Disappearing Americans

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Democrat Party has made it clear that it is anti-white heterosexual religious America.  Try finding a normal Anglo-Saxon in the Biden Regime.  The regime is staffed by Jews, homosexuals, blacks, and transgendered.  Normal white gentiles are not represented in high positions.

The anti-white Biden Regime treats immigrant-invaders better than it treats white gentile American citizens.  The Biden Regime is issuing federal IDs to immigrant-invaders. https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-admin-moves-to-give-federal-ids-to-illegal-immigrants 

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Got the Heebie-Jeebies?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

🔴 The Collapse of the American Empire - Is America a nation in decline ? - YouTube

Everyone I know is walking around in a baseline state of nervous agitation. Are they beset by “disinformation” or is it rather the reality of a cratering nation run by idiots and maniacs? Everywhere you look, calamities gather speed while the klaxons of alarm blare from all compass points. Got money? Looks like soon it will be worthless. Wondering if Mr. Putin has had enough of “Joe Biden’s” brainless effrontery to lob some hypersonic Big Ones in our collective face? Relying on that retirement account you have no direct control over while the financial markets wobble? Need to fill up the gas tank of your pickup truck twice a week? Can’t find a new condenser to fix the failing fridge? Entertaining rumors of looming famine. Credit cards maxed out? Sheriff stapling an eviction notice on your door? Beloved younger brother declaring that henceforward they are your sister? Hearing that all those vaxxes and boosters you obediently submitted to might rearrange your DNA?

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