repeatedly issued warnings to Palestinians to move to southern Gaza in advance of a looming ground invasion.

Israel has imposed a total siege on Gaza, cutting off food, water, fuel, and electricity. The siege, combined with intense Israeli bombing that has killed over 8,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, threatens to make Gaza uninhabitable.

An official at the Ministry of Intelligence confirmed that the ten-page document is authentic but “was not supposed to reach the media,” Mekovit noted.

According to a right-wing activist, the document from the Ministry of Intelligence was leaked by a member of Likud. Leaking the document was an attempt to find out whether “the public in Israel is ready to accept ideas of a transfer from Gaza.”

The document unequivocally and explicitly recommends carrying out a transfer of civilians from Gaza as the desired outcome of the war.

The transfer plan is divided into several phases: in the first phase, the population in Gaza must be forced to move to southern Gaza, while Israeli air strikes will focus on targets in northern Gaza.

In the second phase, the Israeli army’s ground entry into Gaza will begin, which will lead to the occupation of the entire strip, from north to south, and the “cleansing of the underground bunkers from Hamas fighters.”

At the same time as the Gaza Strip is occupied, the citizens of Gaza will move to Egyptian territory and will be prevented from returning permanently.

“It is important to leave the traffic lanes towards the south usable, to allow the evacuation of the civilian population towards Rafah,” the document states.

The document recommends beginning a dedicated campaign that will “motivate” Gazans “to agree to the plan,” and make them give up their land.

Gazan should be convinced that “Allah made sure that you lost this land because of the leadership of Hamas – there is no choice but to move to another place with the help of Your Muslim brothers,” the document reads.

Further, the plan states the government must launch a public relations campaign that will promote the transfer program to western states in a way that does not promote hostility to Israel or damage its reputation. The deportation of the population from Gaza must be presented as a necessary humanitarian measure to receive international support. Such a deportation could be justified if it will lead to “fewer casualties among the civilian population compared to the expected number of casualties if they remain,” the document says.

The document also states that the US should be leveraged to pressure Egypt to take in the residents of Gaza, and to encourage other European countries, and in particular Greece, Spain and Canada, to help take in and settle the refugees who will be evacuated from Gaza.

Finally, the document claims that if the population of Gaza remains, there will be “many Arab deaths” during the expected occupation of Gaza by the Israeli army, and this will damage Israel’s international image even more than the deportation of the population. For all these reasons, the recommendation of the Ministry of Intelligence is to promote the transfer of all Palestinians in Gaza to Sinai permanently.

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October 30, 2023 11:08 am

Israel is flirting with its own destruction. By allowing it’s actions to be dictated by its hate and racism, Israel is inducing hatred for itself worldwide. The human rights crimes and attempted genocide it is committing in Gaza are uniting not only the Islamic world, but is also creating anti Jewish sentiment in Europe, and the Southern Hemisphere.
Israel mistakenly believes that they are operating from a position of safety because of the backing of the United States. The United States is not the world power it was a few decades ago. In addition, warfare has changed, and the power projection that used to exist from aircraft carriers and jet aircraft has been offset by anti aircraft missiles and anti ship missiles that can neutralize those assets at relatively low costs.
In the event that Israel angers the Islamic world to the point where they are drawn into this conflict, the US is not in position to protect Israel.
The US, is at this point in time, is a great military power, but it is not the worlds only great military power, and it is severely lagging in both technical development and production capacity.
We also have serious issues with self delusion. The Neocons in Washington actually believed their own bullshit before starting the Ukraine war. They believed their own propaganda about the superiority of their weapons and tactics and that they would absolutely not only defeat Russia, but do so easily. The reality is now they are decisively losing in Ukraine and there is nothing they can do to prevent the loss of the war to Russia.
If Israel starts a war with the Islamic world, you will have exactly the same situation, with the US powerless to defend Israel regardless of what it tries to do because it has neither the technology or the manpower to defeat the forces that are now combining against it.

anon a moos
anon a moos
October 30, 2023 11:29 am

usausa/israel are siamese twins. both take a bath together

  anon a moos
October 30, 2023 11:43 am

And drown together:


October 30, 2023 11:10 am

Soros, WEF, & Co. are doing the same to America.

October 30, 2023 11:11 am

From a helo with a megaphone……
This land is my land
This land is my land
From the Jordan River
To the sea….eeee…..eeee
From the Sinai peninsula
To A seeer …..eeee….yuhhhh….
This land was made for me
Fuck you…….
And the world is ok with all this??????

October 30, 2023 11:37 am

So far, Iran and Turkey have talked tough, but done nothing, as 8,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed by jew airstrikes.

October 31, 2023 10:54 am

What you are seeing is a pressure cooker. If it explodes, it will be a shit show on a scale you never want to see. What Israel has done, is to start a coalition of cooperation of Middle Easter States that will eventually be what ends Israel, and ensures its destruction.
The rulers in the Middle East do not want war, because they personally have much to lose, but all rulers exist at the permission of the people they rule, and must do what is demanded of them. Rulers who do not respond to the demands of the people are replace by those who will.
The so called western world is in decline, and Israel has bet its existence on the ability of the western world to protect it.
Asia and the Middle east see themselves as the dominant powers of the future, and they will be cautious not to do anything to threaten that. What Israel is doing is making it a piranha to the rest of the world, and fostering hate towards itself.
The more war crimes and human rights violations it commit’s, the more the hatred of Israel grows. Israel is doing to itself, what the Islamic countries could never do.
It is tragic that the lives of Palestinian children are being sacrificed by the thousands, but the rulers of the countries of Islam understand that when your enemy is making a huge mistake allowing them to continue can be more advantageous than attempting to stop them.

October 31, 2023 11:01 am

You mean pariah, not piranha.

Commits, not commit’s.

November 1, 2023 12:12 am

There is nothing more anal than the spelling police….

October 30, 2023 12:08 pm

This is where German expertise could be helpful to Israel.

October 30, 2023 2:06 pm

It’s almost as this has happened before somewhere; around 1944 I thnk??

Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
October 30, 2023 12:40 pm

There is an awesome book on the “Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” by an Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe.
You’ll never look at the Israeli/Palestinian issue the same again:

  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
October 30, 2023 1:03 pm

I am sure those lucrative fuel deposits off the coast of Gaza have nothing to do with this.

October 30, 2023 2:13 pm

I would be willing to wager it’s more of a demographics problem. Look at all the protests already in the west. It was now or never.

October 30, 2023 3:25 pm

Teenagers are awake. They despise Israel.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 30, 2023 8:01 pm

Egypt might have a thing or two to say about this plan because they do not want the Palestinian people, either.

October 31, 2023 2:24 pm

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

Hillary “like, clean it with a cloth?”