PSYOP-23 Rising: Mk Ultra Masking IS Effective (At Mind Control)

Guest Post by The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The mass fear inducement phase of all things “pandemic” is now officially being manufactured in realtime by the MSM talking airheads:

Wasting no time, the opening of this Nightly News episode had the grifting BigPharma shill anchor Lester Holt promoting the next round of DEATHVAX™.

Obligatory hospital footage with the latest fake COVID stats, and they were off to the proverbial races, seeding MK Ultra masking compliance, which is the mental modeling gateway to ever more fear optics, which in turn functions to increase “vaccine” uptake. Or so they hope, because the current 17% Bivalent booster uptake is insufficient for both BigPharma’s bottom line, and the global Great Reset eugenics program as a whole.

An “expert” doctor was then interviewed, and she spewed the usual “variant” bullshit narrative that her handlers fed her.

Next they interviewed the requisite useful idiot sociopath CDC puppet in order to assure their brainwashed viewership of the “Safe and Effective” slow kill bioweapon injections:

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