THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Virginia Tech shooting leaves 32 dead – 2007


Virginia Tech remembers those lost on 15th anniversary of shooting | WSET

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Anheuser-Busch Transitions Into Damage Control Mode – And People Aren’t Buying It

Via ZeroHedge

After rolling out a Bud Light ad campaign featuring flamboyant transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney – whose ditzy caricature of a woman mocks decades of actual progress by feminists (who have apparently been wokeshamed into silence), Anheuser-Busch’s damage control team kicked into action on Friday after the Mulvaney ad sparked a massive backlash.

“We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” said Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Brendan Whitworth in a carefully crafted, heavily focus-grouped press release which failed to mention Mulvaney, Bud Light, or transgender issues. “We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”

I care deeply about this country, this company, our brands and our partners. I spend much of my time traveling across America, listening to and learning from our customers, distributors and others,” the statement continued. “Moving forward, I will continue to work tirelessly to bring great beers to consumers across our nation.”

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This Scheme to “Save Social Security” Cuts Costs by Shortchanging You

Via Birch Gold Group

Want to Save Social Security by Lowering Your Benefits?

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

So far, the official tally of failed banks sits at two (SVB and Signature Bank). I’m not sure why Silvergate isn’t included. Or Credit Suisse, for that matter. At least five more on a “death watch” for the time being.

If you found out your bank was undercapitalized like SVB was, you could do what many bank customers did – withdraw your money and stash the cash under your mattress.

But your Social Security benefits work differently.

The money you paid into the trust fund is already spent funding current retirees. That means the money you might think you are entitled to isn’t really yours, as I discussed previously. Continue reading “This Scheme to “Save Social Security” Cuts Costs by Shortchanging You”

Trump, truth, lies, and the gradations of evil

By Elliott Middleton

President Trump was conned by the Neocons and the World Economic Forum

The con

Many Americans believe that President Trump was conned in some way in 2020. Jeffrey Tucker, the founder of the Brownstone Institute, has recently pinpointed the day President Trump was tricked into locking the country down.

It was March 10, 2020. The day before, the president had tweeted that the new virus was not very different from the common flu and could be treated similarly. By March 11, he was willing to commit the Federal government’s entire force to fight the pandemic.

Responsibility for fighting SARS-CoV-2 was transferred to the Department of Defense around this time, although as Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have documented, the groundwork for this was laid years before. Robert F. Kennedy’s masterful The Real Anthony Fauci details the development of the “biosecurity network” from Bill Gates’s fateful meeting with Anthony Fauci in 2000 when Gates proposed a mutually beneficial “partnership.” Continue reading “Trump, truth, lies, and the gradations of evil”

Here’s Why NATO Isn’t the Strong Alliance You Thought It Was…

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

NATO Isn’t the Strong Alliance

Hungary is working actively to ensure their energy is independent of EU/NATO.

According to a reuters article,

Hungary will veto any European Union sanctions against Russia affecting nuclear energy, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told state radio on Friday.

Ukraine has called on the 27-nation EU to include Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom in sanctions but Hungary, which has a Russian-built nuclear plant it plans to expand with Rosatom, has blocked that.

So what to expect? Continue reading “Here’s Why NATO Isn’t the Strong Alliance You Thought It Was…”

Poland would not survive a Russia-NATO war

Via RT

Dmitry Medvedev lashes out at Poland’s prime minister, who expressed confidence in the bloc’s military superiority over Russia FILE PHOTO: Dmitry Medvedev. © Sputnik/Ekaterina Shtukina

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed that Poland would cease to exist if a direct war were to occur between Russia and NATO, regardless of the outcome. He was responding to remarks by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who expressed confidence that the Western alliance would win such a conflict.

Morawiecki, who is currently visiting the US, commented on the Ukrainian conflict in an interview with NBC News on Friday. Host Kristen Welker asked whether he was concerned that Ukrainian strikes outside its territory risked “a wider war, drawing Poland… into the conflict.”

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Control of the Media and, by Extension, Human Perception

Guest Post by Etienne de la Boetie2

An Art of Liberty Foundation White Rose MUCHO GRANDE poster featuring a 2017 visualization from Swiss Propaganda Research showing how three organizations (The Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission have maneuvered their members into the key publisher, editor, and reporter positions at dozens of ostensible unaffiliated media organizations. Jefferey Epstein was a member of all three organizations.

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Now, The Difficult Choice

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

The alleged “leaker” of classified US defense information, which I remind you not only provided details about the Ukraine situation but also stated that we had actual uniformed troops in the nation, has been arrested.

There were plenty of folks who claimed over the last few days that these documents were not genuine; that is, they were a hoax — or propaganda, if you prefer, put forward by Russia to make it look like we had troops in Ukraine when in fact we did not.

By arresting the “leaker” we have admitted the documents are factual.

This is a problem; it is quite-arguable we have actually entered the Russia-Ukraine war.

For real.

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Country Singer Brad Paisley Goes To Ukraine With Senators Calling For ‘Defeat Of Putin’

Authored by Kyle Anzalone via The Libertarian Institute,

A group of three influential senators traveled to Kiev and met with President Volodymyr Zelensky. Accompanied by country music singer Brad Paisley, the lawmakers called for the defeat of Russian President Vladimir Putin and pledged more weapons for Ukraine.

The three senators, Joe Manchin (D-WV), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Mark Kelly (D-AZ), met with Zelensky on Wednesday. In a press release from his office, Manchin called for Putin to be defeated without providing a clear meaning of what that entails. “After this visit, I am even more convinced that defeating Vladimir Putin and ending his ruthless war against the Ukrainian people must remain our top priority,” he said.

Joe Manchin, Zelensky, Brad Paisley

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45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show

Guest Post by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups.

covid vaccine adverse events deaths feature

The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

“Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

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