The Groyper Rebellion

Guest Post by The Zman

The youthful rebellion against establishment gate keepers on the college campus has mostly confirmed what has always been understood about the front men hired to be the face of these operations. Never having to answer tough questions allows them to fool people, especially young people, about their motives. The questions young people are posing these guys are not all that tough, but when posed to hot house flowers not used to push-back, the result have been devastating.

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High On Their Own Supply

Guest Post by The Zman

A common misconception among the more cynical on this side of the great divide is that the people running grifts like TP-USA are all in on the grift. That the front men are just as aware of the con being worked as the people who finance them. While that can be true, it is not always true. In fact, in most cases the front man is a true believer, who really believes the stuff he is preaching. That’s why the backers picked him. They did not have to worry about him having a crisis of conscience.

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“If gun control worked, Chicago wouldn’t have had 625 gun deaths last year. Almost all of them were with handguns, not “assault rifles” We have a systemic culture problem in America that is a result of failing public schools and government programs that keep people poor.”

Charlie Kirk

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