Since August, there are officially more ILLEGAL MIGRANTS arriving each month than there are children being born to American mothers. And these are just the official encounters — we don’t know how many avoided detection.

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Do White Ethnic Americans Understand That They Are Under Attack?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

While white people of American ethnicity were distracted by what they mistook as more important concerns, traitors in Congress and the White House filled America with immigrant-invaders from different and even hostile cultures and then used racial quotas and “diversity” to give immigrant-invaders power in the American justice system.

Here is one result:  An appeals court judge by the name of Sri Srinivasan–born in Chandigarh, India–clearly not an ethnic American–has ruled that Trump can be sued for his speech at the January 6 rally.  Remember, on January 6 Trump was still President of the United States.  Additionally, all American citizens are guaranteed the right of free speech by the US Constitution.  Yet, we have a quota hire foreign born judge ruling that a Trump enemy can claim to have been harmed by Trump’s speech and can sue him for damages.

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Viral Video Asks, “What Are We Doing to White People?”

Guest Post by Daisy Luther

A viral video has lit up TikTok and YouTube recently, netting the original poster Charlie Cheon over 4 million views and counting. Cheon, an Asian man, poses the question, “What Are We Doing to White People?”

In the video, he discusses the blatant racism being proudly directed toward white people, a topic I recently addressed myself in this article. I received some comments telling me that I was racist just for suggesting that racism was being directed toward white people and that such a thing wasn’t possible. I was attacked for “whining” and for “being a Karen.” For the record, calling someone a “Karen” is a racial and sexist slur. It just means if you are white and a woman, you should sit down, shut up, and take it, no matter what.

But I digress.

You can watch the video right here. It’s only 16 minutes and it’s very worthwhile.

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The Acknowledged and Proclaimed Purpose of Western Universities Is to Destroy the West

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The White Peoples Are Being Brainwashed Out of Existence

Western universities are fixed on a course that denies white students knowledge of the literature, art, and achievements of Western culture, focusing only on its alleged racism and collection of evils ascribed to “whiteness,” while teaching the students the culture and literature of other people.

As this headline in the British Telegraph puts it, “Universities drop Chaucer and Shakespeare as ‘decolonization’ takes root. Many British universities have sought to liberate their courses from ‘white, Western and Eurocentric’ knowledge”

To “decolonize the curriculum” means to deracinate it, to remove white ethnicities from their cultures. In other words, to dissolve Western civilization. This is now the main function of a university education. White students are to be isolated from their heritage by withholding knowledge of it, thus leaving white peoples without any sense of themselves. Kept ignorant of their heritage by the evicting of “whiteness,” they will only be taught the cultures of others. In other words, this is a chosen policy of cultural genocide via deracination.

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Biden Leads Assault on White Americans

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Gregory Hood explains why many Trump voters fear that they are being criminalized for opposing Biden’s agendas. Hood writes that illegitimate president Joe Biden has called for “constant, unrelenting immigration.” Biden said a non-white majority will be “a source of our strength.” Biden also said, “English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture” has “got to change.” Racism, Biden said, has been “built into every aspect of our system.”  https://www.unz.com/ghood/regime-takes-aim-at-white-advocates/

Hood points out that Biden has assembled a government that regards white patriotic conservative Americans as likely dangerous members of “white supremacist militias” prone to violence.  The “MEGA terrorist” image created by the media is being used to pass a domestic terrorism bill to silence dissenters from the anti-Constitutional, anti-white direction our country is being taken.

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Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

God bless you.  You will need it.

There Are More White Americans Who Are Descendants of Slaves Than There are Black American Descendants of Slaves

Somehow white Americans got over being descendants of slaves, but blacks cannot.  The reason is that white descendants of slaves didn’t have white liberals telling them all their lives that they should be resentful of how their ancestors were treated, whereas black Americans were held back by this white liberal indoctrination and filled with hate and anger.

From 14 months ago:


Hi White American, You Have Been Cancelled

Paul Craig Roberts

Think about this on July 4th. White Americans have not only lost the independence they gained in 1776, they have lost the protection of law. White Americans are no longer “equal under the law.”  See Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence Stratton, The New Color Linehttps://smile.amazon.com/New-Color-Line-Paul-Roberts/dp/0895264625/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1VYWGT2IK18O3&dchild=1&keywords=paul+craig+roberts&qid=1593817469&s=books&sprefix=paul+craig%2Caps%2C174&sr=1-9

No white American can criticize a black or stand up to a black’s abuse of his/her person without the risk of job loss and prosecution by government authorities.  White Americans pay for their servitude with subsidies to their oppressors, only it is a worse servitude in the 21st century than white Americans experiened under the British King in the 18th century.

Continue reading “A TRUTHFUL JULY 4 MESSAGE”

Will White People Self-Destruct?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The November presidential election has been racialized by the Democrats, media, white liberal elites, and the George Floyd protests. The racialization makes this election a watershed.

The Democrats, media, and white liberal elites have placed the responsibility for the multi-city rioting and looting by blacks on white Americans for being racist.  Although the evidence is clear that Floyd died from a fatal dose of the opioid on which he was strung out, his death is falsely attributed to strangulation by white police.  Thousands of businesses in many cities have been damaged, looted, or destroyed.  People have been injured and killed, and public monuments of white men have been destroyed, including statues of George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant.

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White People Are Being Erased

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

White people aren’t supposed to know that they are being demonized by the New York Times, PBS, universities, the Democrat Party’s Identity Politics, and corporations, and if they find out they are not allowed to protest.  If they do protest, they are in even more trouble.

Those Americans empowered by “white privilege” who are still a demographic majority are too scared and too intimidated to open their mouths or use their pocketbooks to protest their demonization and marginalization. Facebook and Twitter will drop them, denying them their virtual existence. Indoctrinated and mindless white friends will shun them as racist, anti-semitic white supremacists.  Twenty-eight US states will fire them if state employed and deny them contracts if their protests have anything to do with Israel. Deserted and isolated on social media, their life will be over.  This is what “white privilege” means.

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Michael Moore: White Guys Who Voted For Trump ‘Are Not Good People’ — Be Afraid of Them

Via Breitbart

During a video interview with Rolling Stone magazine released Tuesday, left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said white men who voted for President Donald Trump were “not good people.”

Moore said, “I refuse to participate in post-racial America. I refuse to say because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything is ok, white people have changed. White people have not changed.”

He continued, “Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street towards you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them.”

White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Western world is collapsing so rapidly that I am afraid that I am going to outlive it.

The Western presstitutes and politicians have demonized Putin, Maduro, Iran, and Trump to the same extent as the patriotic propagandistic Western court historians have demonized Adolf Hitler.  But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization—whites demonizing whites.

One can understand why former British and French colonies from Africa through the Middle East to India, and Washington’s former colony in the Philippines and its Latin American puppet states would look with disfavor on white faces and use harsh language. But why do the New York Times, CNN, NPR, and white professors throughout the university system, school boards, white politicians, such as France’s Macron and the European Community’s  Jean-Claude Juncker and Germany’s Merkel and a wide assortment of British and Scandinavian politicians demonize white people? In Scandinavia  a blond woman who reports her rape by the latest wave of third world “migrants” invited into the country by the crazed Scandinavian politicians is dismissed as a racist.  Scandinavian people have told me that it is becoming difficult to report any crime by migrants as the report borders on being a hate crime.

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