Download the App

by the subway philosopher™

How many free apps do you have on your phone and computer? What’s the real price of free?

It might be more than all the dollars Bill Gates has earned from selling his operating systems. Why was Windows 10 free?

Gates found himself with two problems. The first was declining interest. In fact, XP (sp3) was probably the last great Windows OS. Everything since has been bloatware, and people know it – manufactured solutions for manufactured problems. The second problem was technological maturation. There really wasn’t that much more we wanted our computers, and then our phones, to do. It would probably take something truly revolutionary to stimulate voluntary mass-buying of the latest OS or Office – blowjobs, maybe, or Solomonic wisdom (preferably of the stock market variety).

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Round up the Women and Children

by the subway philosopher™

When you start getting older, as I have managed to do despite the best intentions of government and ex-wives, sage thoughts begin to wander beguilingly across the mental landscape, such as this one:

Sooner or later men, particularly western men, are going to rise up and re-subjugate everyone, if only just to shut them the fuck up. We did it before, right?

I for one look forward to the bloodbath. Good entertainment is hard to find (of course, I’ll be relaxing with a cold one while you all are doing the subjugating). This is probably exactly what happened in the past, too. Thus the fall and rise of civilizations.

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