Should The State Take Yo’ Baby If You Calls Him a “Ni&&## Ho”?

I was reading a nice article (link at end) titled, “Apathy Toward Tyranny”. The premise being, as the title suggests, that despite the ENORMOUS amount of evidence available that the USA is marching towards Tyranny, the American populace simply doesn’t care.

The article gives several examples of tyranny, some well known, others not as much. One of the examples concerns the video below. Apparently it has gone viral …. I’ve never seen it.

The child swears. The parents and/or relatives swear even more. Some relative posted the video. Cops saw it … and eventually CPS took the child away from the parents …. I think, forever.

Is it funny? No. Are the parents utterly despicable? Yes. Were any laws broken? No!

I’ve read many comments and commentaries. The overwhelming majority – at least from white folk – is that The State did the Right Thing.

What say you?

Skip to the :35 mark to see the rant. The narrator’s intro endorses The State’s action.

original article;