Timeline for World War III, US Debt Default

What is the potential timeline for a World War III and US debt default? That’s what we’re going to discuss today with Martin Armstrong, the well-known international forecaster, market strategist, and author of numerous books, including the Cycles of War published in 2020 where Martin forecasted the beginning of a new war cycle beginning in 2022 that would likely escalate to an all our international war by 2026. Today, we get an update from Martin on his outlook, how this relates to a potential debt default by the US, and much, much more.

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May 27, 2024 8:45 am

I can’t get enough of Armstrong’s predictions

Russia to Test Missile off the Coast of California

May 27, 2024 9:21 am

A serious question for the TBP crowd.

What is your honest take on Martin Armstrong? Is he as smart and as predictive as one might want to believe? Does he have a good track record? Should we pay much attention to what he has to say or, not?

What say you?

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
May 27, 2024 9:50 am

I don’t know ,Its OK , I’m sitting here listening as I type and he’s pretty much preaching to the choir what we all pretty much already know . He uses computers to reach his conclusions if you are in to that sort of thing , I really don’t understand where that would be necessary myself but hey . He’s OK , there is nothing particularly new about any of what he is saying .
Once the printing presses went on autopilot / overdrive at the treasury ( literally or virtually/ physically or digitally )pumping out debased fiat , we we’re always going to end up pretty much where we are . The cookie jar is now full of nothing but useless IOU’s but meanwhile the cookie monsters appetite for cookies has become insatiable . They’re gonna run this bitch into the ground and that will be the only thing that stops this ride to crazy town ( the junky hits rock bottom ). whaddaya gonna do about it ?Plan accordingly .

May 27, 2024 9:52 am

If you look at his resume on the internet not exactly a stellar one, 11 years in prison for fraud. Maybe a grain of salt.

May 27, 2024 12:25 pm

A badge of honor.
Where is Julian Assange? Reiner Fuellmich?

May 27, 2024 1:20 pm

Anon. You are an idiot. Martin was persecuted with no valid charges, and he proved his innocence. He has written extensively about it.

May 27, 2024 3:30 pm

TPTB wanted his model because they know it works. He wouldn’t give it to them so wala to prison you go!

May 27, 2024 4:39 pm

He was not convicted.
He was in contempt.

May 27, 2024 5:52 pm

If you look at his resume on the internet not exactly a stellar one, 11 years in prison for fraud.”

Thanks for telling us that you use Wikipedia without telling us you use Wikipedia.

May 27, 2024 6:05 pm

I went to the oct 2019 WEC in Orlando. As he was going through different forecasts for 2020 (global stocks, metals, $ index, etc.) and he also went on an on on the reverse repo rates spiking.

He came to the 2020 unemployment forecast and his tone changed. He says he reran the forecast several times and still couldn’t believe the numbers, but every time I doubt the forecasts, they are proven correct.

The next slide had a forecast of 25% unemployment by May 2020. He sheepishly explained that it took 2 years during the great depression for unemployment to reach 25%, and he couldn’t imagine what could trigger such a rapid collapse in employment.

When Trump came out with the emergency decree / lockdowns in Mar of 2020, I thought, is this the trigger for the 25% rate?

I can only come to two probable answers.

  1. His computer actually works. OR
  2. He is part of the club, and was forewarned.
May 27, 2024 11:23 am

He seems an arrogant ass, but has a decent record. Has known that PMs are the only refuge but enjoyed denigrating goldbugs for years. He obviously disputes his fraud conviction, blaming his bank for stealing the money. Has a dedicated detractor on ZH that is sure to post his fraud conviction details every time his name is mentioned.

May 27, 2024 12:23 pm

WW3 starts 2014 in Ukraine. Forecast from 2011. Check.
Russian default 1998. Check.
Brexit. Check.
Trump 2016. Check.
The list can go on.
BTW, he does not predict. He just reads Socrates data.

May 27, 2024 1:24 pm

He knows the government like no one else as he spent years in jail being persecuted for doing nothing. He was just to powerful for the Global Banksters. The article yesterday tells why his program is so effective. It tracks the money flows. He knew something was gong on in Gaza before it happened as big money was put into the US arms companies.

May 27, 2024 3:31 pm

I listen to him any chance I get. In this interview he’s pretty much spot on. Many of us here are already familiar of which he speaks.

Jim N
Jim N
May 27, 2024 4:20 pm

I first read his work when he was associated with the Foundation for the Study of Cycles. That was in the late-1960s (if I recall correctly) and he had to have been a pretty young man at the time. I kept up with his ideas that were published under the aegis of Princeton Economics International in the 1980s. His perspective was superior. As regards his jail time: he was held in violation of habeas corpus in what appeared to be an extra-governmental operation that, among other things, featured persons at GoldmanSucks.

I think he still does good research although it lacks the quality of his earlier stuff.

Hey, Brewer your screen picture? Unless you are Sundance, it is misleading. Maybe you should consider a different avatar.

May 27, 2024 4:01 pm

We unlike the rest of the West, in the US, have the good fortune of being armed.
We have black people who are violent enemies, and need them, they can fight with no mercy, to the death
We have no more governement or military to defend us in WW3, or the civil wars that preceeds it.
So we must unify in seperate units and use gorilla warfare.
we must fight agaibst the invaders from Russia and China, and the UN and also the USA soldiers who will be our enemies and self defence is the most important now.
After the war, they plan to wwwipe out every Christian, Muslim, Hindu, every religion that worships God the creator. Only the atheists will be paid, as soldiers and made to take the mark of the beast that will turn them into demons.
Chinese soldiers are already like that. Robot dogs and drones will be used against us.
War is Hell on earth.
If you can leave the west, do it, but beware that westerners will not be welcome after the war, anywhere, duting the war, they will close the borders and lock us in.
Everyone who belives in God, the God of Love who created us, will be eliminated, in horrible ways to make some demoince God and worship Satan and take the mark.
Don;t be fooled Jehovah is just a name for Lucifer, the NWO uses to recruite soldiers and other christians into satanism, decietfully.
If you unite in small groups and are heaveli armed, you will survive.
Just have enough food etc, stored.
Very violent and destructive natural catastropes will occur that will be our saving grace.
All technology will end but before that, the electrical grid and infrastructure will fail all over the West.
When some heads of state are assasinated, and the Vartican in sacked and burns, and the Mediterranean area has a horrific earth quake where nations vanish, then you will Know, we are next.
This is a good time to be alive.
This is the final choice to choose good over evil for eternity.
The ones that do will evolve higher and be part of the new earth, and we willhave new bodies, more evolved ones with many new gifts such as tellepathy and a higher capaicty to Love and know truth, to be more klike Jeus Christ, like God, or creator who made us out of Love.
The good and evil will be seperated forever in this last war, armegeddon.
The vil will devolve into demons and spend eterniy in Hell and have hiddious bodies and a propencity for fear, hate and doing evil violent things to one another=perpetual war.
That is Hel and the actual plasma Hell made of the collective consciousness of evil is now in the sky and coming for those who chose evil over good.

Exposé of the week – There’s something strange going on with the Sun

The war will be short, it will end when the black sun, the life killing energy of evil sun is seen in the sky. It is deadly, and pure darkness ice cold but has fire=destructive fire. It is Hel and it is coming for all those who serve the antichrist, the ashkenzai demons from Hell who cam eher only to take souls from God and that is all they have ever done besides, sadism, violence, cruelty, wars lies and deciet, for the love of money. The antichrist is the opposite of Jesus Christ.
To save your souls you must not only choose Jesus Christ, you must also reject the antichrist.
In the end all who serve the NWO serves the antichrist and will end up in Hell chipped and owned by the devil forever.
The Yiddish are not from the Holy Land of God, they come from Khazaria, eastern Europe.
They are those discribed in the Bible, in the second to last paragraph of the Book of revelations final chapter: those who will never see heaven: “For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” Revelation 22:15
22 is Pluto and 15 is Saturn, death and hell