“The wicked encourage and give themselves the license to attempt and commit all manner of theft and deception, seeing that the fruit which injustice yields is soon ripe, and offers itself easily to the gatherer’s hand. Whereas punishment comes late, lagging long behind the pleasure of enjoyment.”


“Gold is unique among assets, in that it is not issued by any government or central bank, which means that its value is not influenced by political decisions or the solvency of one institution or another.”

Salvatore Rossi, Central Bank of Italy, 30 Sept 2013

Real gold does not fear examination or the furnace.

Chinese Proverb

“Gold has worked down from Alexander’s time. When something holds good for two thousand years I do not believe it can be so because of prejudice or mistaken theory.”

Bernard M. Baruch

“You have to choose between trusting to the natural stability of gold and the natural stability and intelligence of the members of the government. And with due respect to these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold.”

George Bernard Shaw

“Those entrapped by the herd instinct are drowned in the deluges of history. But there are always the few who observe, reason, and take precautions, and thus escape the flood. For these few gold has been the asset of last resort.”

Antony C. Sutton


Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer


A couple of weeks ago we counted up the number of hay bales we had on hand and tried our best to estimate how far we’d get before we’d run out. In a good year you can turn your herd out on the fields by the end of May, giving you time to get a first cut before Summer grazing begins. The amount of hay that the herd can consume in a single day is based on a variety of factors; the quality of the grass, the average temperature, the age of the animals and how far along the cows are in their gestation. We had a good season for calves this year with a higher percentage of bulls to heifers, so there was that factor as well.

Since we didn’t have 180 bales on hand to meet the estimated demand and because there was no way of knowing what the cost of late Winter baleage might be or even if it would be available when we needed it most, we had to make a decision about cutting the herd back. I made calls around letting people know that we had animals available but there weren’t any takers. After a few restless nights where I dreamed of cows, arrangements were made to auction off five feeders out of state so that we could be sure to get the rest of the herd through another Winter adequately fed. Selling livestock is not like selling cars. Each of these animals has a personality that I have come to recognize and while we can never expect to keep all of them, nor would it be possible, there is tangible sense of loss each time we ship one out even if it is a means of making ends meet.

There is a never ending give and take in what we do and the balance is measured in gains and losses, weighed in the scale over a period longer than you can imagine. Selling bull calves now means less beef next Fall,but keeping them poses a risk of having to reduce the herd in the dead of Winter, or worse yet to compromise next years calving and a cash crunch at time when we could least likely afford it. In the end it all comes down to a calculation, risk versus reward. You could do it on the back of an envelope with a pencil and still have room to spare.

Continue reading “CATTLE DRIVE”

Niggahs Fo’ Putin

Love it!


“We are going to pursue terrorists everywhere. If they are in the airport, we will pursue them in the airport. And if we capture them in the toilet, then we will waste them in the shithouse. To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to him is up to me. The issue has been resolved once and for all.” 

————— Vlad


Why Isn’t This Incredibly Bearish Development Making the News?

Why Isn’t This Incredibly Bearish Development Making the News?

By E.B. Tucker

Editor’s Note: This is one of the most important essays you’ll read all year. In this special edition of the Casey Daily Dispatch, E.B. Tucker shares an urgent warning you’re unlikely to hear anywhere else.


There’s a very important warning signal flashing in the financial market right now.

Despite the importance of this signal, few people know about it…even fewer are talking about it.

Don’t be one of the people who don’t understand the vital importance of the bond market and what it’s telling you right now.

This knowledge could help you avoid a huge hit to your net worth over the next 12-24 months. Here’s why…

Most investors focus on just one area of the investment market: Stocks. After all, stocks have a long track record of generating solid, long-term returns. Plus, the idea of owning shares in a small business that grows large – and making 500% along the way – can capture almost anyone’s attention.

But what most people don’t realize is that the bond market is far more important and far larger than the stock market. The bond market is where companies, countries, and individuals go to borrow money. For every $1 worth of stock outstanding, there’s $2 worth of bonds.

Take the U.S. for example. The total value of every traded stock is $23 trillion. That’s a huge number, but it’s around half the value of all the U.S. bonds outstanding. Between corporate bonds, treasury bonds, mortgage bonds, and other varieties, there’s $40 trillion worth of bonds outstanding in the U.S.

Stock investors share in a company’s future profits. They’re optimistic by nature.

Continue reading “Why Isn’t This Incredibly Bearish Development Making the News?”


At least these colleges self identify as left wing, socialist, racist spewers of hatred towards white people, so rational people can choose not to send their kids there for a worthless degree.

Guest Post by Peter Hasson

Univ. of Vermont holds privilege retreat for students who ‘self-identify as white’

The University of Vermont held a three-day retreat so students who “self-identify as white” could confront their own “white privilege.”

“Examining White Privilege: A Retreat for Undergraduate Students Who Self-Identify as White” took place last weekend, November 13-15, and was “specifically for white students.”

“How does whiteness impact you?”   

According to the university, the self-identifying white students who attend the retreat will come to “recognize and understand white privilege from an individual experience” and have the opportunity to “conceptualize and articulate whiteness from a personal and systematic lense as well as the impact of white privilege on the UVM community and beyond.”

The self-identifying white students also tackled tough questions such as “What does it mean to be white?” and “How does whiteness impact you?”

The university website features testimonials from past attendees of the retreat, who praised the way the event was a “safe space.”


More Dirt on the Bitcoin

Guest Post by Hugo Salinas Price

Suppose someone wished to sell his house, way back in the 1890’s when gold was used as money, and somebody came to that person and said, “I’ll give you “x” ounces of gold for your house”, and suppose the offer was accepted. This was a commercial operation, where goods traded hands – the owner of a house sold a house, and received gold; the other party delivered some gold and purchased a house.

When, in bygone days, a house was sold for gold coins, all that the seller had to regard was the quantity of gold in the coins offered and whether that quantity was satisfactory or not. Gold was recognized as money!

Now suppose you wish to sell your house today, and someone offers to pay for it in “x” number of Bitcoins. The quantity of Bitcoins – unlike a quantity of gold in yesteryear – would mean absolutely nothing to you. You would have to relate the Bitcoins to something else, namely the dollar. You would want to know for how many dollars you could exchange your Bitcoins. The answer would determine whether or not you sold your house.

It is quite clear that the Bitcoin can only aspire to be a derivative of the dollar. It cannot aspire to anything greater: to have an independent, sovereign value, since, unlike gold, it is not something – something that has a physical existence.

The dollar is presently rising in its exchange value against all other currencies. But no one can deny that the dollar is itself a fiat currency, and that in all history, absolutely all fiat currencies have ended in the total collapse of their value in exchange.

Continue reading “More Dirt on the Bitcoin”

Question of the Day, Nov 19

An oldie, but a goodie. What should be done to protect our borders?


Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector. The reports have caused a stir among the sector’s Border Patrol agents.

The sources claimed that eight Syrians were apprehended on Monday, November 16, 2015. According to the sources, the Syrians were in two separate “family units” and were apprehended at the Juarez Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas, also known officially as Port of Entry 1.

Continue reading “Question of the Day, Nov 19”


The minutes from the last Fed meeting were released on Wednesday afternoon. The minutes, along with a squadron of jabbering Fed heads lying about the economy doing great, pretty much locked in the most talked about .25% interest rate increase in world history.  Evidently the Wall Street titans of greed have convinced the muppets higher interest rates are great for stocks, as the market soared by 250 points. As institutional money exits the market on these rigged up days, the dumb money retail investor buys into the market with dreams of riches just like they did with Pets.com in 2000, McMansions in 2005, and Bear Stearns in 2007.

The Fed has lost any credibility they ever thought they deserved by delaying this meaningless insignificant interest rate increase for the last three years, so they will make this token increase in December come hell or high water. They want to give themselves some leeway for easing again when this debt saturated global economy implodes in the near future. The Fed is trapped by their own cowardice and capture by the Wall Street cabal. If they raise rates the USD will strengthen even more than it has already. The USD is already at 11 year highs. It has appreciated by 25% in the last year versus the basket of world currencies. The babbling boobs on the entertainment news channels authoritatively expound with a straight face about the rise in the dollar being due to our strong economic performance. It’s beyond laughable, as the economy has been sucking wind since the day the Fed turned off the QE spigot in October 2014.

Chart of the Day

Continue reading “THE FED INDUCED FARCE”


It’s no secret the birth rate has fallen across the board in Western nations. The Millennial generation is taking longer to grow up than previous generations and it doesn’t seem the oldest cohort has the means to get married and start families. It’s now socially acceptable (and encouraged) for the youth to stay in college as long as possible seeking worthless degrees and rehashing everything they learned in high school.

For the first time in history the youth are no longer expected to be productive until nearly 30 after receiving one or more post-graduate degrees. Gone are the days of paper routes for kids, McJobs for teenagers, and entry level/paid internships for college students. Today, if you’re a grown up with a job and live in a safe neighborhood outside of government sanctioned housing you have “privilege” and you should check it.

I highly doubt a majority (80 million generation) of the Millennials are not capable of being productive or striking out on their own. I keep reading the financial news headlines of “Millennials aren’t saving for retirement” or “Millennials aren’t buying houses”. In reality, I know many Millennials (especially the 18-25 cohort) having difficulty with car ownership and affording their rents despite having multiple roommates.

Is it any wonder with these massive problems the mainstream media puts a spotlight on “safe spaces”?

Roosh via Rooshv.com


Not long ago I proposed that decreasing birth rates in the Western world is happening due to some cosmic force that is seeking balance upon the universe. I missed the mark. The force is not something cosmic or metaphysical, but human. After studying the evidence, it’s clear that there is a conscious scheme to control the human population through both cultural and biological means, which allows the elite to sustain or elevate their power and wealth.

The first piece of evidence showing you have been primed to favor depopulation is that you most likely agree to at least two of the following three statements, even if you consider yourself “red pill”:

  • “Agendas or schemes by the global elite should be first considered a ‘conspiracy theory.’”
  • “There are too many people on planet Earth.”
  • “Needs of the environment must come before plans to increase human fertility.”



Haven’t we been fighting ISIS for the last few years? Are you telling me our top notch military had no idea ISIS had an oil refinery? Wouldn’t that be one of your first bombing targets if you really want to defeat an enemy? It’s almost as if we didn’t really want to defeat ISIS. Russia seems to have other plans.

Russian Air Force jets carried out airstrikes against an oil refinery controlled by Islamic State in Syria on Wednesday and destroyed around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq. READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6wxi

Will The Matrix Prevail?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Paris attack is playing out as I expected. The French government is attacking French civil liberty with legislation similar to the US PATRIOT Act. http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151117/1030277245/paris-massacre-france-orwellian-police-state-us-patriot-act.html
Readers in France have informed me that 84% of the French people, according to a poll, are content to be spied upon as long as it keeps them safe. This means that only 16% of the French nation is not brain dead.

Another reader informs me that a TV news station read a letter left behind by one of the alleged ISIL bombers, a letter written in perfect English. Really! I mean, Really! Those with their secret agendas know how stupid the Western peoples are, collectively a hopeless basket case.

French and Amerian politicians are demanding that NATO Article 5 be used to put NATO boots on the ground in Syria. This is important not in order to fight ISIL, which the Russians are successfully doing, but to overthrow Assad under the pretext of fighting ISIL, a crazy policy that could bring conflict with Russia. http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151118/1030346363/us-nato-paris-attack-war-against-isil-syria.html

Alternatively, to avoid conflict with Russia, Washington can take advantage of the Russian government’s hope that the Paris attack will show the West that Putin was correct that the West should join Russia in opposing ISIL. Once a NATO-Russian coalition, as advocated by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, is formed, Putin becomes the West’s captive in the overthrow of Assad. http://sputniknews.com/world/20151118/1030346645/isil-paris-attacks-coalition-pm.html

Continue reading “Will The Matrix Prevail?”