Japan Gets ONGED!

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on October 10, 2014



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Great Screen Saver!


Let’s Go Hiking!


It seemed like a good Parking Spot yesterday!

Onged Definition:

Having your society systematically destroyed by a combination of Natural and Man Made Disasters, Population Overshoot and Resource Depletion.


…All things considered, it’s a pretty quiet day today in the world of collapse, besides the fact the first Out of Africa case of Ebola transmitted in Spain to a local nurse, and the fact yet ANOTHER Super Typhoon is bearing down on the Nips, following just a week or so behind the path of PhanFone, this one called VongFong. The next one is sure to be HongKongLongDong. LOL.

This is another one of those Picture Perfect Cyclonic Storms that make great Screen Savers for the Doomophile TM, and it’s even bigger than Haiyan which devastated the Phillipines in 2013, which itself was a good deal larger than Katrina was.

So basically what you have here for the Nips is something an Order of Magnitude or so larger than the equivalent of NOLA being hit by Back-to-Back Katrinas. To be fair, the reason Katrina caused so much Havoc in NOLA is the city is at or below Sea Level in many places, so when the levees failed the water did not simply drain back out to sea, it had to be pumped back out, which took some time and plenty of fossil fuels to run the pumps.

The geography of Japan is a bit better for taking a Typhoon hit than New Orleans, it’s basically an archipelago of Volcanic Islands which rise fairly regularly from sea level up to the tops of Mt. Fuji and a few other choice Volcanoes currently getting more lively, including Mt. Ontake which blew off last week while numerous Hikers including Sum Dum Phuk and Wrong Dope Wrong Time are now missing, while the Nip rescue squads attempt to locate them before the next Typhoon rolls in…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Sinking Titanics: Euro, Yen & Oil

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on October 7, 2014

http://scalabilitygroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/scalability-group-sinking-yen.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QKqZookapkU/UfJB4KnTCKI/AAAAAAACqIY/4vGv-_9bNXo/s640/king1.jpg


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helicopterben…Looks like the FOREX and Commodities markets are finally catching up to reality, and our friends in Eurotrashland and Japan are getting squeezed first and hardest. I”ve long held the position that these currencies would collapse before the Dollar does, which is one of the key reasons the Dollar doesn’t hyperinflate, despite QE and all the rest.

It’s amazing to me these currencies hold any value at all these days, the main reason for this is inertia, along with the inability of people in the investment biz to grasp that the whole model of industialization is failing.

There all all sorts of Hindenberg type signs going on here at the moment, besides the crashing Yen and Euro, Oil has been getting hammered for the last week, and now Gold & Silver have dropped to around 4 year lows, and likely have a good deal further to fall as well, though there are likely to be upward bounces as well due to short covering and numerous other games played in volatile makets by speculators…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

Off the keyboard of RE

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Published on the Doomstead Diner on October 5, 2014


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I’ve spent the better part of the last decade Blogging Collapse.  It’s the Gift that Keeps on Giving, not a day or week goes by that something ever more egregious occurs in the Global Theatre, there is NEVER a shortage of Collapse stories to write on or examine.  Right now for example, ongoing we have:

1- Ebola Rising


2- Hong Kong Occupy



3- Oil Prices Collapsing




5- Ruskie Sanctions


6- CA Drought



http://www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/snap.pngAnd those are just the relatively new ones!   Fukushima hasn’t stopped Nuke Puking into the Pacific, a few dozen new species go extinct every week and the number of people on SNAP Cards inexorably climbs while the number of people in the workforce inexorably declines.  The Greeks are about to Default (AGAIN!) too.

As a Blogger, you can randomly just pick one of the topics out of a hat and there is something to write about and examine on any given day.  With this explosion of collapse topics, you would think that this would translate to an explosion of Blogs and Bloggers writing about them, but the exact opposite is true.  The longer this goes on, the fewer people who write on them there are, and of those that do, the less often they publish.

Some of the folks I used to read regularly like Nicole Foss (Stoneleigh) of The Automatic Earth almost never publish anything new.  Other folks like George Mobus of Question Everything have turned towards topics of a theoretical nature that interest them, but are only tangentially related to collapse if at all.

Here on the Diner, my fellow Bloggers Lucid Dreams of Epiphany Now and William Hunter Duncan of Off the Grid in Minneapolis just about never publish anymore, concerned more with their own daily lives than the Big Problems of the world.  Jason Heppenstall of 22 Billion Energy Slaves still publishes occassionally, but his Blogs come sporadically, maybe one a month.

Discussion in the commentary of some Blogs and on Forums is settled into a kind of formula for each place and is generally entirely predictable wherever you go, if you have been following collapse for any length of time anyhow.

Why is this?  It’s obviously not due to a shortage of topics, that is for sure.  The most obvious reasons to me are Collapse Overload TM on the part of the readers and commentariat, and Collapse Burnout TM on the part of the Bloggers.  It’s been going on so long now that anyone concerned with these topics has pretty much shot their wad on their own opinions and ideas and has read everything anyone else had to say about it, formed their own opinion on where it is going and what it means, and now is just living their life as best they can in the face of it.

For the most part this means finding or keeping a job and continuing to scratch out a living in the industrial economy.  Only a few people can afford to build their own Doomsteads © and try to become at least partially self-sufficient, and even that idea gets bollixed up by changing climate and precipitation patterns.  Diner Eddie who has a Doomstead © in Texas is quite aware that the progressing drought there makes that place likely unsustainable in the medium to long term.

http://www.wantchinatimes.com/newsphoto/2013-05-06/450/CFP433417743-182026_copy1.jpgBesides Collapse Overload TMCollapse Burnout TM in the long time Cognoscenti of Collapse TM is the more serious problem of Collapse Frustration TM.  For Doomophiles TM,  after years of jawboning Doom & Collapse on the net, the apparent inability to actually DO anything about it or even get the large majority of the population with their noses stuck in their I-Phones to even realize it is occurring leads many Doomers TM to throw up their hands and just give up!  Why bother talking about it or even DOING anything about it, because we are so seriously fucked here nothing makes a difference anyhow!

This is the meme over on Guy McPherson’s Nature Bats Last, where the Batters there have drawn the conclusion that not only are we economically fucked but we are all Doomed to Near Term Human Extinction by the now updated date of 2030.  Definitely, if we are all going to be extinct by 2030, there is not a whole lot of point to be blogging anymore, start working on your Bucket List instead!

The fact so many Bloggers have succumbed to Collapse Overload TMCollapse Burnout TM is actually a benefit for the Doomstead Diner ©, since newbies seeking out information about Collapse have fewer places to surf to on a daily basis these days, which translates to an ever rising Alexa Ranking for the Diner! Doom Surfers like the Diner so much they hang out for an amazing 17 Minutes a Day Time on Site now consuming Doom on the Diner! LOL. Most sites are lucky if they can keep short attention span readers on site for even 3 minutes! I personally battle the CO & CB Demons by sprinkling in some humor with the Doom, if you don’t look at the Lighter Side of Doom TM, you get Gloomy & Depressed and that makes it hard to keep going.

Besides Humor, the other way to battle against the Depressing Side of Doom is to NOT give in to the idea that everything is HOPELESS and there is nothing you can do, particularly if you are FRNs strapped without a lot of money to set up your own Doomstead ©.  There still are many strategies to explore, which is why we created the Non-Profit Sustaining Universal Needs Foundation, at SUN4Living.com.  While a case can be made that Collapse is inevitable and things are not going to be improving as time goes by here, there is still plenty to work out in terms of how to deal with it as it does progress.  I don’t see it as worthwhile to capitulate here as of yet, while the situation looks pretty grim, it is always Darkest Before the Dawn, as the saying goes.  Visit with us on SUN to help workout the logistics of a BETTER TOMORROW TM

In any event, the fact so many folks concerned with Collapse have left the stage or just sing the periodic aria has left a huge GAP in Collapse Analysis on the net, and a GREAT OPPORTUNITY for the Diner!  At the very least, I have got every good Collapse & Doom Term & Slogan either Trademarked or Copyrighted here!  LOL.

The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades.


This is not the time to GIVE UP!  So what if the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor?  Are you going to let a few Dead Phytoplankton get you down?  How many people ever born get to live through the Collapse of their Civilization?  It’s like Winning the LOTTO!  Let’s get out there and grab this opportunity to build a BETTER TOMORROW TM


http://www.isd547.com/Elem/extras/images/dogreporter.jpgDon’t miss the latest New Feature on the Diner Blog, Knarf’s Knewz!

Knewz Storiez Carefully Curated and Selected from around the Web by a Buddhist Monk filling you in on some of the less  well known Collapse Shenanigans.

Find the latest in Collapse Storiez in Knarf’s Knewz Widget on the Diner Blog!

Classic Rant Series: TSA Follies & Myths of Transportation Security

Ebola: I See Dead People 2

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on October 3, 2014

Discuss this Rant at the Environment Table inside the Diner



…Shortly after the latest Ebola outbreak in Africa took off, I wrote an article called, “Ebola: I See Dead People”. Reason for this was because even though at the time Ebola had only infected and killed a few hundred people, it had all the attributes of the worst kind of Plague you can imagine.

First off, it doesn’t have a cure or treatment that has been widely disseminated, even if one does exist and there are rumours that such a thing does, at least some kind of vaccine anyhow. As of yet though, said treatments or vaccine have not been dispersed in Africa where the disease is spreading exponentially, so even if they do work it’s not stopping the problem from gettting worse over there.

Second, its Mortality Rate is high, but not too high. If everybody who contracted the disease died rapidly, it would be self-extinguishing. However, everybody who contracts it does not die, moreover they go through an Incubation Period of as yet indeterminate length without symptoms but able to spread the disease. It’s probably at least 4 days, maybe 2 weeks or more. During this time anyone carrying it can spread it to others, and obviously if you wander around any Big Shity the number of contacts you have each day are enormous. If the disease can be spread on viral particles that sit on Doorknobs or public toilet flush levers etc, it’s possible to be spreading the disease even if you do not have physical contact with the next infected person down the line.

Although the exact vectors for transmission have not yet been determined, whether it is transferred Airborne or in Water etc, it’s pretty clear it is highly infectious, since even with the Full 9 Yards of CDC Suits and Respiratorss, several hundred Health Care Workers themselves have contracted the disease. So it has both characteristics of the worst kind of Plague, both Infectious and Deadly…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Fed Gate, PIMPCO & Oil Prices

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on October 1, 2014

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Don’t miss the latest high grossing Rants!

Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Arctic Oil and Hong Kong Riots

Financial WWIII: Secessions, Sanctions & Anti-Dollars


…The fact those revelations have produced basically ZERO in the way of prosecutions and perp walks has led to an even greater sense of invulnerability, so what do they care if they are recorded? “ You suckas are fucked and we are Masters of the Universe! Muuuhhhaahaaa!”

Why is nobody getting prosecuted here? Because EVERYBODY, and I mean EVERYBODY in the top echelon levels of Goobermint and Banking is FUCKING GUILTY! Everybody in the Department of Justice supposed to control criminal behavior is a fucking criminal. Everybody in Congress is a flunky criminal marionette or ventriloquist dummy with a Bankster behind him telling him how to vote and what to say. The fucking POTUS Obama-sama is a Rubber Stamp who signs whatever executive order his Caddy hands to him while out on the Back Nine to make certain your Pension Fund belongs to Goldman, not you.

Besides the fact that everybody in charge of running this Racket is a Criminal, the other main reason that nobody gets prosecuted is that the whole monetary system is a Criminal Racket, and has been so since the founding of the FSoA, and going well back before that too. If anybody really started to enforce laws against the main Racketeers in charge of the TBTF Banks and major Energy and Defense Corporations, the entire monetary system would collapse in a heartbeat. The only thing that keeps it running is Theft and Military Enforcers running the Protection Racket through the CIA…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Inflation, Deflation & FOOD!

Off the keyboard & microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 26, 2014


Discuss this Article & Rant at the Economics Table inside the Diner

Landscape  Pizza_15c

http://www.free-workout-routines.net/image-files/speed-bag-workout.jpgBefore getting into my rant on this timelessly popular topic in the Collapse-Econ Blogosphere, it’s worthwhile to review some of the Data and Tables tracking Inflation and the disappearing Middle Class in the FSoA for some background.

First, a month by month table for Annual Inflation Rates from 1913 to the Present.  If you look at this table in detail, you’ll probably be a bit surprised about how far the numbers deviate from the storyline that Da Federal Reserve has kept Inflation contained over the last Century.

If you don’t like to review tables, that is what the Rant is for that follows here. :) The Rant looks at the last 40 years from 1970 to present day from Important Parameters everybody is concerned with, Pizza, Gas, College Tuitions & Paychecks.  Scroll down to the bottom here and just listen if you don’t feel like reviewing tables.  I suggest strapping on some Boxing Gloves and listening while working out on the Speed Bag.  Downloads available on the Diner.

Historical Annual U.S. Inflation Rate from 1913 to the present
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
2014 1.58 % 1.13 % 1.51 % 1.95 % 2.13 % 2.07 % 1.99 % 1.70 %
2013 1.59 % 1.98 % 1.47 % 1.06 % 1.36 % 1.75 % 1.96 % 1.52 % 1.18 % 0.96 % 1.24 % 1.50 % 1.47 %
2012 2.93 % 2.87 % 2.65 % 2.30 % 1.70 % 1.66 % 1.41 % 1.69 % 1.99 % 2.16 % 1.76 % 1.74 % 2.07 %
2011 1.63 % 2.11 % 2.68 % 3.16 % 3.57 % 3.56 % 3.63 % 3.77 % 3.87 % 3.53 % 3.39 % 2.96 % 3.16 %
2010 2.63 % 2.14 % 2.31 % 2.24 % 2.02 % 1.05 % 1.24 % 1.15 % 1.14 % 1.17 % 1.14 % 1.50 % 1.64 %
2009 0.03 % 0.24 % -0.38 % -0.74 % -1.28 % -1.43 % -2.10 % -1.48 % -1.29 % -0.18 % 1.84 % 2.72 % -0.34 %
2008 4.28 % 4.03 % 3.98 % 3.94 % 4.18 % 5.02 % 5.60 % 5.37 % 4.94 % 3.66 % 1.07 % 0.09 % 3.85 %
2007 2.08 % 2.42 % 2.78 % 2.57 % 2.69 % 2.69 % 2.36 % 1.97 % 2.76 % 3.54 % 4.31 % 4.08 % 2.85 %
2006 3.99 % 3.60 % 3.36 % 3.55 % 4.17 % 4.32 % 4.15 % 3.82 % 2.06 % 1.31 % 1.97 % 2.54 % 3.24 %
2005 2.97 % 3.01 % 3.15 % 3.51 % 2.80 % 2.53 % 3.17 % 3.64 % 4.69 % 4.35 % 3.46 % 3.42 % 3.39 %
2004 1.93 % 1.69 % 1.74 % 2.29 % 3.05 % 3.27 % 2.99 % 2.65 % 2.54 % 3.19 % 3.52 % 3.26 % 2.68 %
2003 2.60 % 2.98 % 3.02 % 2.22 % 2.06 % 2.11 % 2.11 % 2.16 % 2.32 % 2.04 % 1.77 % 1.88 % 2.27 %
2002 1.14 % 1.14 % 1.48 % 1.64 % 1.18 % 1.07 % 1.46 % 1.80 % 1.51 % 2.03 % 2.20 % 2.38 % 1.59 %
2001 3.73 % 3.53 % 2.92 % 3.27 % 3.62 % 3.25 % 2.72 % 2.72 % 2.65 % 2.13 % 1.90 % 1.55 % 2.83 %
2000 2.74 % 3.22 % 3.76 % 3.07 % 3.19 % 3.73 % 3.66 % 3.41 % 3.45 % 3.45 % 3.45 % 3.39 % 3.38 %
1999 1.67 % 1.61 % 1.73 % 2.28 % 2.09 % 1.96 % 2.14 % 2.26 % 2.63 % 2.56 % 2.62 % 2.68 % 2.19 %
1998 1.57 % 1.44 % 1.37 % 1.44 % 1.69 % 1.68 % 1.68 % 1.62 % 1.49 % 1.49 % 1.55 % 1.61 % 1.55 %
1997 3.04 % 3.03 % 2.76 % 2.50 % 2.23 % 2.30 % 2.23 % 2.23 % 2.15 % 2.08 % 1.83 % 1.70 % 2.34 %
1996 2.73 % 2.65 % 2.84 % 2.90 % 2.89 % 2.75 % 2.95 % 2.88 % 3.00 % 2.99 % 3.26 % 3.32 % 2.93 %
1995 2.80 % 2.86 % 2.85 % 3.05 % 3.19 % 3.04 % 2.76 % 2.62 % 2.54 % 2.81 % 2.61 % 2.54 % 2.81 %
1994 2.52 % 2.52 % 2.51 % 2.36 % 2.29 % 2.49 % 2.77 % 2.90 % 2.96 % 2.61 % 2.67 % 2.67 % 2.61 %
1993 3.26 % 3.25 % 3.09 % 3.23 % 3.22 % 3.00 % 2.78 % 2.77 % 2.69 % 2.75 % 2.68 % 2.75 % 2.96 %
1992 2.60 % 2.82 % 3.19 % 3.18 % 3.02 % 3.09 % 3.16 % 3.15 % 2.99 % 3.20 % 3.05 % 2.90 % 3.03 %
1991 5.65 % 5.31 % 4.90 % 4.89 % 4.95 % 4.70 % 4.45 % 3.80 % 3.39 % 2.92 % 2.99 % 3.06 % 4.25 %
1990 5.20 % 5.26 % 5.23 % 4.71 % 4.36 % 4.67 % 4.82 % 5.62 % 6.16 % 6.29 % 6.27 % 6.11 % 5.39 %
1989 4.67 % 4.83 % 4.98 % 5.12 % 5.36 % 5.17 % 4.98 % 4.71 % 4.34 % 4.49 % 4.66 % 4.65 % 4.83 %
1988 4.05 % 3.94 % 3.93 % 3.90 % 3.89 % 3.96 % 4.13 % 4.02 % 4.17 % 4.25 % 4.25 % 4.42 % 4.08 %
1987 1.46 % 2.10 % 3.03 % 3.78 % 3.86 % 3.65 % 3.93 % 4.28 % 4.36 % 4.53 % 4.53 % 4.43 % 3.66 %
1986 3.89 % 3.11 % 2.26 % 1.59 % 1.49 % 1.77 % 1.58 % 1.57 % 1.75 % 1.47 % 1.28 % 1.10 % 1.91 %
1985 3.53 % 3.52 % 3.70 % 3.69 % 3.77 % 3.76 % 3.55 % 3.35 % 3.14 % 3.23 % 3.51 % 3.80 % 3.55 %
1984 4.19 % 4.60 % 4.80 % 4.56 % 4.23 % 4.22 % 4.20 % 4.29 % 4.27 % 4.26 % 4.05 % 3.95 % 4.30 %
1983 3.71 % 3.49 % 3.60 % 3.90 % 3.55 % 2.58 % 2.46 % 2.56 % 2.86 % 2.85 % 3.27 % 3.79 % 3.22 %
1982 8.39 % 7.62 % 6.78 % 6.51 % 6.68 % 7.06 % 6.44 % 5.85 % 5.04 % 5.14 % 4.59 % 3.83 % 6.16 %
1981 11.83 % 11.41 % 10.49 % 10.00 % 9.78 % 9.55 % 10.76 % 10.80 % 10.95 % 10.14 % 9.59 % 8.92 % 10.35 %
1980 13.91 % 14.18 % 14.76 % 14.73 % 14.41 % 14.38 % 13.13 % 12.87 % 12.60 % 12.77 % 12.65 % 12.52 % 13.58 %
1979 9.28 % 9.86 % 10.09 % 10.49 % 10.85 % 10.89 % 11.26 % 11.82 % 12.18 % 12.07 % 12.61 % 13.29 % 11.22 %
1978 6.84 % 6.43 % 6.55 % 6.50 % 6.97 % 7.41 % 7.70 % 7.84 % 8.31 % 8.93 % 8.89 % 9.02 % 7.62 %
1977 5.22 % 5.91 % 6.44 % 6.95 % 6.73 % 6.87 % 6.83 % 6.62 % 6.60 % 6.39 % 6.72 % 6.70 % 6.50 %
1976 6.72 % 6.29 % 6.07 % 6.05 % 6.20 % 5.97 % 5.35 % 5.71 % 5.49 % 5.46 % 4.88 % 4.86 % 5.75 %
1975 11.80 % 11.23 % 10.25 % 10.21 % 9.47 % 9.39 % 9.72 % 8.60 % 7.91 % 7.44 % 7.38 % 6.94 % 9.20 %
1974 9.39 % 10.02 % 10.39 % 10.09 % 10.71 % 10.86 % 11.51 % 10.86 % 11.95 % 12.06 % 12.20 % 12.34 % 11.03 %
1973 3.65 % 3.87 % 4.59 % 5.06 % 5.53 % 6.00 % 5.73 % 7.38 % 7.36 % 7.80 % 8.25 % 8.71 % 6.16 %
1972 3.27 % 3.51 % 3.50 % 3.49 % 3.23 % 2.71 % 2.95 % 2.94 % 3.19 % 3.42 % 3.67 % 3.41 % 3.27 %
1971 5.29 % 5.00 % 4.71 % 4.16 % 4.40 % 4.64 % 4.36 % 4.62 % 4.08 % 3.81 % 3.28 % 3.27 % 4.30 %
1970 6.18 % 6.15 % 5.82 % 6.06 % 6.04 % 6.01 % 5.98 % 5.41 % 5.66 % 5.63 % 5.60 % 5.57 % 5.84 %
1969 4.40 % 4.68 % 5.25 % 5.52 % 5.51 % 5.48 % 5.44 % 5.71 % 5.70 % 5.67 % 5.93 % 6.20 % 5.46 %
1968 3.65 % 3.95 % 3.94 % 3.93 % 3.92 % 4.20 % 4.49 % 4.48 % 4.46 % 4.75 % 4.73 % 4.72 % 4.27 %
1967 3.46 % 2.81 % 2.80 % 2.48 % 2.79 % 2.78 % 2.77 % 2.45 % 2.75 % 2.43 % 2.74 % 3.04 % 2.78 %
1966 1.92 % 2.56 % 2.56 % 2.87 % 2.87 % 2.53 % 2.85 % 3.48 % 3.48 % 3.79 % 3.79 % 3.46 % 3.01 %
1965 0.97 % 0.97 % 1.29 % 1.62 % 1.62 % 1.94 % 1.61 % 1.94 % 1.61 % 1.93 % 1.60 % 1.92 % 1.59 %
1964 1.64 % 1.64 % 1.31 % 1.31 % 1.31 % 1.31 % 1.30 % 0.98 % 1.30 % 0.97 % 1.30 % 0.97 % 1.28 %
1963 1.33 % 1.00 % 1.33 % 0.99 % 0.99 % 1.32 % 1.32 % 1.32 % 0.99 % 1.32 % 1.32 % 1.64 % 1.24 %
1962 0.67 % 1.01 % 1.01 % 1.34 % 1.34 % 1.34 % 1.00 % 1.34 % 1.33 % 1.33 % 1.33 % 1.33 % 1.20 %
1961 1.71 % 1.36 % 1.36 % 1.02 % 1.02 % 0.68 % 1.35 % 1.01 % 1.35 % 0.67 % 0.67 % 0.67 % 1.07 %
1960 1.03 % 1.73 % 1.73 % 1.72 % 1.72 % 1.72 % 1.37 % 1.37 % 1.02 % 1.36 % 1.36 % 1.36 % 1.46 %
1959 1.40 % 1.05 % 0.35 % 0.35 % 0.35 % 0.69 % 0.69 % 1.04 % 1.38 % 1.73 % 1.38 % 1.73 % 1.01 %
1958 3.62 % 3.25 % 3.60 % 3.58 % 3.21 % 2.85 % 2.47 % 2.12 % 2.12 % 2.12 % 2.11 % 1.76 % 2.73 %
1957 2.99 % 3.36 % 3.73 % 3.72 % 3.70 % 3.31 % 3.28 % 3.66 % 3.28 % 2.91 % 3.27 % 2.90 % 3.34 %
1956 0.37 % 0.37 % 0.37 % 0.75 % 1.12 % 1.87 % 2.24 % 1.87 % 1.86 % 2.23 % 2.23 % 2.99 % 1.52 %
1955 -0.74 % -0.74 % -0.74 % -0.37 % -0.74 % -0.74 % -0.37 % -0.37 % 0.37 % 0.37 % 0.37 % 0.37 % -0.28 %
1954 1.13 % 1.51 % 1.13 % 0.75 % 0.75 % 0.37 % 0.37 % 0.00 % -0.37 % -0.74 % -0.37 % -0.74 % 0.32 %
1953 0.38 % 0.76 % 1.14 % 0.76 % 1.14 % 1.13 % 0.37 % 0.75 % 0.75 % 1.12 % 0.75 % 0.75 % 0.82 %
1952 4.33 % 2.33 % 1.94 % 2.33 % 1.93 % 2.32 % 3.09 % 3.09 % 2.30 % 1.91 % 1.14 % 0.75 % 2.29 %
1951 8.09 % 9.36 % 9.32 % 9.32 % 9.28 % 8.82 % 7.47 % 6.58 % 6.97 % 6.50 % 6.88 % 6.00 % 7.88 %
1950 -2.08 % -1.26 % -0.84 % -1.26 % -0.42 % -0.42 % 1.69 % 2.10 % 2.09 % 3.80 % 3.78 % 5.93 % 1.09 %
1949 1.27 % 1.28 % 1.71 % 0.42 % -0.42 % -0.83 % -2.87 % -2.86 % -2.45 % -2.87 % -1.65 % -2.07 % -0.95 %
1948 10.23 % 9.30 % 6.85 % 8.68 % 9.13 % 9.55 % 9.91 % 8.89 % 6.52 % 6.09 % 4.76 % 2.99 % 7.74 %
1947 18.13 % 18.78 % 19.67 % 19.02 % 18.38 % 17.65 % 12.12 % 11.39 % 12.75 % 10.58 % 8.45 % 8.84 % 14.65 %
1946 2.25 % 1.69 % 2.81 % 3.37 % 3.35 % 3.31 % 9.39 % 11.60 % 12.71 % 14.92 % 17.68 % 18.13 % 8.43 %
1945 2.30 % 2.30 % 2.30 % 1.71 % 2.29 % 2.84 % 2.26 % 2.26 % 2.26 % 2.26 % 2.26 % 2.25 % 2.27 %
1944 2.96 % 2.96 % 1.16 % 0.57 % 0.00 % 0.57 % 1.72 % 2.31 % 1.72 % 1.72 % 1.72 % 2.30 % 1.64 %
1943 7.64 % 6.96 % 7.50 % 8.07 % 7.36 % 7.36 % 6.10 % 4.85 % 5.45 % 4.19 % 3.57 % 2.96 % 6.00 %
1942 11.35 % 12.06 % 12.68 % 12.59 % 13.19 % 10.88 % 11.56 % 10.74 % 9.27 % 9.15 % 9.09 % 9.03 % 10.97 %
1941 1.44 % 0.71 % 1.43 % 2.14 % 2.86 % 4.26 % 5.00 % 6.43 % 7.86 % 9.29 % 10.00 % 9.93 % 5.11 %
1940 -0.71 % 0.72 % 0.72 % 1.45 % 1.45 % 2.17 % 1.45 % 1.45 % -0.71 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.71 % 0.73 %
1939 -1.41 % -1.42 % -1.42 % -2.82 % -2.13 % -2.13 % -2.13 % -2.13 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % -1.30 %
1938 0.71 % 0.00 % -0.70 % -0.70 % -2.08 % -2.08 % -2.76 % -2.76 % -3.42 % -4.11 % -3.45 % -2.78 % -2.01 %
1937 2.17 % 2.17 % 3.65 % 4.38 % 5.11 % 4.35 % 4.32 % 3.57 % 4.29 % 4.29 % 3.57 % 2.86 % 3.73 %
1936 1.47 % 0.73 % 0.00 % -0.72 % -0.72 % 0.73 % 1.46 % 2.19 % 2.19 % 2.19 % 1.45 % 1.45 % 1.04 %
1935 3.03 % 3.01 % 3.01 % 3.76 % 3.76 % 2.24 % 2.24 % 2.24 % 0.74 % 1.48 % 2.22 % 2.99 % 2.56 %
1934 2.33 % 4.72 % 5.56 % 5.56 % 5.56 % 5.51 % 2.29 % 1.52 % 3.03 % 2.27 % 2.27 % 1.52 % 3.51 %
1933 -9.79 % -9.93 % -10.00 % -9.35 % -8.03 % -6.62 % -3.68 % -2.22 % -1.49 % -0.75 % 0.00 % 0.76 % -5.09 %
1932 -10.06 % -10.19 % -10.26 % -10.32 % -10.46 % -9.93 % -9.93 % -10.60 % -10.67 % -10.74 % -10.20 % -10.27 % -10.30 %
1931 -7.02 % -7.65 % -7.69 % -8.82 % -9.47 % -10.12 % -9.04 % -8.48 % -9.64 % -9.70 % -10.37 % -9.32 % -8.94 %
1930 0.00 % -0.58 % -0.59 % 0.59 % -0.59 % -1.75 % -4.05 % -4.62 % -4.05 % -4.62 % -5.20 % -6.40 % -2.66 %
1929 -1.16 % 0.00 % -0.58 % -1.17 % -1.16 % 0.00 % 1.17 % 1.17 % 0.00 % 0.58 % 0.58 % 0.58 % 0.00 %
1928 -1.14 % -1.72 % -1.16 % -1.16 % -1.15 % -2.84 % -1.16 % -0.58 % 0.00 % -1.15 % -0.58 % -1.16 % -1.15 %
1927 -2.23 % -2.79 % -2.81 % -3.35 % -2.25 % -0.56 % -1.14 % -1.15 % -1.14 % -1.14 % -2.26 % -2.26 % -1.92 %
1926 3.47 % 4.07 % 2.89 % 4.07 % 2.89 % 1.14 % -1.13 % -1.69 % -1.13 % -0.56 % -1.67 % -1.12 % 0.94 %
1925 0.00 % 0.00 % 1.17 % 1.18 % 1.76 % 2.94 % 3.51 % 4.12 % 3.51 % 2.91 % 4.65 % 3.47 % 2.44 %
1924 2.98 % 2.38 % 1.79 % 0.59 % 0.59 % 0.00 % -0.58 % -0.58 % -0.58 % -0.58 % -0.58 % 0.00 % 0.45 %
1923 -0.59 % -0.59 % 0.60 % 1.20 % 1.20 % 1.80 % 2.38 % 3.01 % 3.61 % 3.59 % 2.98 % 2.37 % 1.80 %
1922 -11.05 % -8.15 % -8.74 % -7.73 % -5.65 % -5.11 % -5.08 % -6.21 % -5.14 % -4.57 % -3.45 % -2.31 % -6.10 %
1921 -1.55 % -5.64 % -7.11 % -10.84 % -14.08 % -15.79 % -14.90 % -12.81 % -12.50 % -12.06 % -12.12 % -10.82 % -10.85 %
1920 16.97 % 20.37 % 20.12 % 21.56 % 21.89 % 23.67 % 19.54 % 14.69 % 12.36 % 9.94 % 7.03 % 2.65 % 15.90 %
1919 17.86 % 14.89 % 17.14 % 17.61 % 16.55 % 14.97 % 15.23 % 14.94 % 13.38 % 13.13 % 13.50 % 14.55 % 15.31 %
1918 19.66 % 17.50 % 16.67 % 12.70 % 13.28 % 13.08 % 17.97 % 18.46 % 18.05 % 18.52 % 20.74 % 20.44 % 17.26 %
1917 12.50 % 15.38 % 14.29 % 18.87 % 19.63 % 20.37 % 18.52 % 19.27 % 19.82 % 19.47 % 17.39 % 18.10 % 17.80 %
1916 2.97 % 4.00 % 6.06 % 6.00 % 5.94 % 6.93 % 6.93 % 7.92 % 9.90 % 10.78 % 11.65 % 12.62 % 7.64 %
1915 1.00 % 1.01 % 0.00 % 2.04 % 2.02 % 2.02 % 1.00 % -0.98 % -0.98 % 0.99 % 0.98 % 1.98 % 0.92 %
1914 2.04 % 1.02 % 1.02 % 0.00 % 2.06 % 1.02 % 1.01 % 3.03 % 2.00 % 1.00 % 0.99 % 1.00 % 1.35 %

Next, here are some great tables presented by Ben Casselman on FiveThirtyEight Economics:

In 1988, the typical American adult was 40 years old, white and married, with a high school diploma. If he was a man, he probably worked full time. If she was a woman, she probably didn’t.

Twenty-five years later, Americans are older, more diverse and more educated. We are less likely to be married and more likely to live alone. Work is divided more evenly between the sexes. One thing that hasn’t changed? The income of the median U.S. household is still just under $52,000.

The government’s release last week of income and poverty data for 2013 brought renewed attention to the apparent stagnation of the American middle class — not just since the financial crisis hit six years ago this month, but for much of the decade that preceded the crash. The report showed that the economic recovery has yet to translate into higher incomes for the typical American family. After adjusting for inflation, U.S. median household income is still 8 percent lower than it was before the recession, 9 percent lower than at its peak in 1999, and essentially unchanged since the end of the Reagan administration.

“As a country,” New York magazine’s Annie Lowrey wrote Friday, “we peaked in the late 1990s.”

There’s little doubt that the past 15 years have been hard ones for the middle class. But median income isn’t necessarily the best way to show that. The problem is that changes in median income reflect several trends all jumbled together: the aging of the population, changing patterns in work and schooling, and the evolving makeup of the American family, as well as long- and short-term trends in the economy itself. Understanding the state of the American middle class requires digging a bit deeper than median income alone.

Let’s start with what median income does measure: the amount of money earned by the household at the midpoint of the U.S. income distribution — half of households make more, and half make less. Journalists, including me, often refer to it as the amount earned1 by the “typical household,” which is true as long as we’re talking about a moment in time. But as soon as we start talking about change over time, median income becomes trickier to interpret.

casselman-feature-income-tableTo understand why, imagine a simple model in which there are five people. The poorest makes $30,000 a year and the richest $70,000, with the other three evenly distributed in between. The group’s median income would be $50,000. The next year, everyone gets a $10,000 raise — except the richest person, who retires and starts drawing a $40,000-a-year pension. Most people see their income go up, but the median remains unchanged.2

This scenario is oversimplified, but it illustrates a trend. On average, people’s earnings rise in their 20s and 30s, peak sometime in their late 40s or early 50s, and then decline when they retire.3 All else equal, the retirement of the baby boom generation should push down the overall median income.

Aging, at least, is fairly easy to control for. We can look, for example, at how much money people earned at a given point in their lives. The charts below show median income over time for specific ages.4 The details differ, but the trend is similar: Incomes generally rose until 2000 and have generally fallen since then. The aging population certainly isn’t helping the overall decline in incomes, but it isn’t causing it either.5


But aging isn’t the only trend that could be skewing the median. Fewer Americans are getting married, and they’re having fewer children. That means the size of the typical U.S. household is shrinking — which is important, because it costs more to support more people. There’s a big difference between an individual living on $50,000 a year and a family of four doing the same. To account for this, economists often adjust incomes for household size, scaling up the income for the person living alone and adjusting it down for the family of four.6

As the chart below shows, adjusting for household size makes a significant difference before 2000. But since then, the trends line up closely.7 The shrinking U.S. household doesn’t explain the past 15 years of stagnation.


The U.S. is changing in other ways, too: by race, by education, and by the region where they live. But almost no matter how we break down the population, incomes are down since 1999. Moreover, most groups saw little if any improvement in income between 1999 and 2007, before the recession began.


Another problem with focusing on median income is that it only tells us about households in the middle — it doesn’t reveal anything about households elsewhere in the income distribution. And middle class incomes haven’t just been stagnant. The middle class itself has also been shrinking.

In 1970, 55 percent of U.S. income was earned by households in the middle 60 percent of the income distribution. More than half of households were in what Pew Research Center has labeled the “middle tier” of households (those earning between two-thirds and twice the median income). In 2013, both numbers had fallen to about 45 percent. In a 2012 report, Pew researchers called the 2000s “the lost decade of the middle class.”


One common definition of the American dream is the belief that each generation will do better than the one before. By that measure, the dream is fading. Take the generation born in 1970. In early adulthood, these Americans outearned their parents, those born in 1950. But their gains stalled in the 2000s, when they were in their 30s. Now in their 40s, their earnings have fallen behind those of their parents at the same stage in their lives.


The picture painted by all these figures is the same: The middle class was struggling in the 2000s despite an economy that was, by conventional measures, strong. The recession turned stagnation into an outright decline, and the recovery has thus far been too weak to claw back much of what was lost.

Now let’s FLASHBACK to 1970 to look at some of the Prices and Wages for that year, before I get Ranting on this one:

President:  Richard M. Nixon 
Vice President:  Spiro T. Agnew 

Life expectancy:  70.8 years 

High:  842 (RE Note: Dow Jones today @ 16, 945! 2000% Increase there!)
Low:  669 

Federal spending: 
$195.65 billion (RE Note: 2014 @ $3.77 TRILLION!  Also around 2000% increase!)
Federal debt:  $380.9 billion  (RE Note: CHUMP CHANGE! Da Fed issues that much out every 3-5 months or so now!)
Inflation:  6.5% 
Consumer Price Index:  38.8 
Unemployment:  3.5% 
Cost of a new home:  $26,600.00 
Cost of a new car: 
Median Household Income:  $8,734.00  (RE Note: 2014 MHI $50K.  Only 600% Increase!  How come J6P doesn’t get QUADRUPLE digit inflation in wages here? Triple Digits is for LOSERS!)
Cost of a first-class stamp:  $0.06 
Cost of a gallon of regular gas:  $0.36 
Cost of a dozen eggs:  $0.62 
Cost of a gallon of Milk:  1.15 


What you do need to realize is that Deflation is much more feared than Inflation by anyone in charge of credit creation.  In a deflationary scenario, you can’t issue credit and money essentially disappears from circulation.  Despite the fact the CBs are trying to reinflate through Central credit creation, the credit is not further made available to downstream Biznesses and at the consumer level is near strangulation now except for some specific Goobermint guaranteed Bubbles like Student Loans.  Further consumption cannot occur without further credit being made available at the bottom of the credit food chain, and that simply is not occuring.

With that in mind, and without further ado, today’s Rant tracking Inflation from the 1970s to today. :)


http://www.atlantarex.com/urban-pizza-pub-for-sale-in-atlanta/urban-pizza-bar-for-sale-atlanta-pizza-dough.jpg…What got me going on this today was I made a Stop at Fred Myer to pick up a fresh loaf of French Bread to go with my St. Andre Cheese I picked up last week and froze a few of them at $5 each. Very nice cheese this one. As I walked by the Deli Hot counter to the Artisan Bread section, I bypassed a NEW offering, they are now offering By-the-Slice Pizza, just like the old Pizzerias in New York Shity had out when I was a teenager on my way to or from Stuyvesant, or out for Lunch.

In those days, these Pizzas were Hand Tossed by real old Italian Immigrants, or their first generation sons taking over the Biz in many cases. The Tomato Sauce used was different from Pizzeria to Pizzeria, often made from scratch by Grandma from tomatoes grown in the backyard of their Queens tract house. The Slices were a foot long, coming from 24” diameter Hand Tossed Full Pizzas. A slice cost 15-25 cents over those years in the 1970s.

Fast forward to the Fred Myer Pizza Counter. Nobody is Hand Tossing the Pizza Wheel, they cook the pizzas up from the same ones they sell uncooked in boxes in the refrigerated counter. They have a fairly generous supply of cheese and other ingredients dropped on them, but they are 18” wheels, so smaller slices at around 9 inches, which is impressive for a Porn Star but small for a slice of Pizza. Price for one slice of this Pizza? $2….

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Cultural Stupidity: You Can’t Make This Shit Up

Off the microphone of RE

Follow us on Twitter @doomstead666
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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 23, 2014


Also don’t miss the recent Podcast with Ugo Bardi & Jim Laughter

Narratives of TEOTWAWKI

Discuss this Rant at the Podcast Table inside the Diner


http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzEyLzAzLzIzL0FtYXpvbkRyb25lLjkzMmVkLnBuZwpwCXRodW1iCTYwMHgzMzgjCmUJanBn/054f4e96/98d/AmazonDrone_Screenshot_5.jpg…You can file this particular rant under the category of Cultural Stupidity.

I cruise around the Internet on a daily basis, occupying my waking hours far more than is healthy or reasonable for any Homo Sapiens. I read an incredible amount of COMPLETE GARBAGE in order to try to sift out a few Nuggets of TRUTH about WTF is going on here as Industrial Civilization spins down the Toilet. It’s a Thankless Task, and few people appreciate the amount of dedication it takes to subject yourself daily to Internet Garbage and Disinfomation in order to make some fucking SENSE out of this Clusterfuck.

What inspires this particular Rant is an Ad that popped up on I think it was Zero Fucking Hedge from Gillete, the Razor Blade people. Did you know it is now possible to buy a fucking SUBSCRIPTION for Gillete Razor Blades and have them delivered to your doorstep weekly? Why buy Razor Blades at Walmart when a Drone will drop them off at the fucking bathroom sink if you open the door to let the Drone in? Fuck the doorstep here, get the damn blades dropped down right next to the fucking Razor and can of Shaving Cream! Why expend all that effort carrying the Razor Blades from the Doorstep to the fucking Bathroom Sink if you don’t have to?…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Narratives of TEOTWAWKI

Off the keyboard of RE

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Published on the Doomstead Diner on September 21, 2014

Discuss this article at the Environment Table inside the Diner

http://edwardhotspur.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/unicorn-skittles.jpgSince I have been involved in Doom Prognostication and Analysis since 2008, floating around various websites from PeakOil.com to Market Ticker to The Automatic Earth to The Burning Platform, as well as my own Yahoo Group of Reverse Engineering and now the Doomstead Diner, I have of course been exposed to probably every possible Doom Scenario that you could conjure up as plausible.

Besides that, since I am a confirmed Full Doomer, I also periodically review the latest in Graphs and Charts that Financial Bloggers post up, or that Climate Bloggers post up.  Overall, just about all this graphology is uniformly depressing newz.  You have to be a believer in Fairy Dust and Skittle Shitting Unicorns to accept any of the MSM Charts which show “Economic Recovery” anywhere, as my friend Jim Quinn from TBP demonstrated once again recently tracking the Collapse of Retail Sales here in the FSoA.

Hard to imagine how folks will be doing too much Shopping as they drop out of the Labor Force by the Millions:


While both Economic and Geopolitical Doom are both present in Copious Quantities, the current scariest long term possibilities come from progressive deterioration of ecosystems and climate change, which by Guy McPherson of Nature Bats Last’s analysis are not too far off and lead to the Uber Doom scenario of Near Term Human Extinction.


Trying to make sense of the ongoing Collapse and where it might lead requires more than just Graphs & Charts, it requires a narrative which makes sense, is plausible based on current known parameters and trends, and it has to be “accessible” to most people in language and imagery they can understand and relate to their own lives.  Most folks are not Economists, Climatologists, CPAs, Petroleum Engineers or Nuclear Physicists, and any of those are virtually never expert in any other field than their own.  So even experts need a cross-disciplinary narrative to get a good global picture of what is going on here.

Ugo Bardi recently brought up in a few of his blogs on Resource Limits how Science Fiction informed the late 19th, 20th and 21st Century narrative that most people accept as true, that Technological Progress will continue in perpetuity and that the Industrial Culture we have lived under for the last 200 years will not just continue, but become ever more complex and pervasive across the globe.  This type of Sci-Fi permeated its way right down to the Cartoons many of us Science Buffs watched as children.


There are numerous other ancillary narratives that go along with this, for instance that Modern Medicine and Science can cure any disease, that Standards of Living will continue to improve for everyone as they join the Industrial Culture, and that Human beings are too small to affect the earth and its ecosystems.

http://islamicbanking.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/foreclosed-homes.jpgJust about all those narratives are demonstrably false now.  Country after country falls off the Economic Cliff, basically on a daily basis, and the smaller ones with little access to central credit creation find it ever more difficult to access the energy necessary to keep running an Industrial society.  Standards of Living aren’t improving anywhere, even here at the center of Credit Creation of the World Reserve Currency of the Dollar they are falling as more people each year fall out of the tabulated “workforce”, fewer well paying jobs are available, more McMansions go into Foreclosure and fewer miles are driven in the Happy Motoring lifestyle.  Ecosystems are collapsing everywhere, phytoplankton are down 50% over the last 30 years in world Oceans and species are going Extinct at a rate unprecedented in the Geological Record, even faster than the mass extinction even of the PETM, or Pleiocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, which took out the Dinosaurs.


http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2014/08/20140806_ebola1.jpgAccess to advanced Medical care isn’t improving, Obama-care is a joke, anti-biotics are failing as drug resistant “Super-bugs” evolve, higher percentages of people are born with Autism and other neurological and physiological problems and food becomes ever less nutritious and ever more dangerous as GMO foods are introduced into the food supply.  Besides that, you have the specter of the Ebola Virus spreading Exponentially in Africa, a disease for which there is no cure and a 40% mortality rate at least these days that is what the WHO is reporting.

Denial is rampant through the society of Homo Industrialis, in large part because there isn’t a good narrative to compete with the Sci-Fi Narrative of never-ending Progress and a better life in the future.

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51uZwKWaZML.jpgIn this Podcast, Ugo Bardi, Jim Laughter (author of Polar City Red) and I chat up ideas around one type of New Narrative, “Cli-Fi” or Climate Fiction.  Through Fiction, you can explore ideas and make comprehensible what is not generally comprehensible just by reading charts and tables, which in fact most folks never look at at all, they just take the word of “experts”, and every possible side in every scenario has some expert they can enlist to justify their POV, so the hoi polloi tends to believe the side with the viewpoint and outcome they WANT to believe is true.

Cli-Fi is only one of the possible Fictional Variants that can be explored here, Econ-Fi is another one since it still looks like Economic Collapse will lead Climate Collapse by some margin.  Energy-Fi is another one, since how we might adapt to a lower per capita energy world of the future has many possible narratives attached.

This podcast looks mainly at Cli-Fi scenarios, both Medium and Long Term. Hopefully at a future date we will explore some of the other ones as well.

In any event, break out the Microwave Popcorn, sit back and contemplate TEOTWAWKI with me, Ugo Bardi and Jim Laughter.




Off the keyboard of RE

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Published on the Doomstead Diner on September 20, 2014

Discuss this article at the Doomsteading Table inside the Diner

Here on the Diner, we often discuss Ultimate Apocalyptic Scenarios, where basically all of Industrial Civilization goes to Hell in a Handbasket all at once, nothing works and Mad Max ensues forthwith.


While this is certainly one possibility, the more likely possibility at least here in the FSoA is that we will go through a period of time where the services and systems we take for granted do not entirely DISAPPEAR all at once, but rather become Intermittent and Unpredictable in their delivery.

You could file this post under the idea of John Michael Greer’s “Slow Catabolic Collapse” or Jim Kunstler’s “Long Emergency”.  In reality I don’t think it fits in either category, because if there is such a period, IMHO it won’t last all that long in geologic or even generational terms, maybe 20-30 years the most, and that is quite rapid on historical timelines.  However, in terms of what is left of my OWN Lifespan, it pretty much covers it completely.  Unlikely I last more than 20 more years under any circumstances, and completely out of the question I will make another 30.

So personally all I really have to concern myself with is to how to negotiate the next 20-30 years, and what systems and methods I will need to do that effectively, if it is possible to do so.

http://img.rt.com/files/news/21/a6/a0/00/16.si.jpgOn a slightly longer timescale, this is like the difference between someone who has ZERO preps when Katrina Hits or there is an Ice Storm or Tornado which takes out most of the power lines to a neighborhood, and another guy down the street who is well prepped with some backup systems to keep him going a week or two while systems get repaired and brought back online.

The main things you need obviously are Food & Potable water in sufficient quantity to last through the disruption period.  FEMA these days makes recommendations everyone has at least 72 hours worth of the necessities, while acknowledging that in some situations it could take weeks or months before “normalcy” is reestablished after a Disaster.  Personally, I think you need a Month Long Plan ready as we move down the Collapse Highway here, any disaster which Da Goobermint cannot bring back to semi-normalcy after a month requires a whole different sort of planning.

A One Month Plan on the Food & Water level is not that hard to gin up, a few sacks of dried Rice & Beans and Beef jerky will cover the Food end easily, and keeping water in 30 old 2 Liter Soft Drink or Juice containers covers the water.  If you have some decent warning, you can also fill up the Bathtub with water, and keep it drinkable with a few drops of Chlorine Bleach.

What is a bit more difficult on the 1 Month timeline is cooking and heating fuel and electricity, enough for Lighting and Refrigeration.  This is what really screws people in these medium length disasters.

http://zenstoves.net/Canister/Coleman_Propane_Gas_Cartridge.jpgOn the Cooking end, this is pretty EZ, Coleman Propane Cannisters last about 3 days, so you only need about 10 of them to go for a month of cooking on a camp stove.  Better still and more economical are 5 Gallon Propane Cannisters, 2 or 3 of those and on a cooking level you are good for MONTHS.  You can also buy adapters to refill the smaller camping cannisters or hook them directly to camp stoves.

Far as Heating goes, unless you are in a really cold part of the country in Winter, you shouldn’t need much if you have good Clothing available and Layer Up.  Not a bad idea though to have a portable Kerosene heater around and a few gallons of Kerosene, or a Wood or Pellet stove if you are in an area where there is enough of this stuff around to burn as needed for heat.

So, most of this type of Prepping is not hard and not expensive either.  Since I do it myself (in fact on a longer timescale than one month), I can make a good estimate that about a $500 investment is sufficient to cover all of this for 1 month, for one person.

Where it gets a bit more expensive and difficult is in the area of Electric power, which while you can live without it makes like much more uncomfortable overall.  Thus the title of this post, Batteries-R-Us, which examines how to use various types of batteries synergistically to keep enough electric power in your location to make do for a month while the Linemen from the County restring the wires from the latest Tornado Hit.

http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/04/13/33/27/0004133327035_500X500.jpgYour Lowest Level on the Battery Chain are the Disposable Single Use batteries in the AA and AAA varieties.  You should have a couple of packages of each of those, even if you have the rechargeable versions also.  Why?  Because the way they are made now, they have really LONG shelf lives, up to 10 years.  The larger the package you buy them in, the cheaper by the battery, and they are good for all your Diode Flashlights good for hundreds of hours of use with no recharging systems necessary.  If you are on a Budget and can’t afford various methods to recharge, having a good supply of disposables can at least give you necessary lighting for a month or so.

The next step up is rechargeable batteries in the same AA/AAA category to power portable diode lights and useful also for additional power supply for your cell phone communications and FRS or CB Radio/Walkie-Talkies.  If you at least get intermittent power as would be the case for economically driven brownouts and rolling blackouts, you can recharge these batteries on grid power whenever it comes on.

http://www.emtcompany.com/style/images/products/33e67b3ccad319d4bb4c8fbd9c667729.jpgIdeally though, you want your own means to recharge them, as well as larger storage batteries which most people have at least one of, their Car battery.  The car also has its own built in charger for this battery, the alternator, so long as you have a tankful of gas or access to gas, you can keep this battery charged up just by running the car.  Not too efficient though.

You can use this 12V battery directly to charge smaller batteries in the 1.5V range by wiring 8 of the smaller ones together in series for a 12V total, but easier is to use an inverter  and then plug the small battery chargers into that.  The Inverter with the Car Battery will allow you to run some bigger power draw items like a Laptop computer also.

http://r1.coleman.com/ProductImages/Full/5644-710_500.jpgAt this point you can think about keeping some refrigeration going by using a 12V Thermoelectric Cooler.  However, using one will draw down 1 12V car battery fairly rapidly, so you either need regular means to recharge that battery and or more of them.  Using the car engine as mentioned is very inefficient, so you want a small Generator at this point to run periodically as necessary to keep your larger 12V Battery bank fully charged.

http://www.conroegolfcars.net/bat1/8.jpgIf you do go for more 12V power storage than just the Car Battery, you want to get Deep Cycle batteries designed for long charge and discharge cycles.  These are the kind of batteries that run stuff like electric Golf Carts, Rascal electric wheel chairs and electric Bikes and Scooters.  I have an Electric Scooter which operates on 3 of them, and I have a total of 6 of them (a spare pack as well as the original pack).  My RV also has a Large Deep Cycle battery as well as the regular starter battery.

If you have portable electric tools like Drills and Circular Saws, these also come with batteries that will take a substantial charge, and work in voltages varying fromas low as 3V right up to around 18V.  The easiest to work with are the 12V ones, but you can wire together the lower voltage ones in series to get to 12V, or step down higher voltage batteries to 12V with a transformer.

If you are at this stage of prepping for electric outages, you can pretty well handle a 1 month long lack of grid electricity as long as you have some full gas tanks on your vehicles and extra gas in 5 gallon canisters.

http://www.thesunworks.com/0b718940.jpgTo step off the fossil fuel requirements, you will need Solar Photovoltaic panels and/or Wind Turbines, which to run a full McMansion is pretty expensive, but to just keep your portable batteries charged up not so expensive.  A couple of 120W panels is probably enough for most purposes for the 1 month scenario.  You should cook and eat your perishable foods requiring refrigeration first, so after the first week or so of outage you have no foods requiring refrigeration to keep around.  Unless of course it is winter and the ambient temperatures are cold enough to keep such foods in coolers outside without refrigeration.

For a good 1 month long Electric Backup System, between all the batteries, the solar PV cells, the inverter, small generator etc, you can do this for around $2000 or so.  It will be sufficient also to pump up water from your well if you are on well water.

Once there are general power outages across the grid that last longer than 1 month, the general problems of social breakdown will render much of this useless unless you are in a remote community.  However, at least for most of the FSoA, such long power outages don’t seem likely except in a few places, like for instance Las Vegas if the water level in Lake Mead and Lake Powell falls below the level necessary to keep the Hoover Dam turbines operational.

What does seem more likely are periodic shortages, and conservation of electric power by brownouts and rolling blackouts.  For a given town, by cutting off parts of the town for 4 hour periods the load can be reduced and fewer power generation plants need to be online.  When this arrives, you will know Collapse has arrived in your neighborhood too.


Brass Balls or Marshmallows: What’s Beneath a Scottish Kilt?

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 17, 2014

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Don’t miss the recent popular rant on Secession:

Secession: Scotland to Texas to Alaska…and BEYOND!


its-showtime_zoomIt’s SHOWTIME tomorrow on the Kilty Independence Vote, so we will finally find out just what the Scots have under those Kilts, Brass Balls or Marshmallows?

John Ward of The Slog has published numerous Blogs over the last week looking at the Polls, overall determining it as “Too Close to Call”, although his latest Blog on the referendum seems to indicate he thinks the Nos will win the day unless Salmond makes a final Push on the subjects of Unemployment and Family Security to tug at the heartstrings of the Scot females.

As mentioned before in my previous Rants on this topic, it seems close to impossible that with such a close measure in the Polling, TPTB won’t rig the election to make SURE that No takes the day. One of the numerous reasons why “Democracy” doesn’t work too well on critical and divisive issues where roughly 50% of the population thinks one thing, the other 50% the other. Election Rigging is one means to get what you want in a close vote, it doesn’t take too much ballot stuffing to alter the result.

Slightly less unethical but even more prevalent is the use of Gobs of Money to sway a close election. While even the Koch Brothers can’t buy 10% of the voters in a fairly large electorate, if all they have to buy is 1% to change the result, that is well in the budget. Bombard the MSM with Fear Mongering threats, it’s quite likely 1% of Kilties will have their Brass Balls turned to Marshmallows when they pull the curtain on the Voting Booth…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Coming Soon to Diner Podcasts: A discussion with Ugo Bardi of Resource Limits and Author Jim Laughter of “Polar City Red” on Climate Fiction

 A not to be missed chat for fans of Doomer Porn!

Financial WWIII: Secessions, Sanctions & Anti-Dollars

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 13, 2014

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Don’t miss the earlier Rants in this series:

Secession: Scotland to Texas to Alaska…and BEYOND!





Financial WWIII



braveheart…As interesting and topical as the last week before the Scottish Vote on Secession is, I don’t wanna bog down too much on this potential major Black Swan and rant on just this one all week, even though the ramifications are endless to this, no matter which way it goes though definitely greater if a YES Vote for secession prevails.

There are secessionary movements all over Europe these days, most well known are is the one in Catalonia trying to divorce from Spain, but really in many places in Europe you have Nation-States cobbled together with different tribal groups, like for instance the Flemish in the Netherlands and the Magyars in Hungary etc. If the Scots do manage to break away from the UK, this will breath new life into about all of these secessionary movements. Which of course goes a long way toward explaining WHY there is a snowball’s chance in hell the Scots will be able to pull off a secession merely by voting for it.

TPTB that run the monetary system through the BIS simply cannot ALLOW such secessions, they aren’t geared up for that. They are geared for ever further consolidation into a New World Order, not only do they view Europe as a “single state”, the objective would be there to eventually bring Russia and China in as well, eventually running the entire world with a monetary and taxation system all determined by a few Clowns in Brussels. They did pretty good with this in the years since WWII, cobbling together the Euro as a cross border currency in Eurotrashland and developing Financial Warfare methods to drop on any Nation-State that would DARE to try to break free of the Hegemony over financial transactions Wall Street and the City of London have held onto for 300 years, but cracks in this edifice are appearing all over the place now as the realities of Irredeemable Debt and Resource Depletion become more apparent everywhere…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Bonus from the Peak Oil years,  the Doomstead Diner Comic Strip #5…


Click the Pic for Full Size


Truth is Timeless…

Also: Don’t miss our upcoming Sunday Brunch Cli-Fi Vidcast with Ugo Bardi, James Howard Kunstler and Jim Laughter

Secession: Scotland to Texas to Alaska…and BEYOND!

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 11, 2014


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its-showtime_zoomDon’t miss the recent Rants on the various factions all lining up now in the Battle for All the Marbles!

Friends & Enemies, Allies & Adversaries




…The UK as an entity basically tracks the course of the Industrial Revolution, and as Industry grew, you got consolidations on every level, corporate consolidations and large monopolies forming, and Nation-States consolidating their hold over various territorial possessions which were the source of raw materials and food for the growing entities. The British Empire of the period was the most successful of these, but all the Europeans were at the game, the French and Germans too. You can think of each of these Nation-States as a large corporation with a Military arm for acquiring more resources.

They all were (and still are) in competition with each other both for acquiring control over resources as well as control over the monetary system used to distribute those resources. Although in times of “peace” the Elite in control of each of these places seem to work as a single monolithic entity, the reality is that they all are struggling to be in control over the greatest swath of the earth they can at any given time. The battle is ongoing even in times of peace on the financial level, but through the whole period from 1700 onward has been punctuated by NUMEROUS wars.

A Short List here of the Wars the UK has been involved in one way or the other for the last 300 years:

War of the Spanish Succession , American Revolutionary War , Seven Years’ War, The United Kingdom in the Napoleonic Wars , War of 1812 , Crimean War , Franco-Prussian War , American Civil War , History of the United Kingdom during World War I , Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II , The Troubles , Falkland Islands War

Not gonna detail all the rationales behind these wars or their timelines, but I will drop links down for them when I air this rant…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!


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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 8, 2014


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A Rant on Ukraine, NATO, Russia, Scotch Independence and the Petrodollar


…Back over to the Russia-NATO Battle for all the Marbles in Ukraine, where the Saker recently reported that the Separatists were on the verge of taking Mariopol, which would be a huge strategic victory since the city sits smack dab on the land route between Mother Russia and recently annexed Crimea. Apparently something like 40,000 Ukie troops went to the Great Beyond in this battle.

The Clowns & Jokers in Brussels are not taking this lying down, Nosirree Bob! After doing some ineffectual blustering around a Golf Course in the UK surrounded by wire fencing and 9000 Halliburton Mercs, they now have whipped out the Heavy Artillery of dropping down more financial sanctions, this time on the Ruskie Energy Big Boys of Gazprom, Rosneft and Transneft. Inother words, all the Ruskie companies that supply them with 30% of their energy are now not gonna get paid.

Just how long do you think Vlad the Impaler will keep the Gas flowing through Ukraine to Krautland if the Krauts aren’t gonna pay for it? If I was Vlad, I would shut the valves tomorrow…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

The Novorossiyan 300

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 3, 2014


Don’t miss also the recent related Podcasts with Dmitry Orlov

Analysing Ukraine and MENA

Supply Chains, Population & Community

Discuss this Rant at the Podcast Table inside the Diner

300 movie image Gerard Butler

…However, for a while there the Ukies also had superior equipment, more artillery, tanks etc that were legacy gifts from Mother Russia from the Soviet era. So Novorossiyan  irregulars armed mainly with rifles and RPGs were on the retreat, consolidating inside their home region for a Final Battle for all the Marbles.

You all know the story of the 300 from the film by the same name, which was a fictionalized account of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. From Wiki:

“Both ancient and modern writers have used the Battle of Thermopylae as an example of the power of a patriotic army defending native soil. The performance of the defenders at the battle of Thermopylae is also used as an example of the advantages of training, equipment, and good use of terrain as force multipliers and has become a symbol of courage against overwhelming odds. “

You also may have heard the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Charge of the Light Brigade. I will read it in full.

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
“Charge for the guns!” he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismay’d?
Not tho’ the soldier knew
Someone had blunder’d:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash’d all their sabres bare,
Flash’d as they turn’d in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder’d:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro’ the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel’d from the sabre stroke
Shatter’d and sunder’d.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro’ the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made,
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

Swimming in a Sea of Sewage

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on September 1, 2014


Discuss this Photo Essay & Rant at the Podcast Table inside the Diner


The Fresh Kills (sic) Staten Island Landfill


Park Ave, NYC Trash.  No, this was NOT during the strikes of 1975 or 1981.  This was shot in 2010


Cockroaches on the streets of Naples, Italy in 2012


Rats at the Buffet Table in NYC


Fishing in Beijing


More Chinese Fishing


Blue Water is soooo Yesterday…


Refreshing the Water Bottle in Shanghai


Biking is Great Aerobic Exercise!


TEPCO sez, “No worries, we will store all the water as Ice Cubes after we Freeze it”


BP sez, “Gulf Shrimp thrive on Corexit”


BC Scientists are BAFFLED by Starfish Melting disease!


Even Crabs get the Blues sometimes…


…Mostly, the trash is put “Out of Site-Out of Mind” in Landfills that are fairly distant from your Suburban bedroom community, so you don’t see them or smell them unless you take your own drive over to the dump to dispose of some of your junk. Mostly we employ public and private Garbagemen for this task, so you don’t see it unless you have one of these jobs. At least we used to call them Garbagemen when I was a kid, now they are called Sanitation Engineers. This sounds sufficiently technical we imagine ourselves to be cleaner I suppose.

Besides the individual waste is the Industrial waste which gets produced along with the products you buy and eventually send to the dump. This includes megatons of slag produced in mining operations and more tons of toxic chemicals. This stuff eventually works its way into the groundwater, which then needs to be “processed” to keep it potable, which takes enormous scale water processing plants in Big Shities which themselves take enormous quantities of energy to run, and after filtering the poisons out of your drinking water, they again need to be disposed of.

So you constantly fight an ever increasing pile of waste, which as the density of the population increases begins to overwhelm any natural processes which might recycle the waste into something which doesn’t pose a health hazard, not just for Hom Sapiens, but most of the other creatures sharing the environment with you…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

The 8th Crusade

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on August 28, 2014


Don’t miss the recent 2 part Interview with Dmitry Orlov

Analysing Ukraine and MENA

Supply Chains, Population & Community

Discuss this article at the Podcast Table inside the Diner

Tagged:Beheading, Crucifixion, Crusades, Drones, Hiroshima, Holy War, ISIS, Jerusalem, MENA, Nagasaki, NATO, Vlad the Impaler

http://uberglobal.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/christcrucified-mel-gibson-passion-of-christ.jpg  http://www.medievalages.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/impalement.jpg



…Now that the local Doom Action has calmed down, we can go back and revisit some of the International Doom ongoing during the period, including the Beheading of a Journalist by the ISIS Propaganda team, complete with videos. Videos I didn’t watch though, partially because I don’t wanna use up my bandwidth and partially because the rumour is that it will soon be a Criminal Offense to WATCH any You Tube vids dropped on by ISIS propaganda experts. I got enough issues with Black SUVs tailing me these days, I don’t need to add grist to the mill here for watching illegal Decapitation Vids.

I have read in the Blogosphere though that the Decap Vid was actually fairly Tasteful, in that it did not show real gruesome Spurting Blood Monty Python style. Probably calculated on the part of the ISIS Propaganda team that if they made it too gruesome, they couldn’t get enough eyeballls to watch it and this would hurt their Alexa Ranking. LOL. Just gruesome enough to strike TERROR into the heart of the Western audience as they recycle good old fashioned Execution Methods down there from the Middle Ages and further back to the Roman Empire…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!