The Climate Change Zealots are Coming for Your Pets

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The climate change zealots have found a new scapegoat to blame for changes in the weather – the family pet. CNN has dubbed the term “carbon pawprint” and is urging owners to switch their pets over to insect-based diets or lab-grown meat and reconsider future animal adoptions.

There was a 2017 study entitled “Environmental Impacts of Food Consumption by Dogs and Cats” that claims pets are responsible for global warming. “Dog and cat animal product consumption is responsible for release of up to 64 ± 16 million tons CO2-equivalent methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gasses (GHGs),” the study cited. The author suggests “reducing the rate of dog and cat ownership” in favor of smaller rodents or reptiles. If someone must have a dog, they claim it is better to adopt a small breed as it eats less.

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