“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”George Orwell, 1984

Image result for i'm not paranoid but that doesn't mean they're not out to get me

I wanted to let everyone know about some changes I’ve made to protect myself and the site from the Marxists now in charge of the country. You will see in the donation boxes that donations are now going to Burning Platform LLC. I haven’t sold out and gone corporate. I went through all the hoops, paperwork and considerable cost to create a separate legal entity called Burning Platform LLC in order to shield my personal assets from assault by the cancel culture social justice warriors who will surely come after me in the near future.

Page views in January were 45% higher than the previous January. As more people have lost their free speech rights on Twitter, Facebook and even places like Zero Hedge, they are gravitating to TBP. We’ve been under the radar for the last decade, but as the truth keeps being spoken on this site, they will come for me. The easiest way to shut me down would be to use the legal system to bankrupt me. Therefore, I thought it was prudent to try and put a layer of protection between the site and me personally. And now my name does not appear anywhere on the site. Nothing else will change.

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“Big Brother is Watching You.” George Orwell, 1984