Is the Lockdown A Violation of the Constitution?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

In Idaho, despite having a Republican Governor, the police have violated the human rights of a mother who took her too small children to a park and was arrested and handcuffed in from of her children in a playground. Sara Walton Brady, 40, of Meridian, Idaho, was arrested and handcuffed for allowing her children to play on climbing equipment at a town park.  The Meridian Police Department had to respond with a public statement to justify what they did claiming she “was noncompliant and refused to leave after being given many opportunities, so she was arrested on one count of misdemeanor trespassing.”

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On Living Fences

“Dear Sir — Your favour of the 15th, with the seed of the honey locust came safe to hand, and claims my particular thanks. I have but one doubt of its forming the best hedge in the world; and that is, whether it can be sufficiently dwarfed. If this cannot be effected, the other purpose mentioned in your letter, and a valuable one too, of subserving stock, is alone sufficient to induce the cultivation of the tree.”


One of my ongoing projects over the last two years has been the construction of a hedgerow, otherwise known as a living fence. Man has for thousands of years dealt with incursions of one sort or another, from warring tribes to animal predators. Get your defenses wrong and you’re as good as mincemeat. Still, I cannot imagine any of them posing a greater threat to cultivators of the Mid-Atlantic and Upper South than filthy Anglophiles and the white-tailed deer. Since I didn’t see myself worrying about the former anytime soon (what a shame, seriously), I chose to focus a tad more on the latter. But I strived to do so with a conservationist mindset.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Polio vaccine trials begin – 1954


On April 26, 1954, the Salk polio vaccine field trials, involving 1.8 million children, begin at the Franklin Sherman Elementary School in McLean, Virginia. Children in the United States, Canada and Finland participated in the trials, which used for the first time the now-standard double-blind method, whereby neither the patient nor attending doctor knew if the inoculation was the vaccine or a placebo.

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“The idea that the cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy is like saying that the cure for crime is more crime.”

H. L. Mencken

“Anything free costs twice as much in the long run or turns out worthless.”

Robert A. Heinlein

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

Donald James

“Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.”

Mahatma Gandhi

An Egregious Statistical Horror Story

Authored by George Gilder via The American Institute for Economic Research,

With the latest reports of plummeting death rates from all causes, this crisis is over. The pandemic of doom erupted as a panic of pols and is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges, covering their ifs, ands, and butts with ever more morbid and distorted statistics.

The crisis now will hit the politicians and political Doctor Faucis who gullibly accepted and trumpeted what statistician William Briggs calls “the most colossal and costly blown forecast of all time.”

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Are you a fan of Dan Carlin, George Friedman, Stephen Kotkin, and Victor Davis Hanson?

Good, because we are looking for an American podcast host who is knowledgeable in the following areas:

  • Military history
  • Firearms history
  • American history
  • Ethics and philosophy
  • Constitutional law
  • Ron Paul’s presidential campaigns

Skill-wise, we’re looking for:

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The Press is Deliberately Trying to Hurt People for Political Change?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

People are starving because of this nonsense of locking down the entire nation. Many live paycheck to paycheck. The leftist media could care less. The total population in Florida is 21.48 million people. The total cases were 30,533 with 1,046 deaths. This is about one-third of the death rate from the flu.

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Doug Casey: America Is Becoming a Police State

Via Casey Research

Editor’s note: With the recent coronavirus outbreak, the government has been exercising more control over Americans: forcing people to stay at home… ordering businesses to shut down… even using surveillance to track our location.

These changes aren’t that different from what happened after 9/11… and if you expect our way of life to go back to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, you haven’t been paying attention.

Our founder, Doug Casey, has long said we’re going backwards in most areas of personal freedom… In fact, he believes we’re not so different from Germany in the 1930s – and that the problems started before this pandemic even happened…

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Buffett and Munger’s Current State of Confusion Speaks Volumes

From Birch Gold Group

berkshire hathaway

When the vice chairman of one of the world’s largest investment firms and one of the most well-known names on Wall Street both “throw up their hands” in a time of economic crisis, it’s a good idea to pay close attention.

We’re referring to Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway, both of whom seem baffled by the current state of affairs. Says Munger:

I would say basically we’re like the captain of a ship when the worst typhoon that’s ever happened comes… We just want to get through the typhoon, and we’d rather come out of it with a whole lot of liquidity.

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No, This Is Not Another 1929, 1973, 1987, 2000, Or 2008

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Basing one’s decisions on analogs from the past is entering a fool’s paradise of folly.

Like addicts who cannot control their cravings, financial analysts cannot stop themselves from seeking some analog situation in the past which will clarify the swirling chaos in their crystal balls. So we’ve been swamped with charts overlaying recent stock market action over 1929, 1987, 2000 and 2008–though the closest analogy is actually the Oil Shock of 1973, an exogenous shock to a weakening, fragile economy.

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1993 CNN Clip Unearthed Of Biden Accuser’s Mother Telling Larry King Of “Problems” With “Prominent Senator”

Via ZeroHedge

A 1993 clip from CNN‘s “Larry King Live” has been unearthed, which features the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reade asking for advice on how to address her “problems” working with a prominent senator, as nobody in Washington would help her.

Reade has accused Biden of forcibly penetrating her with his fingers nearly 30 years ago when she was a staffer for the then-US senator from Delaware.

The Intercept broke the news that a transcript existed of the Aug. 11, 1993 broadcast, while Reade confirmed with Fox News that the woman on the call was in fact her mother, Jeanette Altimus.

Continue reading “1993 CNN Clip Unearthed Of Biden Accuser’s Mother Telling Larry King Of “Problems” With “Prominent Senator””