Official 2022 Olympics Comments Thread

Love it or hate it,  the Winter Olympics will be with us for the next two weeks.

It already has been an incredible event.  I’m referring to the Putin-Xi joint statement … a “Mein Kampf”  manifesto, in that they are giving formal notice on exactly what their strategic goals are (in confronting the West).

So, post your thoughts as events progress!  Good, bad, or indifferent.

Really looking forward to the masses condemning this thread — “BREAD & CIRCUSES!! Get a life Stucky, ya dipshit!!“.  Other possible topics.  Opening ceremony (if you watched it, as I did.)  Favorite events.  Least favorite.  Which countries you cheer for, which ones you hate.  Are you hoping someone dies during the Ski Jump competition? And so on and so forth … you know the drill.

Don’t forget funny stuff, too!  The Chinks sometimes have a really hard time translating their thoughts into English. I mean, Engrish.  This is an actual restaurant sign in Peking!

Beijing is trying to rid city of Chinglish before 2022 ...


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