This Global Warming sure is terrible. We’ve had a record low number of Tornadoes, record low number of 90 degree days, and not a hurricane in sight.Have you seen any MSM news stories about the FACT that this Summer has been so cool and moderate? Not a chance. These facts don’t support their storyline or agenda.

I think the global warming crowd needs to fake some more data or their government grants will dry up. The future is so cold, you need a jacket in the Summer.


Coolest Summer On Record In The US

The frequency of 90 degree days in the US has been plummeting for 80 years, and 2014 has had the lowest frequency of 90 degree days through July 23 on record. The only other year which came close was 1992, and that was due to dust in the atmosphere from Mt Pinatubo.

ScreenHunter_1349 Jul. 26 16.57