Google’s wonderful, isn’t it? And Wikipedia too. Or are they?

Not a fan of Google? Like criticism of the monster – and Wikipedia too – and a pretty good analysis. Then take a look at the latest from Gordon Duff at “Veterans Today.” Here are teaser excerpts from Duff’s longer article.

“Today I want to cite two security threats above all, Google and Wikipedia….they were created, at the outset, by groups within US Army intelligence….
“Google itself is a massive organization, long infiltrated and controlled. The Google search engine, which literally controls all access to information online, steers researchers to “sockpuppet” websites that carry carefully crafted smears and propaganda. Articles of lasting value, major leaks, are wiped clean. Entire events are scrubbed from Google every day.

Google News will keep fingers pointed the wrong way, almost as badly as the shameful Pentagon “Early Bird” has done for years….

Who needs the NSA when Google reads every email, every search, and builds a psychological profile of every human being?

 Zbigniew Brzezinski said Wikileaks was run by an intelligence agency….”

I would have added a few more quotes that would have pleased Zarathrustra but I haven’t seen his posts or comments for a while.


AWD remembered

Thanks Sensetti for your comment about AWD on the “Very Sad News” post.
In AWD’s memory I’d intended to make a mensual mention of AWD for some months, then occasionally thereafter. I forgot for October but, now reminded, here’s a a poetic paean to AWD.  Some of you others can post pix that AWD would approve.

Who’s taking care of the caretaker’s daughter
While the caretaker’s busy taking care?
Gee, oh gosh, oh gee; that’s what worries me.
I know that the caretaker must take care
And while he’s taking care, she’s alone somewhere.
So, who’s taking care of the caretaker’s daughter
While the caretaker’s busy taking care?


Who’s the fellow laying the bricklayer’s daughter
While the bricklayer’s busy laying bricks?
Gee, oh gosh, oh gee; that’s what worries me.
I know that the bricklayer lays lots of bricks
And you could too if you knew his tricks.
But who’s laying the bricklayer’s daughter
While the bricklayer’s busy laying bricks?

Immigration – the President speaks

The quotes below are extracts from public speeches given by (a/the) President of the United States. Your task, TBP reader is to determine which President spoke these sensible words. Hints: 1) He was President within the last 125 years, and 2) On the ‘Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty’ ranking of American presidents, he’s in the top 10.

“New arrivals should be limited to our capacity to absorb them into the ranks of good citizenship. America must be kept American…. I am convinced that our present economic and social conditions warrant a limitation of those to be admitted…. Restricted immigration is not offensive but a purely defensive action….for the purpose of maintaining American standards….(which would be destroyed) by the tremendous influx of foreign peoples if immigration were not restricted. Unemployment would become a menace and there would follow an almost certain reduction of wages….Our first duty is to our own people.”

Remembering AWD

It’s been about a month since AWD died.  As a remembrance, here’s a post I think he would have enjoyed.  It’s about one of his favorite subjects and ours.  Though the photo reveals less than AWD was accustomed to show, you TBP readers are pretty good at looking behind coverups and into things. So what’s not apparent you can easily imagine.  Otherwise, the post offers a couple a AWD staples, advice, though no where near as sharply as AWD often gave his, and a bit of wit.



Mary was young, Mary was fair, Mary was her mother’s despair.


When she started courting, her mother wisely said,

“Mary, there are things that you must know before you’re wed.

“You ought to know better, a big girl like you.

“When I was 20, I knew plenty, a thing or two.

“Oh didn’t I rather, ask your father.

“When your boy gets mooney-eyed and plays around for hours,

“You can lead him up the garden, but don’t let him pick the flowers.

“Remember what your mother said and keep him off your parsley bed.

“You ought to know better, a big girl like you.”