Download the App

by the subway philosopher™

How many free apps do you have on your phone and computer? What’s the real price of free?

It might be more than all the dollars Bill Gates has earned from selling his operating systems. Why was Windows 10 free?

Gates found himself with two problems. The first was declining interest. In fact, XP (sp3) was probably the last great Windows OS. Everything since has been bloatware, and people know it – manufactured solutions for manufactured problems. The second problem was technological maturation. There really wasn’t that much more we wanted our computers, and then our phones, to do. It would probably take something truly revolutionary to stimulate voluntary mass-buying of the latest OS or Office – blowjobs, maybe, or Solomonic wisdom (preferably of the stock market variety).

More and more frequently these days, in order to fully partake of a friend’s social media message or post, I need to ‘download the app.’ Worse, every app asks consent to full control of my phone and all contents thereof before it will install and function correctly. This includes address book, photos, Wifi connectivity, and social media. But it’s ‘free’ though.

I remember the first feelers in this direction. A local grocery chain store asked for my phone number one day at the checkout. Fuck off, I told them. The biggest reason was that I personally knew none of the staff and none of them knew me. Disconnected, we didn’t give a shit about each other. And the purpose of the request was to grub money on behalf of a corporation, nothing else.

Progressive gun-toting metrosexual cousin-fuckers.

Software has now advanced thusly in every facet of life, from banking to ZOG and her minions, and we are at the beast’s relentless mercy. It’s no longer enough to have a smartphone; all the latest data-rape apps need be installed as well, lest we inadvertently exclude ourselves from joyous harmony with the great masses of woke humanity (not to mention social justice and progress), and become bearded moonshining metrosexual cousin-fucking progressive gun-toting wife-beating antifascist coke-snorting Trumpist egalitarian gay black Clitlonite libertarian Russian transsexual Catholic pedophiles, or something evil like that.

It’s worth pausing to contemplate the vast amounts of data swirling about in the mystical cloudosphere. All software-enabled devices are vacuuming up each and every detail of your life, bar none, and transmitting said details at your expense. That information doesn’t disappear, either. It goes somewhere and parks, forever. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of databases in which you are participant as a result of agreeing to share your digital device with an app or OS (or even not agreeing, a la Windows 10).

As always, it pays to ask; qui bono? Peddling big data to advertisers is apparently more lucrative than sales of products or services, and also an easier seduction – free works. However, even that market will saturate eventually. How many steaks can you eat (or afford) in a day? How many mortgages can you carry? How many videos of your girl rimming you and your best friend do they need?

One group which benefits of course is the maleficent – hackers (wait for it… the War on Hackers, coming soon once we’ve moved on from the War on Fake News). The arithmetic is obvious: hack one site once for 145,500,000 nicely organized sets of comprehensive data, or hack 145,500,000 individual people separately, multiple times. Thanks guys for accreting all this info into one convenient drive-by looting location.

Big corporations collect data, sell ads, sell contact info, sell financial data, sell all the data, and when they’ve exhausted those sources of revenue, do they say no when government comes knocking?

Divided we fall.

Big Sister of course benefits, and she probably pays for most of it too. But the joke’s on you, because that’s what ‘your tax dollars at work’ actually looks like. Did Zuckerberg say no to a fat contract with the CIA? Who got what? Who paid?

Bureaucrats have a mandate to justify their existence, and thus they beaver away at ‘programs’ to benefit humanity, and never stop thinking of new ways to do so, enabled and excited by their monopoly on coercion and violence.  The accumulation of data is a prime imperative of the do-gooder state, and included in that accumulation of data are lists and division: you’re white, or black or LGBTQ or nazi or gay or democrat, or any other label which separates you from others. Differentiation is the true nature of control. Divided we fall. Odd that Marxist egalitarians and global capitalists alike embrace it.

The US Constitution may have been an attempt to limit bureaucracy based on unbreachable principle rather than ideology, but as always ideology has won the day, and now business and bureaucrats from Australia to Zimbabwe pander to identical positions: feminism, globalism, multiculturalism, diversity, consumerism, Fukuyama’s end of history, identity politics. No alternative permitted, accusations of malevolence denied. Go online and read the major media of the world; you’ll notice the headlines and stories have the same political and ideological agenda, although occasionally the names differ.

Where does this leave us? Ideology trumps principle and reality, and when ideology has access to big data and modern state power both, how will you fare? Not well, I think.

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December 28, 2017 9:03 am

When you get something for free on the internet what you get is not the product, you are.

December 28, 2017 9:12 am

Yahoo deleted my old account somewhere around 2013. It wasn’t a big problem until I need to file my income tax and with Turbo Tax using your email address as your Identifier I had to jump through all manner of hoops with Intuit Corp. to keep my tax records continuous and file for 2014.

Then my iPhone 4 would only vibrate and not ring on incoming calls so I bought an iPhone 6. I gave the iPhone 4 to a woman whose son got it working again. The clerk at Verizon set my new phone up so it would work with my vehicle bluetooth and he set up a new Apple ID for me. I forgot the password he created though so I can’t update, visit the Apple Store or download apps. I can get email but not Facebook messenger and Apple constantly reminds me to update my OS but as long as it works as phone, allows me to get on line and receive email I don’t need Snapchat, Messenger or pizza ordering apps of the sort John ‘Pizzagate’ Podesta finds handy.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
December 28, 2017 9:35 am

“Progressive gun-toting metrosexual cousin-fuckers.” GAWDAM I’m usin this!

December 28, 2017 9:56 am

Hitler rants video finds that Windows XP support has ended.

December 28, 2017 10:56 am

Vielen Dank, das war urkomisch!

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 28, 2017 1:42 pm

I Still use XP and a flip phone. Soon my browser will no longer work on XP. Then it’s over to Linux.

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Robert (QSLV)

December 28, 2017 12:58 pm

My phone has 2 apps,it makes and receives calls,has done so for well over a decade,has dropped 2nd story falls without a hitch/gotten soaked and yet still works,yep,it tis only a phone but then,I needed(?)only a phone.

Muck About
Muck About
December 28, 2017 3:26 pm

We have an Apple iPhone of the latest vintage with a super game of solitaire on it.

We have it because it’s on my daughter’s family plan and costs a few bucks a year (from us) to have. I don’t remember the phone number and won’t carry it with me. The only use it gets is that my sweet babe loves to play the solitaire game.

It is, without doubt, the most underutilized cell phone in existence and as far as I’m concerned, will stay that way. I even have a “iPhone for Dummies (for seniors)” book sitting on my book shelf that I have never opened and I’m not sure I ever will.

I love my iPhone. Sure I do..


December 29, 2017 1:44 pm

I have a flip phone with Opera – browser is emergency only. I have an Iphone 3 which I use like an Ipod (it was free). I don’t need social media and never participated. Trying to read a spreadsheet on a phone is nuts, and email is just that – mail, to be opened when not doing other things. Otherwise, the phone will do just fine.

I’m glad I decided years back (when I was living on the bleeding edge of tech doing 3D animation) that early adoption of anything digital was too costly in terms of money and time. I still have 3 Silicon Graphics machines in my office to remind me of the cost of the latest and greatest…

If NT 4.0 would run on newer hardware, it isn’t much different from things today. MS Word, Excel, etc. haven’t changed appreciably because they do not need to. Having little apps doing stupid things is just a humongous waste of time. I don’t need an app to tell me if I am going north or south, nor do I need an app to alert me to anything – the phone will ring if something is truly urgent.

Distraction from living a real life is what all this over-hyped tech has accomplished. I know far too many people who cannot carry on a conversation without looking at their damned phone – and I often just walk away when they do that. They have their priorities – I have mine too.

Curmudgeon? Me? Probably, but I am just responding to the stupid coming at me from all directions.

December 29, 2017 2:19 pm

I have turned off the location function on my phone, and I am strongly considering putting it in a biscuit tin when I drive. The system will archive my messages and texts while it’s off, and load them up when I want them. Why give every idiot telemarketer, donation solicitor and busybody a way to distract you while you’re driving?
“Airplane mode” is also your friend.