Germany Ordering Farmers No Fertilizer

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Germany is to comply virtually immediately with the EU directive to end fertilizer following the same path as the Netherlands. There is just no support in the data for Climate Change Mania. This is part of an agenda that will no doubt reduce the population along with the termination of fossil fuels. These people want war it appears to reduce the population as well and the people are fools to buy into this agenda. The lowest peak average temperature was in the year 2000 at 72.7 degrees. The low in this data set was 1888 and 72.6.and it was 72.8 in 1869. That is when we were rising from the Mini Ice Age all without soccer-moms driving SUVs to take the kids to games and schools.  This does not support the proposition that CO2 from the Industrial Revolution has caused climate change.

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Fertilizer Bans Lead to Food Scarcity

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Canada’s Trudeau is proposing to reduce fertilizer with the globalist goal of achieving zero emissions by 2030. Every indicator says that food scarcity is on the rise, and yet politicians are continually making it harder to farm. Trudeau’s plan entails a 30% reduction in fertilizer and is a direct threat to the food supply.

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