Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 1)

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It’s still about five months until the election, but it’s pretty clear that Donald Trump has become – impossible as it might have seemed last year – the favorite to win. We must  plan the battles that lie ahead now. This first column talks about what happens immediately after we win. Part 2 talks about what Trump needs to do during his first days in office to set the stage for the total destruction of the Democrats’ dreams. We have to prepare for success. The great Townhall senior columnist Derek Hunter warns that you should not spike the football anywhere but the endzone, but this time, we need to be ready.

A successful fight to restore our country – to make it great again, as some put it – will be like a military campaign. We have three battles ahead of us between now and next spring. The close fight is the battle to pull off the win against the collective rigging and cheating of the Democrats, the regime media, and their allies in the ruling class. The next fight, one terrain feature ahead, deals with the left’s unhinged response to his victory. And the third fight, the deep battle, is what Trump must do during the first couple of months upon taking office. In today’s column, we’ll talk about the second fight, and what the Democrats and their allies will do to disrupt the peaceful transition of government, something that will suddenly be not just okay but mandatory when Trump wins again.

The election will be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, or at least the dusty, empty husk that is all that remains of Joe Biden. They’re not going to trade him out. The Very Real Doctor Jill is not going to stop being First Lady simply because her husband is a senile, corrupt old pervert who is destroying our country – what’s important is her and her needs. And don’t underestimate the needs of the thousands of lackeys, minions and henchpeople within the administration who are personally invested in this charade going on for another four years. They’re not going anywhere. Unless the Grim Reaper grimly reaps this elderly cretin before November, he’s on the ticket with his borderline clinical moron running mate Kamala.

The panic will really set in in October if the polls don’t change. They will lash out. There will be unsurprising October surprises. We may see another dozen bogus criminal charges against Trump and his associates. We can be pretty sure that there will be chaos at the Democratic convention and maybe in the streets like in 2020, but that’s not for certain – have you noticed that, as it became clear that people are disgusted by these little Hamas-hugging mutants, that the coverage of the campus crusade for communism has diminished significantly? Look for the regime media to do everything it can to try to help its crusty candidate, but the usual propaganda is not going to help. Eight-dollar Big Macs and six-dollar-a-gallon gas are much more compelling to the average voter than the fulminations of the midwit likes of Caitlin Collins about Muh Insurrection and Trump’s alleged threat to Our Democracy.

We’ve already seen their furious frenzies of onanism over Trump being the next Mussolini x Hitler x Pol Pot x … wait, they like Pol Pot. They’re terrified that Trump will treat these communists like Pinochet did, which would be a real shame – I’m not sure why they want to get our hopes up. We’re going to see a lot of jaw-wagging about how the American people electing the leader of their choice is a terrible threat to Our Democracy if he’s not the elite’s choice. You’ll see a bunch of howling about how Trump is a felon and a threat to freedom and a big meanie and blah blah blah blah blah. As it becomes clear that Trump’s going to win, the panic is really going to set in. Don’t underestimate what they are capable of.

After all, they’ve mutually rubbed each other into a lotion lather, leading to an apocalypsorgasm of fear that the elite’s power will be permanently circumscribed. Will there be cheating? Oh hell yes, and it’ll be blatant and totally excused. You can already see that they’re preparing the battlefield for it. Whenever a Republican senator goes on the regime media, and a Republican senator should never go on the regime media, he always gets asked if he’s going to accept the outcome of the election. What they’re trying to do is set a standard where you can’t question their cheating. They know it. We know it. We just need to stop pretending that everything’s fine, everything’s all right, everything’s on the up and up, because everything’s not fine, everything’s all right and everything’s not on the up and up.

One of their most powerful weapons is normal people’s default to normalcy, the unsupported belief by the masses that the institutions are still functioning and that the law is still being obeyed and that the system still works. None of that’s true. It’s a lie and a scam, and we need to be based enough to understand it. We need to face the fact that things are broken and treat the system that way instead of putting our heads in the sand and hoping that by pretending everything is normal, everything actually will be normal. Everything won’t.

They’re going to cheat, whether it’s by filling ballot boxes or changing rules or having corrupt judges interfere with the ability to have our voices heard. They’re not going to make any bones about it, and you need to understand that the institutions and the regime media support this cheating. Even Senate doofus Sheldon Whitehouse, the flag-obsessive who won’t let black people into his beach club, doesn’t believe that black people are too stupid to get voter ID. He and the Democrats are against voter ID because voter ID prevents cheating.

They are actively pro-cheating. They want the millions of Third World peasants they have imported to vote. They think it is a good thing to steal the 2024 election and they will certainly try to do it. It’s up to us to stop them. Nobody’s going to come to our rescue. There’s no referee we can appeal to who will call the strike. We need to understand the nature of our opponents and act accordingly.

It looks like Trump may win outside the margin of fraud so that the race can’t be stolen with zillions of surprise votes mysteriously appearing in Atlanta and Detroit and Philadelphia. The second it becomes clear that Trump has won, the first thing that will happen is that Joe Biden, to the extent he remains conscious, will refuse to concede. He will deny the election. Yes, an election denier will become a hero (again, as it was back in 2000, 2004, and 2016) instead of the worst person you can ever be, except for someone who denies that a man can become a woman through the power of wanting to. It’s hypocrisy, but they are immune to shame.

The transition will be fraught because the Democrats just aren’t going to cooperate with a peaceful transition of government. They will do everything they can to disrupt and delay Trump’s people taking over. The shredders will melt from overuse as they destroy evidence of their own misconduct. What’s important for the Trump people to do is ensure that they make it clear that anybody destroying government documents or other materials to hide their contents will be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or other crimes. But the left will do it anyway, certain in the knowledge that a 97% communist jury pool in Washington, DC, will never convict any Democrat of anything.

Of course, there are going to be lawsuits. Those Hawaiian judges will be working overtime ruling that Donald Trump can’t be President even though he won the election because of reasons and the Spirit of Aloha. Look for them to challenge every win, and for Democrat judges to allow the scam to go forward. Now, it’ll all eventually get up to the Supreme Court, which consists of three communists and five insurrection flag-flying patriots plus John Roberts who will eventually rule for Trump. However, the goal will be to attack the legitimacy of the process, to make Trump an illegitimate president. Remember, only court rulings in favor of the Democrats are legitimate. Court rulings in favor of the Republicans are inherently illegitimate, and they need to pack the court. You know, because of Our Democracy.

We’re going to see alternative slates of electors, which will be absolutely fine now, even though Democrat functionaries are prosecuting people for doing it last time. We will see more Hollywood idiots demanding that Trump electors refuse to vote for him. Again, the left collectively wet itself about all this last time, but you need to understand that it is immune to hypocrisy. They don’t care if they’re doing the exact opposite of what they did five minutes ago. None of that matters to them, so none of that should matter to us. We need to understand that they are scum and that they must be crushed.

The only currency is power, and we need to spend it while we’re flush with cash.

The ultimate power is, of course, guys with guns. Is there a chance that Joe Biden will order the military to overturn the election results? A few years ago, that would’ve been an insane question, but we have never had an administration as evil as this one, representing an elite terrified of losing the power it inherited instead of earned. If you don’t think that Joe Biden would use the Army to retain power, you just haven’t been paying attention. They don’t believe we have any right to govern ourselves. They think that they were divinely selected, by whatever weird pagan divinity they are worshiping this week, to rule over us. The idea that they have some moral opposition to imposing an armed dictatorship upon us is simply wishful thinking. But would Pentagon leadership go along with it? I have no doubt that some of them absolutely would. Of course, the military under their leadership is so grossly incompetent that it can’t win a war overseas against a pack of mountain tribesmen. I’m not particularly worried about how well it would do 100 million armed Americans (those darn AR15s again!), many of us veterans of the military from back when it was a real military and not a camouflaged gender studies seminar.

Is this paranoid? Is this crazy? Would Media Matters be all over this column if the schmucks who worked for it hadn’t been so abruptly and hilariously fired? Well, if you haven’t been paying attention, you might think so. But you need to understand the incredible evil of our opponents. They’re not good people. They’re not nice people. They don’t believe that you have any rights. They don’t believe you have any legitimate interests. You are there to serve them and obey. They didn’t build this country, they don’t feed it or fuel it, and they certainly don’t defend it, but they somehow consider themselves our betters. They’re not. We just need to understand that they will do whatever they must to maintain their power. We need to be ready. It’s our country, and we’re taking it back – if we prepare for the fight.

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Working Man's Chest Surgeon
Working Man's Chest Surgeon
May 27, 2024 8:13 am

Personnel equals policy.

The Original Sin of Trump I was bad appointments. Trump II needs to begin with a dissolution of the FBI and the Dept of Education, and a vast reorganization and “downsizing” – ie FIRING of all biased bureaucrats.

Call it the Milei protocol:

  Working Man's Chest Surgeon
May 27, 2024 2:24 pm

Trump needs help to do that, a staunch, conservative Republican Congress both Houses. If people vote Trump but keep the same Democrats and RINO’s in Congress Trump is screwed. The whole deep state and federal judiciary is stacked against him with only a few exceptions. He needs Congess on his side to have a chance. Otherwise he will have the same corrupt cabinet appointments, the only ones that the Senate will approve.

May 27, 2024 2:26 pm

Of course Trump could go full dictator like Biden which the deep state will love and be a reason for them to take him out literally. Then say ‘we told ya so’.

May 27, 2024 4:51 pm

Congress hates Trump–everything has to be done by Executive Order…

  Working Man's Chest Surgeon
May 27, 2024 4:49 pm

Yes, best to go full Milei…first, get rid of the FBI–that’s easy because it was created by an EO…

Working Man's Chest Surgeon
Working Man's Chest Surgeon
May 27, 2024 8:28 am

Mr. Sclichter’s book The Attack is a must read for every American.

His thoughts here are not paranoid. I fear we will see Biden use the power of the Presidency to protect “election integrity” in a way Trump SHOULD have – with military and law enforcement involvement.

We all ow know the country experienced treason during “Russian collusion”. Ther e was no accountability.

Then they seamlessly transitioned to the Covid response limiting civil liberties. No accountability.

If you were in their shoes, why wouldn’t you resort to a military coup, if otherwise faced with an overwhelming political rebuke, and looming prosecution fro crimes against humanity?

What do all dictators do?

What is Biden other than an insecure, untalented tyrant?

  Working Man's Chest Surgeon
May 27, 2024 6:26 pm

there is only one way out of this and there has always been only one way out and it sure as shit isnt voting in a system that has ALREADY been shown as corrupt. You f-in boomers all want to keep your goodies and are hoping so badly that you can just protest and vote and someone else will save you all your shit. well… it isnt going to happen.

there has never been a communist insurrection that hasnt gone to violence and this wont be any different. do you think all the three letter agencies are going to just go ‘quietly into this good night’? these agencies are the ones setting up Americans, hunting them down, spying on them and incarcerating them all under false pretense…

yeah good luck with your pie in the sky b.s. and Schlichter’s b.s. about “what must be done”. It is a pacification method so that the actual control can be solidified… again another communist tactic used over and over.

May 27, 2024 7:03 pm


  Working Man's Chest Surgeon
May 27, 2024 6:58 pm

His whole Series is a must read.

May 27, 2024 8:32 am

Whats next you ask ?
More of the democrat party deep state making false charges of treason-racism-corruption
and you name it so trump can spend 4 more years defending himself.

May 27, 2024 8:55 am

Civil Service and NGO’s collusal lawfare against normal American values Part Two coming up. Trump is a Judas Goat distraction. I hate those sons of bitches.

May 27, 2024 4:52 pm

But that’s the idea..Trump is our sacrificial victim to teach the normies that the whole government is illegitimate, and rigs every election…

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 27, 2024 8:50 am

What’s next? Light that fucking fuse and find out.


It’s the ONLY way you mental defectives will EVER learn.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 28, 2024 9:14 am

Do you ever bring anything but nastiness and name calling? Grow up already.

Dammit Goober
Dammit Goober
May 27, 2024 9:55 am

Yah, and everyone was absotively posilutely sure the wave would win in 2020. Done deal. Except for the machines…..

May 27, 2024 10:05 am

It will be just like the first Trump administration. The economy will slowly improve as trump allows the oil and gas industry to do what it is supposed to produce oil and gas and imposes some helpful tariffs. He will roll back some of the insane climate change regulations. Congress will thwart any and all efforts to stop illegal immigration and ramp up deportations. Federal courts will do the same. Money will continue to flow to Israel and possibly even Ukraine. Remember how Trump said he was going to end the Afghan war then didn’t because he was told, by “advisors” it was not in the best interest of USA.
As for draining the swamp, cleaning up CIA, NSA, FBI, forget it those institutions are unsalvageable and unassailable at this point. Even our corrupt Congress critters fear the FBI and CIA. So, in summary the “resistance” by the deep state, Congress, Federal government agencies, Federal Judges, demo states and cities will pretty much guarantee an ineffective second term for President Trump. Sorry sport fans POTUS is not as powerful as everyone thinks. If he was Biden would already have a lot of TBPers in reeducation camps.

May 27, 2024 11:41 am

If Trump wins against Biden, it will be because TPTB have decided to finally let the economy implode, and let their “opponents” take the fall.

May 27, 2024 8:40 pm


Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
May 27, 2024 12:49 pm

I often find Kurt is full of shit. But this time he seems spot on. The only facet he’s missing is the Antifa/BLM riots that will occur after the election. The left-wing cities are going to burn.

  Trapped in Portlandia
May 27, 2024 4:56 pm

Let left wing cities burn. They deserve it, it’s what they supported. Let them suffer. No need to send in the national guard, they had cops and didn’t want them, got rid of them.
Chicago so should be something come the Democratic convention. Anyone know the over/under on the number of shootings and deaths convention week? I might want bet on over 100!

May 27, 2024 2:00 pm

Trump is hard to predict because he does the unpredictable. But you know the Democrats, RINO’s, liberal federal justices and deep state will do everything possible to stop Trump. His only chance is a Republican controlled House and Senate minus a lot of RINO’s or Trump is nothing but a small bump in the road to the elites final solution agenda.

May 27, 2024 4:08 pm

Nothing changes. Gummint regains office.

May 27, 2024 6:49 pm

Trump wins. The promises stop, excuses begin.

May 27, 2024 8:38 pm

Trump wins. He turns into Donasld (Hoover) Trump and Boobus Americanus will go full commie.

May 27, 2024 10:32 pm

I believe that President Trump is scheduled for a heart attack sometime between now and the election.

May 28, 2024 9:21 am

There will be multicultural, Zio-Commie orchestrated riots before, during, and after. Central banking will pull the plug, and the foreign cartels Bidens allows to cross the border, will further turn our cities into war zones. Mainstream media, big publishing, big tech, and the political establishment will say the fall out is due to White people not understanding and bending over for multiculturalism and LGBQ. Maybe most sadly of all, many White Conservatives will say it’s all because we have not kowtowed to the Armageddon, one world government promising God of the Abrahamic tribe undermining and destroying the world around us.

May 28, 2024 1:52 pm

Trump wins, what’s next? Well my hope is all those liberals honor their rhetoric and move to Canada. I won’t be holding my breath though.