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Ocasio-Cortez Disappointed To Learn The ‘Free Market’ Isn’t A Grocery Store Where You Don’t Have To Pay For Anything

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has struggled to get by on her new six-figure salary, given the high cost of living in her luxurious Washington, D.C. crib.

So when she heard in passing that the United States has a “free market” economy, she was ecstatic. She immediately set out in an Uber to try to find one of the free markets, assuming they were grocery stores where you don’t have to pay for anything.

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Twitter Bans Official AOC Account After Mistaking It For Satire

Via The Babylon Bee

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Oops! Twitter just accidentally banned the official account of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez while trying to crack down on parody accounts of the controversial congresswoman.

The social network had banned several popular parody accounts of the congresswoman. The company then deployed an algorithm to identify and automatically ban accounts that satirized Ocasio-Cortez or her allies in Congress. Unfortunately, the algorithm got “a little too aggressive,” and banned Ocasio-Cortez herself.

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AOC and Bernie Sanders hate this tax incentive

Guest Post by Simon Black

At the Sun Valley investment conference in mid-1999, Warren Buffett made a rare prediction about the stock market.

1999 was THE top of the dot-com craze.

And Buffett saw countless companies going public, attracting billions of dollars of investor capital, despite being UNPROFITABLE and having NO business plan to EVER make money, ever.

This made absolutely no sense to him, and Buffett warned that the technology bubble was about to pop.

In normal times, every investor in the world would have listened to him.

But those weren’t normal times. People thought he was just a bitter old man who had missed the tech boom with no understanding of the “new economy”.

So Buffett was largely ignored.

Of course, only a few months later, the market peaked… and then fell 78%.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Astounded To Learn Anyone Takes Her Seriously

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blew up on Twitter, frustrated that the GOP was taking her statements on things like punitively taxing only ten people and that the world is going to end in twelve years as serious positions. “I don’t think I could have been clearer that everything I’ve said is a total joke,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

And it wasn’t just her detractors who were frustrating her, but also her supporters, who do not seem to understand the satire. “Have they not seen the completely ridiculous price tags on my plans?” she asked. “Did they not see that my big plan to save the environment was to give free money to people unwilling to work? Everything I say is for entertainment purposes only. There is no substantive policy or political worldview there whatsoever.”

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Economics Degree Recalled

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spent a few minutes on Twitter lamenting the price of a croissant at an airport, linking it to the need for a higher minimum wage for some reason, an independent degree quality control board issued an emergency recall on her economics degree.

Basic Economic Understanding Bureau officials burst into the congresswoman’s office and confiscated her economics degree early Tuesday morning “for the safety of the nation.” They found it hanging on the wall next to a hammer & sickle flag. They tore it down and returned it to Boston University for safekeeping.

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