Putin Did Not Order Alexei Navalny’s Death, US Intelligence Finds

Via ZeroHedge

In a surprising turn, The Wall Street Journal has issued a new weekend report saying that US intelligence agencies do not believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin planned or ordered the death of opposition activist and politician Alexei Navalny.

“U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that Putin likely didn’t order Navalny to be killed at the notoriously brutal prison camp in February, people familiar with the matter said, a finding that deepens the mystery about the circumstances of his death,” writes the Journal.

Via Associated Press

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Alexei Navalny’s Death and Curious Well-Timed Coincidences

Guest Post by Edward Curtin

There is propaganda by commission and propaganda by omission, the former often serve to conceal the latter. Timing is crucial.

That the U.S. President Joseph Biden, his British, NATO, Israeli allies, and their corporate media mouthpieces are in need of a major propaganda victory is obvious. They are losing the war in Ukraine, have been condemned throughout the world for the genocide in Gaza, and are ruling over a disintegrating empire. Biden and Netanyahu’s political lives are at serious risk. And so they have just rolled out a full-court propaganda press effort aimed at covering their losses. It should be crystal clear to anyone who can use logic to see the timing involved.

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Alexei Navalny – behind the curtain

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I really feel sorry for these people, for they have been brainwashed by the standard psychological warfare tactic they use all the time on everyone. Jamie Dimon came out and warned the Democrats that they are attacking ALL of Trump’s supporters and are attributing to everyone the personality traits of Trump. This is how they get people to hate others; it is the standard tactic always deployed in the war. They demonized Sadam Hussain to justify invading Iraq. They did that with Qadaffi and tried to demonize Assad in Syria by just invading that country, all for a covert pipeline. Russia could do that to ALL Americans and attribute to us the traits of the Democrats and Joe Biden – the hand puppet of the Neocons.

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Shall we talk about Navalny…?

Via Off-Guardian

I mean “they” obviously would appreciate it if we did right? It’s a nice, polarised divisive topic that can never be resolved, gets people all worked up and ultimately doesn’t really change anything. So, pretty much an ideal talking point for these post-covid days.

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Navalny was murdered by the mRNA “Covid vaccine”

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The whore media, true to form, has seized on Aleksei Navalny’s death during his exercise period in a Russian prison to focus attention away from the thousands of Palestinians the Israelis are murdering every day with American weapons.  The same media that says Navalny’s imprisonment was “politically motivated says Julian Assange’s imprisonment (without trial) is not.

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Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic

Via Strategic Culture

The claims about Russian space-based nuclear weapons unraveled to become a joke. Fortunately, the death of Western-sponsored dissident Alexei Navalny then occurred to enable Western media to go into a frenzy of anti-Russia headlines.

First up was the scaremongering story about Russia allegedly developing a space-based nuclear weapon. Initially, it was dramatically trailed as posing a serious national security threat to the United States. Despite the sensational reporting, the story quickly became a laughingstock. Even some U.S. lawmakers dismissed it as “bullshit” and a blatant attempt by the Biden White House and intelligence agencies to push Congress into passing a new mega military aid bill for Ukraine worth $61 billion.

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They hate you. They want you dead. They want never ending war. They want more wealth, power and control and will stop at nothing to seize it by any means necessary. The regime media are nothing more than whores for the Deep State. Whatever they report is a lie. Gonzalo Lira was a good man. I knew him.

Navalny was a Russian billionaire oligarch who wanted to rule Russia. He lost to Putin. The regime media acts like Biden, the CIA, FBI, and NSA don’t murder and imprison opponents. Little old ladies who strolled through the Capital taking selfies are still locked in dungeons for three years without trials. Know your real enemy, and it isn’t Russia and Putin.

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GADZOOKS!!! You’d think it was the British King or American President who was just assassinated…..

Via State of the Nation

…and not an extremely traitorous and treacherous MI6 agent who betrayed his country — Russia — in the most repugnant and shameful ways!

Really, who else would assassinate their own agent/operative as a means to falsely accuse President Putin after the Tucker interview but the CIA/MI6 Terrorist Organization?!

Now take a close look at the screenshot of today’s front page — posted below — of the BBC (widely known as the British Bullshit Corporation throughout the big island) to grasp the sheer profundity of the naked propaganda and absurd prevarication they systematically produce.

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Everything points to a strategically timed assassination of transparent CIA asset and MI6 operative Alexei Navalny in a Russian penitentiary BY WESTERN AGENTS

Via State of the Nation

Submitted by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
SOTN Exclusive

First, it was common knowledge throughout the entire Global Intelligence Community that Alexei Navalny was a long-time CIA asset and MI6 operative.

Secondly, it was also widely understood that Navalny was both bribed and blackmailed to undertake his numerous treasonous missions aimed at toppling the Russian government led by President Vladimir Putin.

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