‘Elites’ Called To Arms: “It’s Time To Rise Up Against The Ignorant Masses”

More “Let Them Eat Cake” from the financial and political elite and their lapdog media. 

Via Zero Hedge

It appears the powers that be just are not going to take it anymore. Having mistakenly allowed the people of Britain to exercise their free will, Foreign Policy’s James Traub exclaims, “It’s time for the elites to rise up against the ignorant masses.”

traub fp_0

The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry

Authored by James Traub, originally posted at ForeignPolicy.com,

I was born in 1954, and until now I would have said that the late 1960s was the greatest period of political convulsion I have lived through. Yet for all that the Vietnam War and the civil rights struggle changed American culture and reshaped political parties, in retrospect those wild storms look like the normal oscillations of a relatively stable political system. The present moment is different. Today’s citizen revolt — in the United States, Britain, and Europe — may upend politics as nothing else has in my lifetime.

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Brexit Do Over Petition is a Scam…

“Signatories” came from Ghana, Vietnam, Uganda and Turkmenistan.

Via Truth Revolt

As if we needed further proof that the mainstream media are barren of a single shred of journalistic integrity and that its members are in dire need of public flogging.

So desperate are media elite for a Brexit “do-over” that they are literally reporting lies as incontrovertible fact. No sooner the majority of British voters made their voices heard with a vote to exit the European Union, did mainstream media at home and abroad begin peddling the narrative that Brits were “remorseful” over their decision and wanted a “do-over.”

How on earth members of media knew precisely how millions of British voters felt in the 24 hours following the vote is beyond us. Perhaps they went door to door to ask. Perhaps they acquired new telepathic abilities.

No. They just lied. Like they always do.

Continue reading “Brexit Do Over Petition is a Scam…”

LGTBQ activist behind Alberta’s anti-bullying literature tweets “ghoulish” anti-Christian cartoon

You can find Mr. Well’s contact information by clicking HERE.

Please feel free to let him know what you think of his childish, hateful behaviour. He deserves to know.


Hate speech against gays in Toronto: MUSLIM preacher with PA system on STREET

Via The Rebel

The real problem with hate-speech laws is that they will always be selectively enforced in the interests of the power of the day. This is a perfect example.


Muslim preacher openly screams about the evils of homosexuality on a Toronto street. The lack of police is stunning and the speed with which they do not appear can only be appreciated by contrast.

There are in fact more and better examples of that contrast. But I like the one linked above.

The video is from 2011, but there is no significant change in the manner in which the law is selectively enforced in favor of Islam and against everyone else to make a difference to the point.

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Those Winter Sundays

I posted this poem in the comments section of an article a year or two ago. I’m posting it here in honour of my dad. He grew up in the northern prairie where the boreal forests that stretch across the continent meet the farmland. He lived most of his childhood without flush toilets, electricity or television and watched his dad die as the result of a logging accident when he was just 15. I always thought he was a little too harsh when I was a kid but as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize that some people show their love more through deeds than through words. That’s my dad. He taught us kids to be honest, to work hard and to be ourselves and not worry about what others thought of us. He always used to tell us that you can buy a lot of things but not your integrity. Once you blow that no amount of money can get it back for you. He lived his life by that mantra.

This poem is a tribute to him and to the other the dads like him that occupy love’s austere and lonely offices….


Those Winter Sundays

By Robert Hayden, 1913 – 1980

Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?


Welcome to Londonistan: Women Segregated From Men at London Mayor’s Rally

Via Truth Revolt




The United Kingdom, a pillar of Western civilization — and where the new Muslim mayor of London convenes a rally at which men and women are segregated.

Mayor Sadiq Khan, bosom buddies with convicted al Qaeda terrorist Babar Ahmad, spoke at a rally in Manchester earlier this week to push for Britain to remain part of the EU.

Predominately in attendance were members of the city’s Pakistani Muslim community. While this in and of itself was striking, more disturbing still was that the crowd was segregated by sex. Townhall reports:

Photos from the event show a ring of men at the front with the women further behind. There is no suggestion they were forcibly segregated, but the Mayor did not intervene to prevent the women standing at the back.

It is not uncommon for women and men to be separated in Mosques but this incident will be seen as significant after Mr Khan received criticism for banning an advert earlier this week. The advert depicted a woman in a bikini, something that is banned under Sharia Law.

The segregated crowd should come as a surprise to no one, and given the suicidal trajectory of Western multiculturalists, we’re only bound to see more like it in the years ahead.


Well – at least one Brit gets it:




Snowflake Journo Fires AR-15 for 1st Time, Leaves with ‘Bruised Body and Spirit’

The main stream media is full of liars. Some of the lies are more blatant than others. This one is pretty blatant. While much of the firearms community is busy calling this guy a wimp I’m going to go a different direction and call him out for what he really is – a bald-faced lying piece of crap. You got bruised shooting an AR? Give me a frickin break. There is not enough recoil in the 223/556 in an AR platform to bruise anyone. Period. You are more likely to bruise your ass sitting on the toilet for too long.

My 14 year old son – who is 125 lbs soaking wet with rocks in his pocket – manages to shoot his 30-06 with little to no bruising whatsoever. The 06′ isn’t that bad compared to a lot of stuff we could shoot. But it has enough juice to blast an 8″ square steel gong off its ropes at 200 meters. Yet it doesn’t leave him beat to a pulp. And this guy expects us to believe that the AR is so powerful it can only be handled by the police or military? Liar, liar, pants on fire.

My 14 Year Old Son Tee’s Off On The 200 Meter Gong With His 30-06 Spr


Via Truth Revolt


Gersh Kuntzman is a columnist for New York Daily News who just shot an AR-15 for the very first time. It was an experiment to see what it’s like to shoot a high-powered rifle like the one used in the Orlando terrorist attack and find out “their appeal to gun lovers.”

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Ubi libertas, ibi patria!


The following piece was written by Paul Rogan who is the owner of the Canadian publication “Canadian Access to Firearms” or CATF for short. Paul is a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. He is an old school Parisian who first introduced me to the writings of Bastiat. I am proud to call him my friend and with his permission I am reprinting this here.


By Paul Rogan

As I grow older ( but, alas, obviously not wiser) I get more and more miffed and irked by the reaction of far too many of my contemporaries when acquainted, even in a casual set-up, with the fact that I am a gun user and a firearm collector with a strong individualist bent.

While most will not be brave enough to confront us one on one, I feel automatically and often rudely, to various but nonetheless obvious degrees, judged to be some kind of Cro-Magnon unsophisticated moron tainted with all sorts of shortcomings, misogynist, racist, islamophobic, ableist, transphobic morally and intellectually deficient, you name it, just a tiny degree short of a child molester ( Altho I have been accused of that as well for training my children to learn about shooting and hunting at a tender age – My oldest daughter shot her first bear when she was 12)

An attentive observation of the gun haters and their bottomless inventory of bowel inspired non-arguments, their vacuous emotional disquisitions, the only kind they have, finally brought to light a simple but obvious truth:

It is not the guns they hate, it is US!

Continue reading “Ubi libertas, ibi patria!”

“Frustrations Of Telling The Truth”

For our new troll – Peter Wanker – Second to last paragraph is the most important. Read it twice. What is the obvious lie that has been front and centre since yesterday?

Please… Take. The. Red. Pill.

By Paul Craig Roberts

Via Zero Hedge

Some examples of the ‘abuse’ one gets when telling the truth:

If I criticize the Israeli government for abusing Palestinians and stealing their country, the Israel Lobby accuses me of being an anti-semite who wants to repeat the holocaust. In the same batch of emails, anti-semites denounce me for being too easy on Israel and covering up for the Jewish conspiracy against mankind.

When I write about the One Percent using the government to loot the economy, I receive emails blaming me because I worked for Reagan “who started it all by cutting tax rates for the rich.” These people have no conception of supply-side economics, its purpose, success, and the way it prepared the way for Reagan to negotiate the end of the Cold War. At one point in their lives they read a left-wing screed against Reagan, and that is the extent of their understanding. But they are full of blind hate.

Continue reading ““Frustrations Of Telling The Truth””

The Battle of Ridgeway – Damned Irish!

Feel free to ignore the lack of concern about this event by the Federal Government. Truth is very few people anywhere even know about it or the nature of our history in general. This really isn’t a scandal or surprising but sometimes the Rebel is like that. This is being shared more in the spirit of “Did You Know”. Just goes to show…. the Irish are a dangerous lot. We will remain however, eternally vigilant.

Anyways… just so you know I’ve got my eye on you Quinn. And that unruly lot you hang out with at the Shamrock. Don’t think you can try and pull something like this again. We have not forgotten!

God Save the Queen!


Via The Rebel

Who mourns the fallen soldiers of Ridgeway? Most Canadians have probably never heard of the Battle of Ridgeway, waged 150 years ago near Fort Erie, Ontario but what’s the Trudeau government’s excuse?

Continue reading “The Battle of Ridgeway – Damned Irish!”

Question of the Day: It’s not all bad…

I‘m getting tired of all the gloom and doom these days. With the supreme court of Canuckistan making it official to kinda sorta screw the pooch and with the real possibility of a criminal winning the election to the South I decided yesterday it was time to take stock. What’s good about the world?

Well, for starters I kinda like most places where there aren’t a lot of people.  So I’m giving a big thumbs to the places God made.



Northern Cascade Range

The big one of course is family. Which got me to thinking about kids. We like to “harsh” (I think that’s a word that kids use today) on millennials here but the truth is there are lots of good ones out there. I started to think about my kid’s friends and of the half dozen or so kids that each of my children hangs out with regularly. Truth be told there isn’t one in the bunch that I’d tell my kids to stay away from. In fact all of them are polite, well mannered, bright and decent human beings. I came home today and one of my son’s buddies was over and the two of them were jamming in the living room. Like the rest of them Hardeep always asks me how I am and addresses me as “Mr.” At 14 he is a bit of heavy metal prodigy and he and my son play together regularly. This is a bit of them playing together – a mix of Van Halen and stuff my son made up. They go back and forth so I can’t tell you which is which but when I hear and see stuff like this coming from nice young people I feel a little bit of hope.


At any rate – here’s my question. In spite of the constant degradation of civilization going on around us what in your estimation is still good about the world? I’m leading off with beautiful spaces and quality young people. Your turn.

DNC Platform Committee Member: ‘I Don’t Think Anyone Should Have A Gun’

This is what you’ll get if Hitlery gets elected.


Via Truth Revolt



Responsible for shaping the policy platform of the Democratic Party as a committee member of the DNC, Bonnie Schaefer denied everyone their Second Amendment right by sharing her personal opinion that nobody should own a gun.

The multi-millionaire one-percenter said this at a DNC planning event on Wednesday:

“You’re absolutely correct; not just keeping the guns out of the hands of mentally ill people and criminals, but I really don’t personally think anyone should have a gun. I mean, that’s just my own philosophy. Nothing is ever solved when you have a gun in your hand, except the worst possible scenario.”

What she may not realize, as Townhall noted, is that the DNC convention will be flanked by armed security guards. Lucky for her, she won’t have to worry about her own safety if a worst possible scenario-type of thing goes down while she’s in attendance.

Don’t ever let it be said that Democrats aren’t after your guns. Many of them are, and like Schaefer, they sit in powerful thrones, dictating policy.


Notley’s War on Alberta – How to Destroy Your Producers

Are governments truly so clueless as to how modern businesses operate? How slim and fragile the margins are for producers, small and medium size businesses and the like are? Can anyone be this completely clueless? Is it simply malicious? Is it corruption and cronyism? Who benefits and who loses? You be the judge.

Via The Rebel

Wildrose MLA Nathan Cooper tried to have natural gas used in commercial greenhouses exempted from the NDP’s carbon tax.



This was a smart amendment. We know that purple fuel used by farmers will be exempt from the carbon tax but what about greenhouse producers who use natural gas to heat their greenhouses earlier in the season or late into the fall? This is Alberta. We have a short growing season and the best way for greenhouse producers to offset that unfortunate fact is the use of clean burning natural gas. Cooper’s amendment sought to level the playing field between different types of agricultural producers in Alberta.

Continue reading “Notley’s War on Alberta – How to Destroy Your Producers”

Fade to Red

The Mountain Part II

By Francis Marion

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
– John Lennon –




I followed Peter up a steep trail through rock and brush on the edge of a canyon in the Waterberg mountains of the northern Limpopo. His son, tracker and skinner followed in close quarters behind as we followed a set of bull hartebeest tracks up and up. I reached out in front of me to clear a branch from the trail when I felt a firm hand on my forearm. I looked beside me, the 14 year old pointed at the branch and motioned me to go under. I’d never seen thorns like that before. How did I miss them?

“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Peter asked for the second time as we crested a small ridge onto a plateau overlooking a large valley and a watering hole.

I was staring at my boots. They were covered in a fine ochre coloured dust the likes of which I’d never seen before. My head was heavy with jet lag and I felt disoriented. Everything seemed upside down and almost surreal. I reached down and ran my index finger over the toe of my boot and examined the dust then shook my head and stood up.

Continue reading “Fade to Red”