The Voting Rights Bill amounts to Treason

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Schumer and Pelosi are guaranteeing that there will be a revolution in the United States. This voting rights bill is outright treasonous. The ‘For the People Act that the House of Representatives passed on March 3 is the end of the United States. There was only one dissenting Democrat and that shows how people are not voting for the nation, but they are just following orders.

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Latest NHS Data Suggest Omicron No Worse Than a Bad Cold

Via The Daily Sceptic

We’re publishing a guest post by our in-house doctor looking at the latest NHS data, including ICU data. Conclusion: Omicron hospital admissions in the community are declining and are unlikely to result in severe COVID-19.

Before diving into the numbers this week, I’d like to give a big shout out to Ms. Kate Josephs CBE, formerly the Director of the Cabinet Office Covid taskforce. According to the Telegraph, which broke the story of her leaving party, she “literally wrote the rules” in relation to societal restrictions.

Ms. Josephs took to twitter yesterday to apologise for attending a leaving drinks party on December 17th 2020, when she had been substantially responsible for putting the rest of the country under house arrest. She writes about being “truly sorry” for attending the event – she clearly means she’s sorry for being exposed.

The Telegraph has a helpful timeline graphic showing the dates of the many known social events in Whitehall against a backdrop of prevailing restrictions at the time. I had no idea being a civil servant was such fun! It is interesting that the parties all cluster round periods of maximum lockdown. The brief period in the summer of 2020 was a social desert for civil servants. Maybe they were all on extended holidays?

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Insanity Rules in Washington

Via Paul Craig Roberts

The opening remarks of Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland prior to her friendly “press conference” with well-tamed US “journalists” reveals the unreality of the world in which Washington exists.

The Russians have told Washington as frankly as it can be stated that the expansion of NATO to her borders, with US missile bases in countries on Russia’s borders, US plans to include Ukraine in NATO, Ukraine’s failure to abide by the Minsk Agreement, massive US arms deliveries to Ukraine, and constant other provocations and insults have made Russia uncomfortable about her security and unwilling to accept any longer the tension and uncertainty created by hostile US and NATO policies. Russia has stated without qualification that unless the West cooperates in removing the threat to Russian security, Russia will remove the threat with dire consequences to the West.

This is clear honest talk.

But no one in Washington or NATO heard.

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Rand Paul Wonders If YouTube Will “Kiss My… And Apologize” After CDC Admits Cloth Masks Aren’t Effective

The CDC has revised its guidelines on masks, admitting that cloth masks do virtually nothing to stop the spread of COVID. The move prompted Senator Rand Paul to comment, reminding social media users that YouTube previously suspended him for saying the same thing.

The CDC announced that “loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection.”

Who would have known?

That’s only been common knowledge since the very beginning of the pandemic.

“Does this mean snot-nosed censors at YouTube will come to my office and kiss my … and admit I was right?” Paul tweeted.

A video Paul posted last year in which he dismissed cloth masks as an effective method of preventing the spread of COVID landed him a YouTube suspension, with the company claiming the content violated its policy on COVID-19 misinformation.

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Oh, Canada

I wonder, when this shit is over (and it is coming to a crashing halt in the not too distant future), if these ‘brown shirts’ are going to be able to look at themselves in the mirror or go out in public and be among the people they attacked without feeling a shit ton of shame?

Is This Our World War I?

Via Brownstone Institute

When the European powers went to war in 1914, unleashing a bloodbath unlike any the world had seen, most were overreacting to genuine strategic concerns. The Germans, for example, feared the massive military expansion underway in their neighbor Russia.

As international tensions mounted in late July 1914, European military establishments concluded that it would be better to be safe than sorry. To keep their countries safe, they set into motion armies comprised of millions of men, supplied with all the weapons and ammunition that the most economically powerful and scientifically sophisticated civilization in the world could supply.

The declarations of war that set off “the guns of August” were met in many European cities by outbursts of popular enthusiasm; people believed that the war would be short and that their cause was just. Yet the slaughter that followed was neither. Over four years, millions of lives were lost for a cause that became more obscure the longer the war went on.

The end result was devastation. Vast amounts of treasure, accumulated over centuries, was squandered. The sites of the battles were scenes of physical and environmental ruin. The ten million dead were mourned by millions more grieving orphans, widows, and parents. Governments collapsed, their legitimacy spent, while the ideas and institutions of the prewar world were viewed with disillusionment. No combatant emerged better off. It was, as has been noted, probably the first war in which victory was indistinguishable from defeat.

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COVID Shots Make Omicron Worse, Bombshell Research

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Omicron is rapidly overtaking other SARS-CoV-2 variants and currently accounts for 95% of all COVID cases in the U.S.
  • Research shows current COVID shots cease to provide any protection against Omicron 30 days’ post-injection, and at 90 days offers negative protection, actually making you more prone to Omicron infection
  • This effectively makes COVID jab mandates obsolete, yet government and health authorities are still pushing Americans to get jabbed, and if already jabbed, to get a third booster
  • Pfizer is now saying it will have an Omicron-specific shot ready in March 2022, at which point Americans will undoubtedly be told to line up for a fourth injection
  • Professor Andrew Pollard, head of the U.K.’s Committee on Vaccination and Immunization who helped create the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot, said in a January 3, 2022, Daily Telegraph interview: “We can’t vaccinate the planet every four or six months. It’s not sustainable or affordable”

While a third COVID booster shot started rolling out in late September 2021,1 and people have been bullied into getting it, that booster is no different from the first two doses. It’s not specific against Omicron, which is rapidly overtaking other variants and currently accounts for 95% of all COVID cases in the U.S.2

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Five nurses speak out about what is really going on in hospitals

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The nurses are from America’s Frontline Nurses.

Hear first hand about the death threats, job dismissals, break ins, and shoddy treatment by the local police department. You’ll hear about how in the hospital patients were not fed for 9 days. You’ll learn why if you want to give a patient ivermectin it requires a court order. Is there a hospital where you can get decent care? Yes, they know of one hospital in Utah. Why can’t we create a hospital that puts patients first? Can you negotiate the outrageous hospital bills? (turns out you might be able to but I can’t).

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Remember how health authorities said serious vaccine side effects always will be seen fast?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Turns out that’s not true… as Pfizer (and its veterinarian chief executive) should know better than anyone.

In 2010, German scientists found that a Pfizer veterinary vaccine to reduce diarrhea in cows caused a fatal bleeding disease in their calves.

Even after pressure from Germany caused Pfizer to stop selling the vaccine there, the company kept selling it elsewhere. A top Pfizer official told British farmers it was safe to use and that “other factors” were likely involved.

A month later, Pfizer stopped selling the vaccine. European regulators later found it caused a 1-in-6000 risk of the bleeding disease. “For a prophylactic measure such as vaccination this figure was considered unacceptable for a potentially fatal disorder,” the regulators found.

The risk of Covid-vaccine induced myocarditis – which can be fatal – in young men is now estimated at somewhere between 1 in 2000 and 1 in 3000.

Apparently the rules are stricter for cows.


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Behavioral control

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

Remember those Johns Hopkins Pandemic war games that occurred over the span of decades? Where the outcome usually ended in a need to control the populace, by which behavioral modification techniques are used to enforce cooperation from the populace.

Right now, one can wander over to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and see their current projects include an analysis of “anti-misinformation actions’“, which they call the Environment of Misinformation.

World leaders, governments, big media, big pharma and tech giants are busy planning out the next pandemic response. So, maybe it is time for those of us who believe there is a better way to live than to be controlled, to plan out responses to all these draconian measures. As well as to begin to develop counter measures to a bio-threat that do not use censorship, propaganda, mandates and behavioral modification techniques. You know, the old fashioned way where the government relies on people to use their own critical thinking skills to assess what is best for themselves and their families, after getting all the information available.

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Biden Should Declare NATO Membership Closed

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Biden Should Declare NATO Membership Closed

In 2014, when Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to a U.S.-backed coup that ousted a pro-Russian regime in Kyiv by occupying Crimea, President Barack Obama did nothing.

When Putin aided secessionists in the Donbass in seizing Luhansk and Donetsk, once again, Obama did nothing.

Why did we not come to the military assistance of Ukraine?

Because Ukraine is not a member of NATO. We had no obligation to come to its aid. And to have intervened militarily on the side of Ukraine would have risked a war with Russia we had no desire to fight.

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We Need More Cash and More People — Not CBDCs — Credit Supply will Decline into the Future [01-16-2022]

My colleague at BOOM Finance and Economics posts a weekly editorial Hat Tip: Gerry:

BOOM seeks out the very best information from authoritative sources and strives for consistency in its quality and trustworthiness. In evidence of this, BOOM has developed a loyal readership which includes many of the world’s most senior economists, central bankers, fund managers and academics. We strive to always have good relationships with our readers. If you want a real edge in understanding the complex world of finance and economics, subscribe to BOOM as a Follower on LinkedIn or as a Subscriber (Free) to the BOOM Newspaper at


 WE DON’T NEED CBDC’s — WE NEED MORE CASH AND MORE PEOPLE  We have come to the point where 98 % of the money supply in the advanced economies is created as credit (as a bank loan) and 2 % is created as cash (notes and coins). Most of the credit money must be collateralized against assets when it is initially created as a bank loan and it must also generate an interest cost to justify its existence.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Post-World War I peace conference begins in Paris – 1919


On January 18, 1919, in Paris, France, some of the most powerful people in the world meet to begin the long, complicated negotiations that would officially mark the end of the First World War.

Leaders of the victorious Allied powers—France, Great Britain, the United States and Italy—would make most of the crucial decisions in Paris over the next six months. For most of the conference, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson struggled to support his idea of a “peace without victory” and make sure that Germany, the leader of the Central Powers and the major loser of the war, was not treated too harshly. On the other hand, Prime Ministers Georges Clemenceau of France and David Lloyd George of Britain argued that punishing Germany adequately and ensuring its weakness was the only way to justify the immense costs of the war. In the end, Wilson compromised on the treatment of Germany in order to push through the creation of his pet project, an international peacekeeping organization called the League of Nations.

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