Germany Debates Putting “Troops On Streets” To Protect Against Terrorism

Manufacture a problem. Then present a solution. How much do you want to bet that these troops will not be able to stop a single Islamic attack but will be mighty handy when the native German population decides it has had enough? Creeping Sharia? Nope. Creeping despotism.

Via Zero Hedge

The quiet German militarization continues to escalate.

One day after Germany’s DPA broke the news that the Merkel government is considering “bringing back nationwide conscription in times of crisis”, such as situations in which the country needs to “defend NATO’s external borders”, strongly hinting at the possibility of a future war, which in turn followed this weekend’s shocking announcement that Germans should prepare to stockpile several days of food and water “in case of an attack of catastrophe” as part of the country’s revised “Civil Defense Concept, today NBC reports that “Germany Debates Putting Troops on Streets to Protect Against ISIS.”

To be sure, plans to involve soldiers in counterterrorism operations. and the suggestion troops could also be used to beef up security in public places, have proved controversial in a country only seven decades “removed from totalitarian rule that’s still grappling with guilt from the Nazi era.” However, Wolfgang Bosbach, a lawmaker from Merkel’s CDU party, dismissed an such concerns.

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Globalism Is A Barbaric Relic – Voluntary Tribalism Is The Future


By Brandon Smith

planet-earth brush

I have been writing rather extensively about the ideology of globalism in recent months, primarily because the battle lines between sovereignty and global centralization have never been more defined than they are in 2016. In the past, globalists have often hidden the true motives of their cult; namely the goal of erasing national borders and all remaining vestiges of self governance. Normally, they would only pronounce the great advantages of globalization while dancing around the fact that millions of people will not accept it. Today, however, the globalists have come out in direct confrontation with supporters of sovereignty.

After the Brexit referendum, a new tone appears to have been set. The elites have now entered the mainstream media to state in essence that yes, they are globalists, they want total centralization and they are here to fight a philosophical and/or physical battle with those they call “populists” (also known as conservatives and sovereigns).

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Sharia Police Come to Canada

Via The Rebel

According to leaked information obtained by The Rebel, the RCMP is set to unveil a new uniform, featuring a hijab, the sharia-compliant Muslim head covering for women.

This news was leaked to us by people within the RCMP concerned about the inherent sexism of using a symbol of the oppression of Muslim women, as an official symbol of Canada’s secular police force.

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5 factors that could turn America into another collapsed empire


Nations are just as likely to unravel after periods of prosperity as after periods of depression

Rich nations fall apart, too.

Have you ever met an Ottoman? Or a Habsburg? Neither have I.

Like a chopped-up Magritte painting, all that is left of the Habsburgs is a homburg hat. Yet in the 1800s, the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires controlled a huge chunk of the modern world. One in 10 Americans can trace his or her heritage to Habsburg lands, which spanned most of middle Europe from Poland down to Dracula’s castle in Transylvania.

Many people have written about poor countries that have fallen apart. But rich nations fall apart, too. In fact, nations are just as likely to unravel after periods of prosperity as after periods of depression. The 2016 presidential campaign appears so bitter precisely because so many Americans worry that the “other” party’s candidate will annihilate the nation.

I have found five forces that undermine nations after they achieve economic success — and they are biting down on the U.S. today. We have little time to spare to renew the nation. Whichever candidate wins in November better come up with tough and effective solutions.

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State University Now Offers ‘Stop White People’ Training

Via The Daily Wire

The State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton is now offering a course called “#StopWhitePeople2K16” as part of routine training for residential assistants.

The university’s residential assistant training schedule lists “#StopWhitePeople2016” on its roster, with the mission of giving RA’s an “overview of disabilities in Higher Education.”

The presenters of the course, Ciaran Slattery, Nicholas Pulakos, and Urenna Nwogwugwu, are all RAs at the state-funded college, which describes itself as New York’s highest-ranking public college. They state their purpose is to “help others take the next step in understanding diversity, privilege, and the society we function within,” presumably the “white” society they plan to “stop” at the event.

The three RAs claim they will give “#StopWhitePeople2K16” course attendees the “tools” to respond to “uneducated people” with “‘good’ arguments.” You know, the people who preach mutual respect, equality under God, and constitutional freedoms. Those people.

They also state they will help other RAs at the state-funded college “hopefully expand upon what they may already know”: that white people are cancer, of course.

Binghamton Review

It’s move in week! Excited to meet your new RA? Good news! They’ve been properly trained to keep the dorms safe and to #stopwhitepeople2016. Read more in our latest article by Howard Hecht.

College RAs hold important roles in college residential and dormitory life, serving as mentors, counselors, and peers to the student residents they oversee. “These people should be sensitive to the issues of their residents, and to be prejudiced against someone on the basis of his or her skin color would seem, just like the hashtag itself, petty,” student Howard Hecht noted.

Binghamton Review, the university’s conservative student paper, publicized the course schedule, noting the university “seems to endorse it as a proper part of a RA training.” It was added:

At a public, state funded university, to potentially see racism endorsed is a frightening prospect for the future of higher education.

The Choice, Part One: The Technology

Reader’s Digest

Stop those who would stop that which has lifted humanity from the caves, or return to the caves. Those are the options.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic.

I usually keep my life and personal details out of my blog posts. However, the story of Dr. Arnold Kelly and electrostatic dispersal (ESD) technology is a fascinating one. It also reveals much of what is wrong with today’s world and crystallizes the economic, political, and philosophical issues underlying humanity’s most critical choices: achievement or destruction, life or death. This article is longer (three parts) than the usual SLL article and is somewhat of a departure, but I believe those who read it will find it enlightening and rewarding. I found writing it more interesting than another grind through the issues that currently serve as grist for the blogosphere.

I and members of my family are minority investors in Dr. Kelly’s majority-owned company, fouRy LLC, or 4Ry. I have performed and will continue to perform, various services for 4Ry, for which I may be compensated. The opinions and analyses are mine alone. This blog post is neither a solicitation of investment nor an offer to sell securities. 4Ry is a Delaware Limited Liability Corporation and its trademark application is pending.

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The Stock Market 2015-2016: Ugly Chopfest With An Equally Ugly Megaphone

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

There’s something fishy about this “new all-time highs” rally of 2016.

It’s interesting to take a longer-term view of the S&P 500 (SPX). Looking at a 10-year chart, the decline from almost 1,600 to 667 in the Global Financial Meltdown of 2007-2009 doesn’t look like that big a deal, given the incredible 6-year uptrend since March 2009.

The boost phase of the rally lasted over 2 years, from 3/09 to 6/11, when the Greek debt crisis caused a temporary swoon in global markets.

Once central banks rescued markets (again), the rally resumed, but beneath the trend line.

This rally ran out of steam in early 2015. The marginal new highs in May 2015 and July-August 2016 are not even visible on this chart.

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