Michael Moore: White Guys Who Voted For Trump ‘Are Not Good People’ — Be Afraid of Them

Via Breitbart

During a video interview with Rolling Stone magazine released Tuesday, left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said white men who voted for President Donald Trump were “not good people.”

Moore said, “I refuse to participate in post-racial America. I refuse to say because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything is ok, white people have changed. White people have not changed.”

He continued, “Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street towards you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them.”

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Masterful Trolling

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

If you don’t know any of the players in this piece, here’s a quick recap-

Amanda Robb is one of those Cosmo-type writers who obsesses over every hot button issue of our day with all the humor of an orphanage fire. Vapid wouldn’t do justice to the word vapid, and yet there she is, publishing away at one of the big periodicals as if she actually had anything of value to write that hasn’t been done better and before. Coherently and with style. Using decent English, without the scolding. So Rolling Stone Magazine- known for publishing more retractions than original articles themselves- sends this over the hill harridan out into the field to harass none other than formerly and thoroughly slandered Pax Dickinson.

If you do not know him he was run out of his employment for having A) a sense of humor and B) a forbidden opinion on the moral superiority of women/sex perverts and assorted border jumpers and tweeting about it. Pax bowed out and became- no joke- a gentleman farmer in upstate NY, allowing him the right to continue to have his own opinions and thoughts without threat of social and economic ruin, sans the imprimatur of such experts on these issues as the oft sued Rolling Stone Magazine and angry middle aged cat ladies with a chip on their enormous shoulder, like Amanda Robb. So Pax Dickinson gets some well-deserved payback by simply allowing them to make asses out of themselves.

Hilarity ensues.

I do not want to allow even one tidbit to be ruined due to advance warning or quotable spoilers, but trust me, this is one of the single funniest essays I have read in quite a while, written by a man driven to the fringes of the civilized world by world class fuck-ups like Robb and her much acclaimed, rarely read employer, Rolling Stone.

This is how you celebrate your right to free speech.


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Bar Exam

Guest Post by Stilton Jarlsberg

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, fox news, bars, restaurants, rolling stone

In an unintentionally hilarious interview with Rolling Stone ragazine (spelling intentional), Barack Obama asserted that the reason Democrats got pulverized in the recent election is because “Fox News (is playing) in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country.”

While demonstrably not true, Hope n’ Change doesn’t doubt that the insufferable dimwit-in-chief actually believes his fantasy because it protects him from taking personal responsibility for an historic electoral trouncing.

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The Great University of Virginia (UVA) Rape Hoax, Jackie Coakley, Rolling Stone and Sabrina Rubin Erdely

Guest Post by Manuel Pfister

Jackie Coakley: UVA False Rape Accusation

Stop what you’re doing for a minute and listen. Can you hear that? Listen for a shrill, high pitched whine. Even if you are deep within the Amazon rainforest or high atop Mount Everest I bet you can hear it, if ever so slightly. Do you know what it is? That is the screech of feminist social justice warrior (SJWs) wailing at the top of their lungs “victim blaming” or whatever their latest drivel du jour happens to be. They are attempting to drown out the facts of the UVA rape hoax and to demonize the few journalists that are actually reporting on all the facts of this case.

The sane among us may be confused as to why the perpetrator of a hoax that severely damaged the reputation of an entire university, the nationwide fraternity Phi Kappa Psi and its members would be still be referred to as a victim but they are simply not up to date on the latest “Newspeak” dictated by the sexual grievance industry and feminist social justice warriors. You see, Jackie (Jacqueline) Coakley is still a victim, she just mixed up her facts or forgot a few details. She bears no responsibility for any of this. Rolling Stone bears all the blame as stated by this commenter on a New York Times article detailing the shoddy “journalism” done by Rolling Stone’s writers and editors.

Adam in Tampa writes:

Blaming the source is ridiculous and a deflection. She may be dishonest, I have no idea, but there are lots of dishonest people in the world, and they don’t all get major publications to treat rape accusations the way Rolling Stone did. The fault here rests entirely with Rolling Stone for how it acted upon being introduced to said unreliable source.

Can you swallow that? Jackie Coakley bears no responsibility whatsoever for this hoax and the blame lies entirely with Rolling Stone Managazine even though she lied about nearly every single detail of her account and this may not even be the first time she’s done it!

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