The Groyper Rebellion

Guest Post by The Zman

The youthful rebellion against establishment gate keepers on the college campus has mostly confirmed what has always been understood about the front men hired to be the face of these operations. Never having to answer tough questions allows them to fool people, especially young people, about their motives. The questions young people are posing these guys are not all that tough, but when posed to hot house flowers not used to push-back, the result have been devastating.

The main take-away thus far is that Charlie Kirk is the political equivalent of a lip-syncing pop star. In narrowly staged performances, as long as the sound track works perfectly and the lights are just right, Kirk can put on a good show. When he has to rely on his own talent to carry the show, the results are comically poor. He was recently booed off the stage at his UCLA event. Like that lip-syncing pop star, who gets exposed during a stage mishap, Kirk’s career is now a laughingstock.

Kirk, of course, is not the only fraudster to get the business from the groypers, as it has now become the cool thing to do. Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire, who is always a skipped pill away from a shooting spree, had to be sedated after getting some tough questions from college boys. The cynical con-man Dan Crenshaw has responded by threatening to ruin the lives of these kids. It appears that Pirate Dan is trying to prove that honorable military service is independent of good character.

The most interesting result thus far has been the meltdown by Ben Shapiro last week, which was so bad he had to pull it from his YouTube channel. The comments were full of young people mocking him. Shapiro is probably the smartest of the con-men deployed by Conservative Inc., but he is also the most thin-skinned. Any push-back is met with a childish tantrum. Like Charlie Kirk, it suggests he is a hothouse flower, carefully protected by his handlers, in order to maintain the charade.

If you pay attention to his act, what comes through is he has a deep, subconscious hatred of white people. Take for example his promotion of the dubious claim that European civilization is defined by Judeo-Christian tradition. For most of Western history, Christianity and Judaism were at odds. In the early medieval period, Jews and Christians competed for converts. When the term Judeo-Christian came into use in the 17th and 18th century, it was as a Pauline pejorative against Catholicism.

Putting aside the history, what he is doing is rewriting the European past in order to make it dependent on his religious and ethnic traditions. You can have your Christianity, as long as it is accepting of Jews, which neuters the theologically. You can also have your Western chauvinism, as long as you make sure Jews are central characters in the narrative. Ben Shapiro’s view of Western civilization is colonial, as if he is allowing white people to have some conditional cultural heritage.

This becomes clear when Shapiro says “white civilization is nonsensical.” He says that “civilization is defined by culture, history and philosophy.” He is divorcing what he calls Western civilization from the people who created it. Like his sleight of hand swapping out Catholicism from the heart of European history, he is turning Western civilization into a gift inexplicably granted to the people of Europe. It is not something European people created, but something they received, like hitting the lottery.

There is an obvious implication to this train of thought. If white people are just lucky recipients of civilization, then they are not really deserving of it. This would explain Shapiro’s love for non-white immigration. Why shouldn’t everyone get a taste of this civilization thing? It’s only fair. When he says “he does not give a good damn about the so-called browning of America,” he is not entirely honest. In fact, he really cares, as he is in total support of it as an act of retributive justice.

You can never know what is in someone’s heart and it is entirely possible that Shapiro has not thought through any of this. It is increasingly clear that he is clever, but not a deep thinker. He possesses a vermin-like rapacity that is often mistaken for smart and ambitious in this degraded age. His act is therefore about presenting himself as a smart guy, who just happens to agree with an audience desperate to throw money at anyone showing them some respect. He’s just working the suckers.

Either way, the fact that these guys have no prepared responses to these questions has some larger implications. It is important the keep in mind that the same people bankrolling Shapiro and Kirk and all the rest are also bankrolling versions of these guys on the Left. Both sides of the Progressive morality play are financed by the same amorphous donor class that also underwrites the Imperial Capital. These morality plays are always the product of the Cloud People to control the Dirt People.

This stuff suggests the divide between the Cloud People and Dirt People has grown to a point where neither side really understands the other. The people behind these shows have no idea what’s going on among the hoi polloi. Similarly, the rabble is baffled as to why these people don’t address the questions being raised. Much of the success of this rebellion is due to the groypers assuming their targets were smart and prepared, so they prepared great questions and great logistics.

One thing that is true about revolutions, at least in the West, is that long before the crisis in the streets, there is a quiet divorce between the people and their rulers. The people in charge stop knowing or even respecting the people over whom they rule, while the people lose their connection to their rulers. It is this connection, this set of reciprocal obligations rooted in blood and history that sees a people and their rulers through crisis. Once it is gone, the next crisis becomes a revolution.

When even a guy, who is desperately trying to be the voice of the Dirt People inside the Imperial Capital, is all thumbs on the youth revolt, it says they are flying blind. Gaetz posted his support for the Cloud and hour later he is rushing to qualify that tweet, because his staff noticed the reaction. When the Tribune of the Dirt People instinctively sides with the Cloud People, the gap between us them and them has probably reached a point where it can never be bridged. What comes next is inevitable.

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November 12, 2019 9:56 am

This is the most insightful piece of writing from Z-man in a long time. (IMO)

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 12, 2019 11:22 am

Yo, I’ve been meaning to ask you if you follow Adam Green’s Know More News youtube site? He managed to get in to see the UCLA debacle and did a vid about it.

November 12, 2019 1:47 pm

Even if you build a bridge, there will just be a big fight in the middle of it unless there is a way to convey meaning without misusing words. Of course, we’ve been seeing our language turned into Babble for some time.

November 12, 2019 2:15 pm

Let us look at the progenitors of things as they are today in the West:

The big problem with this is that he died of natural causes.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 12, 2019 6:21 pm

Another pile of steaming Judeo-Communist Double Speak Propaganda: privileges have been going to Jews, Blacks, women, etc, since the 1965 Civil Riots Act; Igor’s job in The Clan’s Media has been to obscure this simple fact with the feeble minded White liberals by appearing erudite while turning the Truth inside out.

November 12, 2019 8:00 pm

That’s what I liked about how Tulsi handled the naysayers and slanderers- no hothouse flower, she f-cking gutted them. Part courage of her convictions and probably part military training- whatever it was, I admired it.

As far as the clowns mentioned in the article, it reminded me when General Powell was running for president, and a whole panel of guys like the hothouse flowers were dogging him on stage- he shut them up by noting not one had served in the military.

November 12, 2019 9:52 pm

Powell thwarted Gen Schwarzkopf’s Desert Storm campaign, lied before the UN about Iraq having biochemical weapons, discarded his conservative veneer to vote his race in 2008, and became Hiliary’s pal and daily confidant thereafter. Initially I respected him, but no more.

November 12, 2019 10:37 pm

Yep, Powell was globalist affirmative action at its most obvious.

November 12, 2019 9:18 pm

Groypers … really? Who is given the naming job; I could do much better than Groypers.

November 12, 2019 10:21 pm

Sounds like something right out of a swamp.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
November 12, 2019 10:22 pm

I know, right?

I do think his YouTube channel Nicker Nation is extremely funny because of the alliterative aspect.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
November 12, 2019 10:40 pm

Nicker Nation? Now that’s funny. I’ll have to check it out.