Masterful Trolling

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

If you don’t know any of the players in this piece, here’s a quick recap-

Amanda Robb is one of those Cosmo-type writers who obsesses over every hot button issue of our day with all the humor of an orphanage fire. Vapid wouldn’t do justice to the word vapid, and yet there she is, publishing away at one of the big periodicals as if she actually had anything of value to write that hasn’t been done better and before. Coherently and with style. Using decent English, without the scolding. So Rolling Stone Magazine- known for publishing more retractions than original articles themselves- sends this over the hill harridan out into the field to harass none other than formerly and thoroughly slandered Pax Dickinson.

If you do not know him he was run out of his employment for having A) a sense of humor and B) a forbidden opinion on the moral superiority of women/sex perverts and assorted border jumpers and tweeting about it. Pax bowed out and became- no joke- a gentleman farmer in upstate NY, allowing him the right to continue to have his own opinions and thoughts without threat of social and economic ruin, sans the imprimatur of such experts on these issues as the oft sued Rolling Stone Magazine and angry middle aged cat ladies with a chip on their enormous shoulder, like Amanda Robb. So Pax Dickinson gets some well-deserved payback by simply allowing them to make asses out of themselves.

Hilarity ensues.

I do not want to allow even one tidbit to be ruined due to advance warning or quotable spoilers, but trust me, this is one of the single funniest essays I have read in quite a while, written by a man driven to the fringes of the civilized world by world class fuck-ups like Robb and her much acclaimed, rarely read employer, Rolling Stone.

This is how you celebrate your right to free speech.


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