This Global Warming sure is terrible. We’ve had a record low number of Tornadoes, record low number of 90 degree days, and not a hurricane in sight.Have you seen any MSM news stories about the FACT that this Summer has been so cool and moderate? Not a chance. These facts don’t support their storyline or agenda.

I think the global warming crowd needs to fake some more data or their government grants will dry up. The future is so cold, you need a jacket in the Summer.


Coolest Summer On Record In The US

The frequency of 90 degree days in the US has been plummeting for 80 years, and 2014 has had the lowest frequency of 90 degree days through July 23 on record. The only other year which came close was 1992, and that was due to dust in the atmosphere from Mt Pinatubo.

ScreenHunter_1349 Jul. 26 16.57

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July 28, 2014 7:19 pm

“This site sure attracts some dumbfucks.”

Ok, let’s go with that. I’m a dumbfuck.

Admin challenged you for solutions to carbon pollution. So, let’s start with the energy sector.

I want you to tell us why my solution of doubling NUCLEAR ENERGY ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION over the next 20-30 years, which will not add a single carbon dioxide atom to the atmosphere, is a dumbfuck proposal. And I’m talking about a 200,000 megawatt add on. Minimum.

Your turn, Ryan. Careful. This dumbfuck has been mapping this out for 5 years.

July 28, 2014 8:20 pm


“Ok, let’s go with that. I’m a dumbfuck”

Don’t get carried away, you’re an Air Force cadet, a spook, a patriot, a true blue American if there ever was one. Like us all, you got old. Good for you, you made it. Enjoy the golf, enjoy life,you deserve it!.

July 28, 2014 8:23 pm


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July 28, 2014 8:30 pm

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July 28, 2014 8:33 pm

Eddie says above (way above):

“I wonder if anybody who reads this blog pays more taxes than I do…maybe David Stockman”

Then this: “And our Uncle hits me for low to mid six figures every year.”

Eddie, no shit, please do not be an ass.

There are lots of folks reading this blog that would see that as pocket change. Lots of financially successful folks come and go around here.

Re the rest of the stuff, I seriously doubt that humans are having a positive impact on the earth in any way – CO2 production, water usage, environmental and resource use and destruction, etc.

I do not believe the CO2 issue is causing global warming. But human impact ain’t natural, at best.

In any event, humans are fucking up the planet in general and there will be a reckoning.

July 28, 2014 9:13 pm

@SSS – “I want you to tell us why my solution of doubling NUCLEAR ENERGY ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION over the next 20-30 years, which will not add a single carbon dioxide atom to the atmosphere, is a dumbfuck proposal. ”

This is true, however it outputs a significantly more hazardous waste in the form of radioactive material.

I agree that fission is a must have for the coming decades, but it must be iterated heavily upon, not only its security and failsafes but also better hazardous waste treatments.

Of course thats also just a bandaid fix. The US won’t be truly “energy independent” until it figures out the trick to Nuclear Fusion and develops the kind of batteries that allow us to shift away from fossil fuels.

A long road to hoe, that one is.

July 28, 2014 9:26 pm

And just to be clear Eddie, I am one of those financially successful folks I just mentioned. Now off to my nightly bottle of Lagavuling (scotch).

July 28, 2014 10:48 pm


I am well aware of the downside of nuclear energy. Site and physical facility security is very doable, as are failsafe features in plant operation. Not 100% failsafe, but pretty damn close. As for waste, that’s 99% political, 1% technical, and you know it.

Acts of God? Nothing gets past a 9.5 earthquake. Choose your location carefully.

July 29, 2014 12:20 am

@SSS – “As for waste, that’s 99% political, 1% technical, and you know it.”


Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 29, 2014 12:29 am

LLPOH, you drink 32,000$ worth of hooch per year?

July 29, 2014 1:36 am

Ryan says:
“It is funny though – human psychology that is – For example, one in five people in the U.S. still smoke cigarettes – despite the FACT that it causes terribly debilitating diseases including heart disease and cancer. You can’t make them change though and yet we all pay for their higher health care costs. Why isn’t it illegal? Probably because they’ve paid off billions to politicians to keep it around. Anyway, there’s probably no hope for getting things done on the climate front because, like smoking, 1 in 5 of us are complete assholes.”

Ryan, the 1 in 5 assholes (that would include you) should bush up on math, especially as it pertains to our economy, and relying on Al Gore propaganda for talking points, as it gets you nowhere fast in the credibility department.

Do your homework, Ryan. While planet Mars and Pluto are experiencing “climate change” too, no climatologist believes SUV’s or coal fired power plants are the cause.

“The considerable heating and cooling on the Earth and on Mars always will be practically parallel.”

And Ryan, if you are truly concerned about smokers busting the health care budget, rest assured they are actually saving tax-payers plenty. Smokers die before their time, unlike those who frequent Glory Holes in Gay bars, and somehow manage to live longer than smokers. Gay men cost tax-payers more in higher health care costs than smokers ever will. But hey, its not PC to confess that fact, so go ahead and launch a campaign to save the health care system from bankruptcy by protesting about having to pay out for things like hepatitis, HIV, HPV (Anal Papilloma),syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, pubic lice, on and on it goes as these diseases occur in gay men at a disproportionately high rate, and cost tax-payers up the yang yang. Do the math, Ryan, and get back to us.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 29, 2014 1:48 am

Does it depend which side of the glory hole you’re on?

July 29, 2014 1:59 am

Mr Chen – not me above. Re my home bar bill, I don’t think I am quite in the $32k neighborhood, but I suspect I can see it from where I am.

I tallied it up a couple of years ago, didn’t like the total, so I do not tally it any more. I really do not want to know. (Kinda like the old joke about crash landing a plane at night – “What is the first thing you do? – Turn the landing lights on. What if you do not like what you see? -Turn the landing lights back off).

It (hooch as you so elegantly call it) is 1 of 2 of my financial vices (first is traveling) – good wine and good liquor are expensive, plus I share with my friends. Good wine is especially costly. I no longer blow money on expensive cars, as I am happy with my Jeep, and I am too old and too married and too shit scared to blow it on women (she that must be obeyed will not let me buy her jewels anymore – handbags/purses are still OK), I do not care about clothes, I do not gamble, etc., so instead I enjoy nice hooch.

And I do not regret the cost one little bit.

July 29, 2014 9:01 am

@llpoh – You might enjoy poker. Gambling with the house is always a loss, but poker is a competition.

July 29, 2014 9:24 am


Yeah, I know you’re rich. Enjoy your scotch. My taxes are still over the top. I only said what I said to make a point., which was this:

Even though I pay a lot of taxes, I still don’t buy into the neo-con rhetoric that is pervasive around here most days…which includes denying climate change.

And why shouldn’t I act like an ass? This place is full of commenters who show their ass every day.

And by the way, your .01% status puts you in a completely different world than a guy like me, for whom every penny earned is taxed. I’m a sole prop, not a corporation. You get a getter deal from the government than I do, so you get to keep more of your money than i do, boss. So enjoy that too. I bet offshoring money works very well for someone in your position.

Question for you, llpoh. Have you ever taken any advantage of your minority status in order to get any government contracts or special treatment?

Because I’d bet you have, and still do. Not that you’d ever admit that. Not Mr. TBP Big Dog entrepreneur.

I’m not sure who reads this site. But the vast majority of comments are by middle class working people. Not rich pricks like you. Go count your money and leave me alone.

July 29, 2014 11:07 am

Ryan seems to have disappeared.

1. Of course our earth is warming, it is coming out of a cool period, it would only go to serve that it is warming now.

2. NOAA has been caught altering temperature statistics going back to the early 1900s, this has been proven by people that own the books produced decades ago showing different (higher) temperatures than the current – easily digitally altered, only takes a simple algorithm to add a degree, or ten – internet (digital/database driven) produced data. In addition they quietly removed over 2000 weather stations (thus, Mr. Educated, grossly skewing any future “facts”), and moved many of the remaining CLOSER to buildings. Buildings are scientifically proven to be heat banks, they release their inner heat through their outer shells. If GW or CC was an actual scientific “fact” there would be NO REASON to change methodologies in measuring our temps. Cripes. The highly educated seem to be the most gullible when it comes to government/elite memes and propaganda.

3. Rising, or falling, water levels, as well as temperatures, are a constant in this planet’s history. Just what in the HELL do you think made the cliffs on our coasts, or the Grand Canyon? Hubris leads you to believe man can control this.

4. Moving pollution from this hemisphere to another, from fossil fuels to toxins from rare earth minerals, won’t do anything other than quicken the West’s plunge into poverty and anarchy. It sure as hell can’t fix a planet by moving the deck chairs.

5. The sun will prove our hubris, fatally. You want us taxed into 3rd World status to prevent climate change, yet I nowhere see you wanting us taxed to pay for electrical grid security from the REAL danger of solar flares. That will work out well.

6. The magnetic pole is due to shift. Which could mean we in the Northern Hemisphere could wake up on a pole. We’d be praying for a little global warming then, wouldn’t we. Or we could wake up on the equator, then you GW nutjobs would STILL be screaming about “manmade” climate change even as Jamaica deals with snow.

7. Follow the dollars friend. They all lead to you, and yours, in poverty while the likes of Al Gore, the Bush’s, the Clintons, the Waltons, the Gates, will be just freaking fine. You are being used as a tool in your own children’s destruction.

I hope your descendents judge you less harshly than most of us here seem to.

Peace bud, your delusional, easily swayed, mind truly needs it.

July 29, 2014 3:30 pm

“you’re a true blue American if there ever was one …..”

Thanks for the compliment, AWD. On a lighter note, were you thinking of me as this guy?

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 29, 2014 3:41 pm

Not exactly, unless that’s a hazing picture from the Air Force Academy

July 29, 2014 4:10 pm


That’s actor Paul Giamatti in the film “Big, Fat Liar.” He plays the part of a corrupt Hollywood movie producer who stole a movie script from a kid, who then spiked the producer’s swimming pool with a healthy dose of blue dye.

Great kids flick. Lots of good life lessons for children in the film. Funny, too.

July 29, 2014 5:43 pm

Eddie – I do not supply the government, so I have never had any government handouts. I pay full boat taxes on all I make – corp tax then tax on dividends. But thanks for playing.

I agree re taxes – it is total bullshit the amount that small businessmen and women pay.

My point to you was do not assume stuff – there is no doubt there are folks that read/comment here that make me look like a pauper. Just how it is.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 29, 2014 5:52 pm

I’m moving my online porn operation to Ireland. The ol’ tax inversion. The website is all about inversion, too. Pegging, that is.

July 29, 2014 6:36 pm

One more thing Eddie, I don’t appreciate the presumption that I would use my ‘aye ya ya ya Hey ya ya ya’ status as leverage in the world of business. So you just go to hell. Let’s put it this way- if Custer showed up at my door, I’d punch him right in the nose. Show some respect Eddie, I’ve been posting here a long time, and I always try to contribute.

July 29, 2014 7:37 pm

“Let’s put it this way- if Custer showed up at my door, I’d punch him right in the nose.”

Well, since your Sioux and Cheyenne brethren took care of Custer in 1876, you might want to visit his gravesite at West Point and do what you have to do.

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July 29, 2014 7:55 pm

SSS – wasn’t me above. I have made an impression on a series of dopplers, who have serious crushes on me. They want me, they want me bad, baby. Who can blame them.

Re Custer – he was a fuckwad for sure. Notice the dead grass all along the edges of his gravesite?

That would be my brethren showing their appreciation for all he did for the American Indian.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 29, 2014 9:10 pm

I’d never seen you break into a war chant until recently, is that you or a gobbler?