Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Economics Degree Recalled

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spent a few minutes on Twitter lamenting the price of a croissant at an airport, linking it to the need for a higher minimum wage for some reason, an independent degree quality control board issued an emergency recall on her economics degree.

Basic Economic Understanding Bureau officials burst into the congresswoman’s office and confiscated her economics degree early Tuesday morning “for the safety of the nation.” They found it hanging on the wall next to a hammer & sickle flag. They tore it down and returned it to Boston University for safekeeping.

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The Global Warming Apocalypse Has Been Postponed

Authored by Lee Enochs via The Mises Institute,

In recent years, the controversial subject of global warming and a potential “climate disaster” has received a lot of media attention.

There are progressive politicians who are now arguing that unless profound changes in public policy are made to reduce worldwide carbon emissions, we face an impending world-wide climate related catastrophe.

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