People Who Like to Boss Other People

Guest Post by Eric Peters

People who like to tell other people what to do (aka, Clovers) are an interesting study.bossy people 1

Well, they’re odd at any rate.

Perhaps disjointed is the better word.

They will, for example, talk sententiously about “choice”… provided it’s a choice they approve of, such as abortion. Or forcing people to associate.

But only with certain people.

You know – the people they demand others associate with.

Ask them about whether you (an already born actual human being) have the right to choose whether to buckle up for safety. Or buy an air bag. See what sort of response you get.

I’ve written before about the way they deny all of us the right to choose the type of car that meets our needs and wants rather than what they insist we need and must have. We are not allowed, for example, to buy serviceable, inexpensive A to B transportation like the Renault Kwid (see here for more about that) that sells for less than $5,000 brand-new in Asia and India, or even the very high-mileage diesel-powered cars available in Western European countries such as Germany – because the people who like to tell others what to do (and buy) cannot abide such freely made choices.bossy 2

It is why America is coming unglued.

There is next-to-nothing in this world more enraging than to be micromanaged by other people – usually personally very unappealing people (Hillary Clinton, for instance; but also George Bush and – lately – America’s take on Mussolini, Donald Trump) who believe they know better than you do how to live your life. And are determined to tell you.

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