What if it’s all long-term conditioning?

Guest Post by Axel BC Krauss

I wrote this commentary in response to Todd Hayen’s article “Did the Covid PsyOp fail?”, to which I would add a few remarks.

I agree with Hayen: something about the alleged failure of the “Covid PsyOp” feels strange. It “feels” fishy. But what could that be? I will explain this below.

I have written two books on this myself, “Corona – Krone der Technokratie?” (Corona – Crown of Technocracy?) and “Das globale Technat” (The Global Technate). In the latter, the title of which was inspired by Iain Davis‘ outstanding articles “Understanding Technocracy” and “Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order”, one of the points I made was that the lockdowns had no medical reason, but economic reasons: By paralysing the economic cycles, i.e. by artificially triggering a deflationary phase (which is characterised, among other things, by a decline in demand), inflationary overheating was prevented, which would have been caused by the monetary policy of the years since 2008 (the last major financial crisis). (For further information on this, please read Michael Bryant’s article “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation”)

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Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic

Via Strategic Culture

The claims about Russian space-based nuclear weapons unraveled to become a joke. Fortunately, the death of Western-sponsored dissident Alexei Navalny then occurred to enable Western media to go into a frenzy of anti-Russia headlines.

First up was the scaremongering story about Russia allegedly developing a space-based nuclear weapon. Initially, it was dramatically trailed as posing a serious national security threat to the United States. Despite the sensational reporting, the story quickly became a laughingstock. Even some U.S. lawmakers dismissed it as “bullshit” and a blatant attempt by the Biden White House and intelligence agencies to push Congress into passing a new mega military aid bill for Ukraine worth $61 billion.

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PSYOP-23 Rising: Mk Ultra Masking IS Effective (At Mind Control)

Guest Post by The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The mass fear inducement phase of all things “pandemic” is now officially being manufactured in realtime by the MSM talking airheads:

Wasting no time, the opening of this Nightly News episode had the grifting BigPharma shill anchor Lester Holt promoting the next round of DEATHVAX™.

Obligatory hospital footage with the latest fake COVID stats, and they were off to the proverbial races, seeding MK Ultra masking compliance, which is the mental modeling gateway to ever more fear optics, which in turn functions to increase “vaccine” uptake. Or so they hope, because the current 17% Bivalent booster uptake is insufficient for both BigPharma’s bottom line, and the global Great Reset eugenics program as a whole.

An “expert” doctor was then interviewed, and she spewed the usual “variant” bullshit narrative that her handlers fed her.

Next they interviewed the requisite useful idiot sociopath CDC puppet in order to assure their brainwashed viewership of the “Safe and Effective” slow kill bioweapon injections:

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How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP

Guest Post by CJ Hopkins

There comes a time near the end of every PSYOP when the PSYOP has achieved its objective, or as much of its objective as it is going to achieve, and is becoming increasingly recognizable as a PSYOP, and so the focus shifts to damage control, and erasing the PSYOP from official history.

This is a crucial stage of the PSYOP, because, at this point, a significant percentage of the public have realized that they’ve been thoroughly mindfucked, and many of them are none too happy about it. Some of them are starting to ask awkward questions, like “why were we deceived and coerced by our governments, global health authorities, and the state and corporate media into submitting to a series of experimental ‘vaccinations’ that appear to be killing and injuring a lot of people?” Or “why are we occupying and torturing the residents of a Middle-Eastern country that never attacked us, and never had any intention to attack us, and which posed no threat to us whatsoever?”

At this point, it is way too late for those engaged in conducting the PSYOP to continue to deny the facts and gaslight the masses. That won’t work anymore. So, it is time to do some limited hangouts, and some whitewashing, and a little sleight-of-hand, and just generally confuse and distract the public, and send them off on various wild goose chases, while the official history of the PSYOP is written.

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