Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far 

Brownstone Institute

The transcript is not yet available and no reporters were allowed. But from the Attorneys General who brought the suit, the plaintiffs in the case and their attorney, and other parties to the lawsuit against the Biden administration, we have some information about the deposition provided by Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci. He has been the face of the pandemic response and stands accused of colluding with Big Tech to suppress dissent in violation of the First Amendment.

The question of whether the deposition was to be public was itself the subject of legal attention. The Department of Justice filed to block all recording and personally identifiable information for fear of public harassment, and this condition was granted. As a result, we have no transcript (yet) and one senses a great skittishness even from those who were there to explain the fullness of what transpired. Major national media have shown no interest in getting the story. Continue reading “Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far “

They Will Lock You Down Again

Guest Post by Jeffrey A. Tucker

They will lock you down again

The lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all.

To have imposed both of these within the course of one year – with zero evidence that they achieved anything for public health and vast amounts of unfolding evidence that they ruined life quality for countless millions – qualifies as a scandal for the ages. It was in the US but also in nearly every country in the world but a few.

Might that have huge political implications? One would suppose so. And yet today it appears that truth and justice are further off than ever. The most passionate of the anti-lockdown governors – those who never locked down or opened earlier than the rest of the country – won on their record. Most of the rest joined the entire political establishment in pretending that all of this is a non-issue. Tragically, this tactic seems to have worked better than it should have.

Meanwhile, a few points to consider: Continue reading “They Will Lock You Down Again”

“Atmospheric Chess Pieces Align”: Polar Vortex May Unleash Arctic Blast As Far As Deep South

Via ZeroHedge

Ever so often, the polar vortex dips south over North America from its usual perch in the Arctic and brings a blast of cold air. The next arrival appears imminent, potentially as early as the first week of December, over the eastern half of the US.

According to freelance meteorologist Mike Masco, a “monster negative NAO [North Atlantic Oscillation] signal showing the pattern will reload the cold FAST as the atmospheric chess pieces align to produce major cold & potential polar vortex into the eastern/northern USA Dec. 5 & Beyond.”

Masco said, “consider topping off Oil/propane tanks soon if that’s your heating mode.”

Continue reading ““Atmospheric Chess Pieces Align”: Polar Vortex May Unleash Arctic Blast As Far As Deep South”

The New Bogeyman

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The old bogeyman – “COVID” – is getting tired. It’s time for a new bogeyman, “climate change.”

Does anyone remember the older bogeyman – Islamofascism?

Of course, it’s always the same bogeyman – in that all of them are based on fiction used to terrify people into submission. The three threes, if you like. It’s the old witch doctor formula: Do as we tell you or the sky will fall! Accompanied – in the past – by the shaking of a dead chicken in the audience’s face.

Continue reading “The New Bogeyman”

China: The World’s First Technate – Part 1

Guest Post by Iain Davis

We are being rapidly transitioned into a new system of centralised, authoritarian global governance. This system is designed to be a technocracy and it is truly totalitarian.

Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does not permit individual freedom. Traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged and suppressed, making people more willing to be merged into a single unified movement. Totalitarian states typically pursue a special goal to the exclusion of all others, with all resources directed toward its attainment, regardless of the cost.

That “special” goal is sustainable development and no cost, either financial or humanitarian, is too great to tackle the alleged “climate crisis.” In reality, climate change is simply the excuse for sustainable development and it is through the global policy commitment to “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) that technocracy is being installed.

Continue reading “China: The World’s First Technate – Part 1”

Alex Jones Is Innocent

Guest Post by Walter Block

libel and slander laws

Let us stipulate that the horrid Newtown Connecticut shooting is a historical fact. Should Mr. Jones be compelled to pay one red cent to the parents and family members of the victims for denying this?

Well, lets see. I maintain that Barack Obama was actually our first president and George Washington in now the occupant of the White House. As I see things, Christopher Columbus discovered China in 1992 and Native Americans discovered Spain in 1492. I know you’re surprised that these claims are contrary to what you learned in school, but I assure you, they are correct. Hey, I have a Ph.D. I’m therefore a know-it-all. True, my advanced degree is not in history, but a Ph.D. is a Ph.D. I have also uncovered the fact that Hitler was actually a Martian who loved Jews, and Albert Schweizer was a mass murderer. I can’t resist; I’m on a roll here.  Martin Luther King was a guard with New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (also a member of the Ku Klux Klan), and Woody Allen won an Olympic gold medal in boxing in the heavy weight division. I’m having fun here; you’re lucky I don’t pile on any more, at least not for now. Continue reading “Alex Jones Is Innocent”


Fourth Turnings never de-intensify. Conflict builds towards a bloody crescendo.

Continue reading “CHINESE FOURTH TURNING?”

There’s Nothing Sacred to the Leftards

I would love to see these spineless, feckless, academtards present a theory like this about Mohammed or The Chief Rabbi or Ramana Maharishi or … It’s only the Christians and Christianity that can be degraded like this.

Source: RT News

Jesus Christ could have been transgender – Cambridge Dean

Dr. Michael Banner defended a scholar who compared a wound on Christ’s body to a vagina, The Telegraph reported

Jesus Christ could have been transgender – Cambridge Dean

The dean of Trinity College in Cambridge has called speculation that Jesus Christ might have been transgender “legitimate,” The Telegraph reported on Saturday. Dr. Michael Banner made the statement in defense of a junior research fellow who claimed that Jesus’ body incorporates both masculine and feminine features.

Continue reading “There’s Nothing Sacred to the Leftards”

Breaking Report: The Brazilian military stands with Bolsonaro… is prepared to invoke Article 142…

Via Revolver News

Sometimes it seems like nothing ever happens, but this seems like it could be a big deal…

Background: The Brazilian people have flooded the streets in protest at an allegedly rigged and stolen election. Truckers are blocking all highways. Farmers have blocked all ports from exporting agriculture. Bolsonaro has exhausted his legal options, with his election appeal being rejected by a corrupt, opposition-appointed Chief Supreme Court justice.

Bolsonaro is now huddling with the military to plot his next moves.


Continue reading “Breaking Report: The Brazilian military stands with Bolsonaro… is prepared to invoke Article 142…”

Get Ready for Biden’s Dastardly December Jolt!

Via State of the Nation


Submitted by The Gun Control Watchman

Surely everyone has noticed the spate of highly choreographed, false flag, mass shootings — strategically staged in venues located near Washington D.C. and always carried out with assault rifles — in order to compel the U.S. Congress to expeditiously ban all automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles.

Really, why did all of these melodramatic mass casualty events start to occur, in rapid succession, right after Election Day?!

Continue reading “Get Ready for Biden’s Dastardly December Jolt!”

Satellite Imagery Shows Extensive Destruction Of Ukraine Power Grid

Via ZeroHedge

It was only a matter of time.  The recent Russian pull-back of troops clearly indicated a broad shift in tactics, and the one thing that the Kremlin avoided for several months seemed like the next most logical step – Full spectrum strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure.

Initially, Ukraine’s media spin suggested that the precision strikes were “ineffective”, with western news outlets showing only a handful of images of craters in streets and some scarred apartment buildings.  There were limited admissions of damage to the power and water grids, but Ukraine claimed that these systems would be back and functional within days.  This did not happen.

Continue reading “Satellite Imagery Shows Extensive Destruction Of Ukraine Power Grid”

EU Accuses Washington Of Making A Fortune From Ukraine War

Via ZeroHedge

“Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West,” Politico observes in a surprising admission which marks a stark reversal from prior mainstream media optimism and cheerleading of the White House’s blank check approach to supporting Ukraine. “Top European officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration and now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer.”

There’s clearly growing frustration among European officials over Washington’s refusal to push the Zelensky government to the negotiating table while an unprecedented billions worth of weaponry and defense aid pours in, risking unpredictable escalation between NATO and Russia. Meanwhile European populations will continue being the first to pay the price amid frigid winter temperatures and a simultaneous severe energy supply crisis even as some leaders still spout abstract ideals of “sacrifice”.

Macron and Biden on sidelines of a G20 meeting earlier this month in Indonesia, via AFP.

Continue reading “EU Accuses Washington Of Making A Fortune From Ukraine War”