Social Security “Tipping Point” Could Be Arriving Faster Thanks to Congress

From Birch Gold Group

social security tipping point

The Social Security system is expected to have enormous financial pressures placed on its back for the next two decades.

If nothing is done, in 2034 the clock will be ticking for this and other entitlement programs like Medicare.

But a “tipping point” may be coming faster than most people think. Former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan had a prescription to offer in a recent Newsmax piece. There’s his “easier said than done” part:

The best way to solve this problem is to fund our benefits, get a balanced budget, and the system will work.

Okay, that seems reasonable. And something does have to be done, or Social Security could be running on fumes by the time 2034 arrives.

Then there is Greenspan’s “not so easy” and ever-controversial prescription (emphasis ours):

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Ex-Fed Advisor: Looming Pension Catastrophe Makes It “Hard to Sleep at Night”

From Birch Gold Group

Of all the troubling economic issues in the United States today, the current crisis erupting from mismanaged public pension programs stands out as a uniquely menacing threat to Americans’ financial security. Five major cities have filed bankruptcy over pension woes since 2008, and dozens more are teetering on the brink.

Faced with massive budget shortfalls, a rapidly increasing number of beneficiaries, and stagnant rates of return, federal and state pension funds around the country are near their tipping point.

Ex-Federal Reserve advisor Danielle DiMartino Booth warns:

…the idea that we can escape what’s to come, given demographically what we’re staring at is naive at best. And it’s reckless at worst. And when you throw private equity and all of the dry powder that they have — that they’re sitting on — still waiting to deploy on pensions’ behalf, at really egregious valuations, yeah, it’s hard to sleep at night.

But when it all comes crashing down, pension holders won’t be the only ones who suffer.

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Intriguing Predictions on Trump’s Plan for Federal Reserve

From Birch Gold Group

Donald Trump is preparing for his entrance to the White House, and a big part of that process involves selecting individuals to fill top-level appointments in his administration. Trump’s picks so far are already garnering a lot of attention, but his choices for appointments relating to the economy could cause the biggest stir of all.

As Trump and his new appointments rise to power, the Federal Reserve could be targeted for overdue changes and reforms. Let’s take a look at how the Trump administration may change the Fed.

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