It’s no secret the birth rate has fallen across the board in Western nations. The Millennial generation is taking longer to grow up than previous generations and it doesn’t seem the oldest cohort has the means to get married and start families. It’s now socially acceptable (and encouraged) for the youth to stay in college as long as possible seeking worthless degrees and rehashing everything they learned in high school.

For the first time in history the youth are no longer expected to be productive until nearly 30 after receiving one or more post-graduate degrees. Gone are the days of paper routes for kids, McJobs for teenagers, and entry level/paid internships for college students. Today, if you’re a grown up with a job and live in a safe neighborhood outside of government sanctioned housing you have “privilege” and you should check it.

I highly doubt a majority (80 million generation) of the Millennials are not capable of being productive or striking out on their own. I keep reading the financial news headlines of “Millennials aren’t saving for retirement” or “Millennials aren’t buying houses”. In reality, I know many Millennials (especially the 18-25 cohort) having difficulty with car ownership and affording their rents despite having multiple roommates.

Is it any wonder with these massive problems the mainstream media puts a spotlight on “safe spaces”?

Roosh via


Not long ago I proposed that decreasing birth rates in the Western world is happening due to some cosmic force that is seeking balance upon the universe. I missed the mark. The force is not something cosmic or metaphysical, but human. After studying the evidence, it’s clear that there is a conscious scheme to control the human population through both cultural and biological means, which allows the elite to sustain or elevate their power and wealth.

The first piece of evidence showing you have been primed to favor depopulation is that you most likely agree to at least two of the following three statements, even if you consider yourself “red pill”:

  • “Agendas or schemes by the global elite should be first considered a ‘conspiracy theory.’”
  • “There are too many people on planet Earth.”
  • “Needs of the environment must come before plans to increase human fertility.”

It’s not a coincidence that you are already on board with depopulation agenda, and if you live in a Westernized nation, you came to that conclusion “naturally” because since you were in grade school, you have been bombarded with messages about the dangers of over-population and the fragility of the environment. It turns out that all the progressive ideas being spread in the West have one thing in common: they all limit human reproduction.

Here is a short list of progressive causes that have percolated from intellectuals and later sponsored or hijacked by billionaire activists and major government institutions of the West.

1. Abortion is a bodily “choice,” not human murder. Result: it decreases population.

2. Birth control is a “choice” that allows women to better practice consumer lifestyles. Result: it decreases population.

3. Female empowerment in the form of feminism and egalitarianism pushes women into corporate work with the goal of delaying motherhood (or eliminating it outright). Result: it decreases reproduction and family formation.

4. Promotion of sterile human relationships in the form of homosexuality and transsexuality can’t possibly result in the creation of life. Result: it decreases population, reproduction, and traditional family formation.

5. Promotion of atheism, nihilism, individualism, and consumerism as suitable alternatives to traditional living via nuclear family units. Result: it decreases reproduction and traditional family formation.

6. The needs of the “environment” must be served before that of living humans. Result: it makes human guilty of family formation.

7. Massive waves of foreign immigrants are encouraged entry into Western nations to break bonds between tribe and neighbor that decrease notions of nationalism and patriotism while transferring fertility and economic resources from native people to foreigers. Result: it decreases relative population of native citizens.

All of the above decreases the reproductive rate, either directly through the killing of life, or indirectly by promoting guilt and alternative lifestyles that are incompatible with the creation of life. At the same time, immigrant populations are allowed to grow at a faster rate than the natives’ ability to reproduce.

Those who rule over us don’t need more Americans or European-derived people to cement their power and wealth within nations they control through government institutions and transnational organizations and corporations. How would it benefit them if a baby boom takes place among those from American conservative states that believe in the first and second amendments? If you were king of the land, and you regularly met with those who helped you rule, would you really want the type of people who are most likely to overthrow you to reproduce up to their biological maximum, or would you want to hurt their reproductive potential while pushing every degenerate cause under the sun in an effort to limit their numbers?

I wrote Cultural Collapse Theory a year ago, where I detail the specific mechanism that progressivism destroys a host culture, but I could easily re-title it to Population Collapse Theory without having to make many changes to the text. I must admit that I feel a bit foolish for taking so long to realize the agenda all along is depopulation, especially when the elite have openly shared and discussed their plans. All you need to do when watching their interviews is to replace the buzzwords “population control” and “sustainable development” for “depopulation of Western natives.” This is often done under the guise of curing third-world poverty or making the Earth “more livable” for Western children that will never be born.

Here are a few public statements that show how depopulation agenda is important to those who dictate government and corporate policy:

Prince Charles commenting on population control:

I could have chosen Mumbai, Cairo or Mexico City; wherever you look, the world’s population is increasing fast. It goes up by the equivalent of the entire population of the United Kingdom every year. Which means that this poor planet of ours, which already struggles to sustain 6.8 billion people, will somehow have to support over 9 billion people within 50 years.

John P. Holdren, Barack Obama’s top science adviser:

A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men. The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control.

David Rockefeller, globalist who refuses to die:




Ted Turner, founder of CNN and one of the largest landowners in the United States:


Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, which successfully used abortion to decimate the black population in the United States:

The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.

Thomas Ferguson, former official of U.S. State Department Office of Population Affairs:

There is a single theme behind all our work—we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it….

Bill Gates talked about using one of his foundations to play god in Africa and limit the population using biological means. It’s quite interesting to see a dorky looking geek so interested in population control, but then again his father served as head of Planned Parenthood.

Gates’ friend, Warren Buffet, is also on board with depopulation. He gave $3 billion to his wife’s Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. Take a guess as to where that foundation donates most of its money? Planned Parenthood.

The tax records also show that most of the foundation’s spending goes to abortion and contraception advocacy and research. According to Access Philanthropy, a research institute that focuses on the giving preferences of foundations and corporate donors, family planning is one of the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation’s main purposes. The foundation’s nonprofit 990 tax form shows that in 2008, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates in the U.S. received about $45 million; the international arm of the organization got about $8 million. There is no line item for the Ryan program [pro-abortion organization] or the Family Planning Fellowship [pro-abortion organization]. But the foundation paid out around $50 million to universities with one or both of the programs.

By now you should note that the more sinister the individual, the more they are portrayed by the media as harmless, awkwardly geeky, and folksy (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg, the Google founders, and the CEO of Starbucks).

There’s the 1974 document titled National Security Study Memorandum 200 (full PDF text), commissioned by Henry Kissinger, whose obsession with international order led him to the conclusion that rising population of some countries would threaten US interests, and that contraception must be promoted within them to limit their population. Kissinger, another zombie globalist who won’t die, is still instrumental in dictating policies around the world through his consulting firm Kissinger Associates.

The United Nations has an action plan called Agenda 21 that advocates for “sustainable development.” One way it does that is through worldwide promotion of feminism, which has the effect of removing women from the family home and into corporate workplaces that are under control by the same globalists in the UN club. As any Western nation’s population chart can tell you, feminism goes hand-in-hand with depopulation. The UN offers confirmation that feminism is a great form of birth control since they consider it essential for “sustainable development,” globalist code for reducing the birth rate.

[Human settlement improvements] should be based on technical cooperation activities, partnerships among the public, private and community sectors and participation in the decision-making process by community groups and special interest groups such as women, indigenous people, the elderly and the disabled. These approaches should form the core principles of national settlement strategies. In developing these strategies, countries will need to set priorities among the eight programme areas in this chapter in accordance with their national plans and objectives, taking fully into account their social and cultural capabilities. Furthermore, countries should make appropriate provision to monitor the impact of their strategies on marginalized and disenfranchised groups, with particular reference to the needs of women.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) is led by Christiana Figures, the daughter of Costa Rica’s former president, ensuring her admission to the globalist club. She states in the following video that the UN should “make every effort” to decrease population from its current trajectory (start at 4:30).

The former Chief Of Bioethics to the National Institute Of Health (NIH) is Israeli Ezekiel Emanual, who is brother to former Obama adviser and Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel. In an Atlantic article, he claimed that we should all consider dropping dead at 75 because it would save the government trillions of dollars. The most anti-ethical and chaotic arguments will come under the guise of ethics and world order.

I am talking about how long I want to live and the kind and amount of health care I will consent to after 75. Americans seem to be obsessed with exercising, doing mental puzzles, consuming various juice and protein concoctions, sticking to strict diets, and popping vitamins and supplements, all in a valiant effort to cheat death and prolong life as long as possible. This has become so pervasive that it now defines a cultural type: what I call the American immortal.

I reject this aspiration. I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.

The quotes, videos, and articles above barely scratch the surface of what you can research yourself on Youtube and Google. While there is an unhinged element on many of the sites that talk about depopulation, I trust you can use your own judgement in separating fact from emotion.

Most corporations, whose sole motivation is profit for shareholders, have for some odd reason pathological soft spots for women and the environment. It’s no coincidence that empowerment of women into becoming corporate workers and mindless consumers shatters their reproduction while promotion of environmental concerns makes you not only guilty to have a family of your own, but inclined to give unwavering support and authority to globalist agendas that limit population in the “privileged” Western world while at the same time supporting the breeding of third-world immigrants to displace them.

Men who have come to the conclusion of depopulation arrive at it from different paths. I saw it not through politics but through sex. I saw firsthand how the government, media, and universities are deliberately trying to promote mistrust between man and woman through feminism, the myth of rape culture, and social justice ideas that allow a divide and conquer strategy to pit the sexes against each other, making every woman see a man as a potential rapist and every man see a woman as someone who could ruin his life.

The fact that men are scared to death of a false rape accusation or are fearful of being taken to the cleaners in divorce is a feature of depopulation-driven progressivism, not a bug. A wedge has been driven between men and women so that you see each other as threats to your happiness and livelihood. It is by design that you are not capable or willing of doing anything more with a woman than mutual masturbation under the influence of alcohol that will not result in family creation. Just in case you do want to make babies, a backup plan has been enacted so that reproduction will still not result: essentially all fertile young women are on birth control, encouraged to go on it after puberty. Even if she does become pregnant, the means to abort it will be so easy, especially with you convincing her to do so since coincidentally there are state and federal laws that enslave any middle class man who thinks having children could somehow serve his interests.

It’s important to understand that birth control doesn’t have to be only biological in the form of pills or abortion, but in the form of ideas and beliefs that instill fear and dread about reproducing by associating having a child with a loss of individual or consumer freedom. I wouldn’t be surprised if “men going their own way” groups are indirectly supported by the state to increase a man’s fear of reproducing with women.

In case you still have doubts that depopulation is the overreaching agenda of Western elites, I ask you to take a look at charts of fertility birth rates from World Bank data and ask yourself why isn’t there any concerted effort to reverse the declines? Why aren’t governments supporting nationalist policies like in Russia that aim to seed future generations of natives to create a stronger nation that will endure the ages, instead of importing criminals and democratically challenged Mexicans or radical Islamists?




What’s amazing is that the US birth rate is below replacement rate even accounting for its fecund immigrants, showing that fertile peoples become effectively sterile once inserted into an environment that has been slated for depopulation. Currently there is not one European nation west of Russia, even when including Eastern Europe, that has a fertility rate above that of the replacement rate. By comparison, the fertility rate of Niger is 7.56, four times that of the United States, but don’t worry, Bill Gates’ humanitarian “vaccine” program will take care of that problem when the time is right through his pet project, a birth control microchip that can be turned on and off by wireless remote.

The three main cultural mechanisms of reducing native populations is to program people to be concerned for women’s rights, third world immigration, and the environment. This is why nearly everyone on the left, including SJW’s, are fanatically supportive of all three. Leftists have been soundly convinced of issues that lead to the destruction of the family unit, the breakdown of their society’s social fabric, and their own voluntary sterilization. When you combine biological efforts that include birth control and abortion, you can see how Westerners have absolutely no chance of recovering their population compared to African, Middle Eastern, and Asian populations that do not currently face both cultural and biological bombs to reduce their birth rates, but will soon enough be targeted once the Westerners are sufficiently weakened and depopulation goals are met.

You probably now understand why when Brussels accepts a new country into the European Union, the first thing they do is mandate a gay pride parade on the capital streets, and why they immediately start screeching about the need for more women’s rights. This is the cultural attack that aims to limit the reproduction of that country so that their sovereignty can be easily dismantled within only two generations, an attack that begins even before they join the EU in order to “prove” they are ready to destroy themselves for the short term gain of big loans and free trade for that nation’s local elite.

Even the form of game that I taught early in my career, of one-night stands, was compatible with the depopulation agenda since reproduction would often not result from it. This meant that I was a useful idiot for many years. I can’t help but notice that attacks against me have increased in intensity as I move away from teaching sterile sex and anti-family ideas to promoting more traditional values that are far likelier to result in reproduction.

While I would certainly agree with you that there are plenty of people currently inhabiting the Earth, I disagree that a small group of globalists at the top should be able to play Dr. Eugenicist and determine who reproduces or not without limiting their own reproduction, especially since their hypocrisy about caring for the environment is on full display as they fly around the world in their private jets to their numerous mansions. They do not want you to impregnate a fertile 19 year old and have many home-schooled and ritalin-free children with her. Instead, you’re bombarded with messages to marry an aging spinster whose womb is likely already sterile and who can’t give you more than two children, which is not nearly enough to sustain the population.

Perhaps in the 1950’s you were told that having a big family is the masculine thing to do, but it’s almost impossible these days to see images of large nuclear families represented positively in television or commercials, especially with women under 25 who are not already slaves to corporations and government propaganda.

I’m coming to the conclusion that the only way to defeat the evils of liberalism, feminism, social justice, and progressivism is to have huge families and create tribes that are free-thinking, self-reliant, and, most importantly, armed. The men of the future who can resist totalitarianism and unjust government authority come from the wombs of the women living today, and those women must at some point be convinced that being stay-at-home mothers who raise strong men is superior to becoming zombie consumers who poison and sterilize their own bodies.

The last thing that those in power want is for women to pair-bond with independent, masculine men who do not need the state and who place more importance and loyalty in their blood relatives and nation than to leftist ideas, iPhones, and sports teams. In the past, my fantasies were about sleeping with as many women as possible so I can be the playboy that I saw in the Hollywood movies, but now they are about creating the sons who will one day lead their people and their nation. It’s squarely up to us to create the men who can eliminate the parasites that are successfully controlling modern humanity.

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Chuck Dennis
Chuck Dennis
November 19, 2015 8:25 am

Populations of the Western World are collapsing, but I think it is all just a big co-incident…the government, billionaire and media left just happening to be pushing an anti-human agenda, that’s all. It is all just a big co-incident. I learned this on ABC Good Morning America…

November 19, 2015 8:46 am

We are 15 years into a global depopulation plan that is scheduled to be complete by 2040. The new and improved version of Agenda 21 (Agenda 2030) will guarantee depopulation. Humanity should have a plan to depopulate the UN as a counter offensive.

This is a war against humanity, let there be no doubt……..sadly we are not allowed to fight back.

November 19, 2015 8:55 am

I stopped reading after the phrase of “red pill”. (which means I missed 3/4 of the rant)

That stuff is bullshit. Modern media flotsam.

Thanks for stopping by. When you have something original and meaningful to post without reference to media garbage hacksterism, I’ll try to read it.

Until then – – –


November 19, 2015 9:02 am

The World Depopulation project is working so damned well that there are 7.3 BILLION people on earf …. more than ever before, and increasing by the minute.

November 19, 2015 9:09 am

Japs have already stopped having sex while in the US everybody is having sex with Charlie Sheeny.

but seriously, white folks have to pay for their own kids, while blacks, hispanics and mooselmen get free food, healthcare, housing and college degrees for theirs. if you penalize something, you get less of it, and if you subsidize something, you get more of it.

ezekiel emanuel wants us all to die at 75 years, while his tech buddies at the synagogue are spending billions to live forever. i think george soros’ face will be sagging all the way to his titties before he dies.

November 19, 2015 9:27 am

Stucky- WWIII should bring down that 7 billion figure by the time it is all said and done. The entire planet burning at the same time with massive loss of population is giving the depop crowd a hard on.

November 19, 2015 9:38 am

BL- The entire planet burning at the same time

Global warming writ large.

November 19, 2015 9:45 am

“It’s no secret the birth rate has fallen across the board in Western nations.”

The first goal is white genocide. Deport the invaders here at home and cut the welfare system to only one child. No foreign aid to any country and get the U.S. out of the UN. Let’s recapture the minds from those infected with the Frankfurt School of cultural diversity and multiculturalism.

November 19, 2015 9:51 am

Where did most of this progressivism come from .Which Tribe ? Who promotes it ?.It’s not Muslims.

November 19, 2015 10:23 am
November 19, 2015 10:23 am

Sorry, Anon is me.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 19, 2015 10:28 am


I remember when Steph wanted to “Cull” the aging boomers…how times have changed.

November 19, 2015 10:30 am
November 19, 2015 10:37 am

BEA LEAVER “This is a war against humanity, let there be no doubt……..sadly we are not allowed to fight back.”

With that bitch made attitude you will never be able to do anything, why do you listen to these nignogs?

November 19, 2015 10:38 am

Excerpt from George Carlin”s famous rant: “they (our owners) dont want an educated population capable of critical thinking. That doesn’t serve their interests. What they want is a population just smart enough to run the machines, but dumb enough to never realize how badly they’re being fucked”. According to Fred Reed, average I.Q. for whites is about 100 – oops,too smart. Ave. I.Q. for blacks is mid 80’s – oops, too dumb. Ave I.Q. for Mexicans is high 80’s, and they’ll work like dogs -just right. Do you understand our nation’s policies now?

November 19, 2015 10:39 am

Stanley “I stopped reading after the phrase of “red pill”. (which means I missed 3/4 of the rant)”

Way to stand up and say im a faggot ass white knight simp, good for you god damn nigger fuck your gonna make a great slave some day (yes i intend to chain mother fuckers like you up and beat you until I nut myself after the collapse)

November 19, 2015 10:42 am

bb “Where did most of this progressivism come from .Which Tribe ? Who promotes it ?.It’s not Muslims.”

Its the JEWS, JEWS and JEWS, simple solution kill the JEWS

November 19, 2015 10:48 am

White’s find it difficult to easily afford lots of kids, plus all those crumb snatchers put a damper on their fun lifestyles. Our ancestors had huge families because that was their own army of helpers around the farm or contributers to the family coffers from their factory work. Plus, kids were a retirement security blanket.

None of that is necessary today so people don’t do it. If today you come across a White family of seven people it’s astonishing. The latinos and negroes in Murika! have as many as they feel like having because It doesn’t cost much of anything, and they can feel proud that they are helping to wipe out the hated White Race. If any of you don’t believe they are smart enough to realize that, then you don’t know shit about them.

The way I see it, White people have a deadly flaw in our character that is leading us to our demise. We are so combative, competitive and individualistic that we cannot effectively organize against our enemies. This has been true all throughout history and the only reason we thrived is the fact that we, as a Race, are so damn good. Good as in intelligent, inventive and bold.

I’m one of the worst offenders in that I never had children. The only saving grace for me is that I have been ringing the alarm in my little circle of family and friends for over 35 years and got nothing in return except ridicule and indifference. I never found anyone, not one single White person, that viewed our destruction as a racial or even a personal threat. My brothers and co-workers viewed me as an alarmist nutjob when I talked about it and that goes for every single female I met that I would consider as marriage material. Their attitudes today are radically different but they “don’t remember” me warning them and they still won’t do shit about it. They are not preparing for the big fight.

It’s not easy being Cassandra. But I refuse to view it as all doom and gloom for us White’s. We can still prevail, but it will take a lot of bloodshed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 19, 2015 10:51 am

Anon- Put it out there , let us in on how we can get past the UN loving MSM and the militarized police followed by the blue helmets. How do you bring a butter knife to a gun fight?

They have their own propaganda tv channels , what the fuck do you have other than an attitude?

November 19, 2015 10:58 am

BEA LEAVER – Ah the attitude of a nigger good for you stupid fucking cunt

November 19, 2015 10:59 am

“Not long ago I proposed that decreasing birth rates in the Western world is happening due to some cosmic force that is seeking balance upon the universe. I missed the mark.”

Balance? What?

November 19, 2015 11:09 am

Well said, young lady! How refreshing to see a young person awaken to the reality of the world that’s planned for them! The article you re-posted seems to be the lament of many young males and my son decided the same after his university years in the USA.

As for Mr. Emanuel, well, sir, I hope you stick to your guns and depart at 75 if not sooner; I’ll decide when it’s time for me to go, thanks, unless my number comes up beforehand, a situation beyond my (and his) control.

My 35 yr old son and his 26 yr old wife have two kids (March, 2014 and Oct 2015) and plan to have more. Granted, they won’t be “pure white” because his wife is Latina, but I suspect my “mongrel” grandsons will manage down here in South America if not in New York. Sure, they may well be able to get “affirmative action” scholarships to a USA university, but why on earth would they want to go there?

As for the Frankfurt School and the minds it’s infected, well, from where I sit, it’s a bit late in the game to be warning the apparently racially suicidal white folks about that now, but for my money, hybridization beats sterility, and I honestly believe that SA is the real “sleeping giant” that has enormous potential to be realized by those of NW-European descent if they choose to be pioneers in more senses than one.

Listen, Steph: I’d like to believe that “a majority (80 million generation) of the Millennials are not capable of being productive or striking out on their own”, but not in the environment you or the article you passed along describe. My Latina Millenial dtr-in-law has a degree, but decided that her true and preferred vocation is to be a wife and mother first and an “empowered” woman second. I truly hope that the “white girls” (Whoops! WOMEN!) up there come to the same conclusion, but given the circumstances… Well, I can only wish you luck in finding a way to reach it, assuming that’s what you want.

Does anyone here honestly believe that aside from some statistically improbable turn-around up there such a societal transformation will actually come to pass? For my money and my own assessment, I’ll quote fellow-Cornellian novelist Thomas Pyncheon: “Cross yourself and face the wall/Dreams will help you not at all”.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 19, 2015 11:22 am

Anon- You are such a blow hard it won’t be hard for you to BLOW ME.

November 19, 2015 11:24 am

“Its the JEWS, JEWS and JEWS, simple solution kill the JEWS.”

Welcome back, Zara. Where you been?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 19, 2015 11:33 am

Oh hell Zara, If I had know that was you I would have still said blow me……..glad you are back? Are you?

  Bea Lever
November 19, 2015 11:44 am


It wasn’t Zara. Just some other douchebag.

November 19, 2015 11:36 am

If such an agenda exists then isn’t targeting whites getting it ass backwards since whites reproduce far less than most?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 19, 2015 12:11 pm

Back in my trolling days, years ago, when some other troll spouted some anti-semitic rant, were themselves, 50% or more, Jewish.

November 19, 2015 12:37 pm

Anyone want t have lunch next week at the Georgia Guidestones…just down the road from me ?


November 19, 2015 12:38 pm

comment image

November 19, 2015 1:12 pm

Depopulation will happen…period. It is just maff…look:

These type of curves(actually I know of no other exponential curve so steep at the end) do not taper off–ever–they collapse rapidly. It is only a matter of time.

The big issue here is that is should not be for the rich and powerful to decide when and how it happens and who survives, but it would appear that that is the world we live in.

November 19, 2015 1:20 pm

Anon was I.

I. C.
I. C.
November 19, 2015 1:53 pm

This term-paper is about 10 years too old. Nothing new was presented.
You made an effort though, so I’d grade it a “D”, not an “F”.
Maybe you could peddle your content at Salon — you’d surely get more attention there.

November 19, 2015 1:57 pm

There is so much brain power available on the earth today… if there was a way to focus it on something besides diddling around, we could solve any problem. For that reason I’m always against depopulation even in a resource collapse type of scenario. It is always better to have more people, not less. The depopulation of certain cultures is a result of the marxist attack on the values of those cultures. Especially western european. Muslims and latin american cultures are far more leftist, statist, and collectivist. These are the people who accept powerful central governments which ultimately and invariably lead to mass cullings.

November 19, 2015 2:25 pm

I believe the mandated vaccines are meant to sterilize.Then more mandated vaccines at puberty.Now EPA has poisoned underground water supply in so many states one has to wonder if this epa is w h islam converts ?I do believe the open boarder is meant to destabilize/OVERTHROW the US and EU,and wipe out the white race

Thus Spanked Zarathustra
Thus Spanked Zarathustra
November 19, 2015 2:35 pm

Hi all y’alls. I’m the southern version of that Zara feller. Y’all want to know who to blame? It’s youse, youse, youse guys.