We Live In A Fraud Of Unprecedented Dimensions

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The illegitimate  Occupant of the Oval Office Continues to Spread Disinformation Designed to Cause People to Damage their Health and perhaps Terminate their Lives by having the Covid shots.  The claim that doctors and nurses are all vaccinated is a lie.  A survey conducted by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons found that 60% of doctors are not vaccinated:  https://www.globalresearch.ca/majority-us-physicians-decline-covid-shots-according-survey/5748266

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Corona Warning

Guest Post by The Zman

It is becoming increasingly clear that most of what the ruling class has been telling us about the corona virus is false. The virus is real, and people have died from it, but everything else we have been told has not been 100% true. The origin of the virus is the most obvious example. Trump called it the “China Virus”, so the managerial elite denied that was the case. They made claims about it possibly originating somewhere else and just showing up in force in China. That was a lie.

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America’s Frontline Doctors File Federal Lawsuit to Curtail Emergency Use of Covid Vaccines

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

It appears that my reading of the Covid information is correct.  The official reported cases and deaths are a scam, and the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.

America’s Frontline Doctors have filed a federal lawsuit to stop the emergency use of untested and unapproved vaccines on three groups of people.


We will see if Big Pharma owns the courts too.

We have been lied to by medical bureaucrats such as Fauci at NIH and Rochelle Walensky at CDC, by the medical establishment, by ignorant politicians, and of course by the scum presstitutes and social media.  The question is: did they lie out of ignorance or on purpose?  Are they concerned with our health or with Big Pharma’s profits, government control over people, and perhaps darker agendas such as population reduction and the WEF’s “Great Reset”?

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‘Reality’ in the time of Covid

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

On July 7th, Matthew Roche appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain live from his hospital bed. He was suffering from Covid, and his message to the people was simple:

I was like ‘I am going to get the vaccine but I would like to see what happens in regards to side effects […] No one takes it as seriously until they have had it.

See? He’s just like us! He didn’t want to get the vaccine, because he was worried about side-effects, but then he got sick!

Are you getting it? Do you see the subtle subtext?

If you put off having the vaccine, or worry about side effects, you will get seriously ill.

Oh, by the way, Matthew Roche is an actor. He has an interesting CV which you can read here.

Apart from appearing on the first-ever episode of Channel 4’s Naked Attraction, Mr Roche is fully qualified in “Casualty Simulation training” and has appeared in multiple training exercises for mass casualty events.

Does this mean the interview was staged? Or that he was never sick?

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Five Times More Children Committed Suicide Than Died Of COVID-19 During Lockdown: UK Study

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times,

Five times more children and young people committed suicide than died of COVID-19 during the first year of the pandemic in the United Kingdom, according to a study, which also concluded that lockdowns are more detrimental to children’s health than the virus itself.

Researchers with the University College London, the University of York, the University of Liverpool, and the University of Bristol found in a study (pdf) that has not yet been peer-reviewed that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, otherwise known as the coronavirus, doesn’t appear to present a significant risk to children as compared with other age groups.

The study concluded:

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How the Covid “Pandemic” Was Orchestrated

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The virus is real.  It is a danger to people with poor immune systems and to those with co-morbidities.  People of any age could have impaired immune systems and serious illnesses.  However, immune and health problems are more associated with the elderly as they have had a lifetime to engage in bad habits and non-healthy living.  The vast majority of those whose deaths were attributed to Covid had co-morbidities.

Even so, the elderly stricken with Covid still had a high survival rate of about 95 percent. Everyone else had a 98 or 99 percent survival rate. It is impossible to have precise numbers because the data is skewed to maximize Covid deaths.  Hospitals were given economic incentives to report all deaths as Covid deaths as long as the person had Covid or a positive PCR test. Allegedly, a person who died in a motorcycle crash was listed as a Covid death because he had a positive PCR test.

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A Bodyguard of Lies

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

A bunch of readers sent me a video on the Odysee platform that seems to have lit up the Internet over the weekend, a conversation between the international lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and a character named David Martin, PhD, CEO of M-Cam, a company that researches and advises on intellectual property and patents, especially in medicine. Dr. Martin is “a fellow” at the University of Virginia School of Business Administration and formerly an assistant professor at UVa’s School of Medicine. Mr. Fuellmich is a German national who claims to be bringing a case to the world court to prosecute various parties for hoaxing the world over the coronavirus we call Covid-19.

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What I know (and don’t know) about SARS-CoV-2

Guest Post by Edward Curtain

After fifteen months of assiduous reading, study, observation, and research, I have come to some conclusions about what is called COVID-19.

I would like to emphasize that I have done this work obsessively since it seemed so important.

I have consulted information and arguments across all media, corporate and alternative, academic, medical, books, etc. I have consulted with researchers around the world. I have read the websites of the CDC, the World Health Organization, and government and non-government health organizations.

In other words, I have left no stone unturned, despite the overt or covert political leanings of the sources. I have done this as a sociologist and writer, not as a medical doctor, although many of my sources have been medical doctors and medical studies.

My succinct conclusions follow without links to sources since I am not trying to persuade anyone of anything but just stating for the public record what I have concluded.

Life is short. I am going to say it now…

I know that vast numbers of people have been hypnotized by fear, threats, and bribes to accept the corporate mainstream media’s version of COVID-19. I have concluded that many millions are moving in a trance state and do not know this. They have been induced into this state by a well-organized, very sophisticated propaganda campaign that has drawn on the human fear of death and disease.

Those behind this have no doubt studied the high incidence of hypochondriasis in the general population and the fear of an invisible “virus” in societies where belief in God and the spiritual invisible has been replaced by faith in science. Knowing their audience well, they have concocted a campaign of fear and confusion to induce obedience.

I do not know, but suspect, that those who have been so hypnotized tend to be mainly members of the middle to the upper classes, those who have invested so much belief in the system. This includes the highly schooled.

I know that to lockdown hundreds of millions of healthy people, to insist they wear useless masks, to tell them to avoid human contacts, to destroy the economic lives of regular people have created vast suffering that was meant to teach people a lesson about who was in control and that they better revise their understanding of human relations to adjust to the new digital unreality that the producers of this masquerade are trying to put in place of flesh and blood, face to face human reality.

I know that the PCR test invented by Kary Mullis cannot test for the alleged virus or any virus and therefore all the numbers of cases and deaths are based on nothing. They are conjured out of thin air in a massive act of magic.

I know that the belief that it can so test began with the unscientific PCR Corona protocol created by Christian Drosten in Germany in January 2020 that became the standard method for testing for SARS-CoV-2 worldwide. I am sure this was preplanned and part of a high-level conspiracy. This protocol set the cycle threshold (amplification) at 45 which could only result in false positive results. These were then called cases: An act of fraud on a massive scale.

I do not know if the alleged virus has ever been isolated in the sense of being purified or detached from everything else aside from being cultured in a lab. Therefore I do not know if the virus exists.

I know that the experimental mRNA “vaccines” that are being pushed on everyone are not traditional vaccines but dangerous experiments whose long-term consequences are unknown. And I know that Moderna says its messenger RNA (mRNA) non-vaccine “vaccine” functions “like an operating system on a computer” and that Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, says that the lipid nanoparticles from the injections travel throughout the body and settle in large quantities in multiple organs where the spike protein, being biologically active, can cause massive damage and that the FDA has known this.

Additionally, I know that tens of thousands of people have suffered adverse effects from these injections and many thousands have died from them and that these figures are greatly underestimated due to the reporting systems. I know that with this number of casualties in the past these experimental shots would have been stopped long ago or never started. That they have not, therefore, convinces me that a radically evil agenda is under way whose goal is harm not health because those in charge know what I know and much more.

I do not know where this alleged virus originated, if it exists.

I know that from the start of this crisis, there was a concerted effort across the world to deny access to proven effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, steroids, ivermectin in a planned effort to vaccinate as many people as possible. This alone reveals an agenda centered, not on health, but on getting as many people as possible to submit to being vaccinated and controlled. Social control is the name of this deadly game.

I know that those pushing these vaccines – The World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. – have a long history of wanting to drastically reduce the world’s population and that their promotion of eugenics under various names is very well known. I am convinced that the totally untested mRNA-type “gene therapy” is the key to their plan for population reduction.

I do not know if they will succeed.

I know they must be resisted.

I do not know why so many good people cannot see through this evil. I can only attribute it to having been seduced by a massive hypnotic propaganda campaign that has appealed to their deepest fears and will result in those fears being realized because they thought they were free. It is a great tragedy.

I know that all the statistics about cases and deaths “from” COVID-19 have been manipulated to create a fake pandemic. One of the most obvious proofs of this is the alleged disappearance of the flu and deaths from influenza. Only someone in a trance could fail to understand the absurd logic in the argument that this was the result of mask-wearing when at the same time the air-born COVID-19 spread like wildfire until that stopped precipitously in January 2021 when a tiny number of people had been vaccinated.

I know there has been barely any excess mortality throughout all this.

I do not know where it will all end but hope against hope the growing opposition to this fraud will grow and defeat it despite the organized censorship that is underway against dissenting opinions. I know that when organized censorship on this scale takes place those behind it are afraid of the revelation of the truth. A simple understanding of history confirms this.

I know that the temporary reprieve the authorities have granted to their subjects will be followed by further restrictions on fundamental freedoms, the corona virus lockdowns will likely return, “vaccine” boosters will be promoted, and the World Economic Forum’s push for a Great Reset with a Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to the marriage of artificial intelligence, cyborgs, digital technology, and biology with the USA and other countries continuing to slip into a new form of fascist control unless people across the world stand up and resist in great numbers. I am heartened by signs that this resistance is growing.

Finally, I know if the authoritarian forces win the immediate battle, someone will write a book with a title like that of Milton Mayer’s classic, They Thought They Were Free. It will be censored. Perhaps it will first be shared via samizdat. But in the end, after much suffering and death, the truth about this evil agenda will prevail and there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

We are in a spiritual war for the soul of the world.

Free At Last

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

For now, the public seems to want nothing more than to breathe a little easier — that is without masks on our faces after a year of Covid-19 paranoia — and attempt to return to something like normal life. It’s like an “all-clear” siren went off the past week and a consensus swept the land that can be summed up as we’re done with that. There were zero cases of Covid-19 in my upstate New York county the past week and now the few people going around still-masked begin to look a little like whack-jobs acting out a stupid morality play.

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Lab Leak Likely, Floyd Commemoration Commotion, and Biden’s Blowout Budget: The Week in Review

Guest Post by PF Whalen

Headline #1:      Theory That COVID Originated at Wuhan Lab Gains Support

Over a year after COVID-19 erupted into a pandemic which killed millions and devastated the global economy, certain scientists are finally starting to acknowledge the likelihood that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory, and our media has suddenly become curious about the topic.

Thoughts and Observations:

  • The idea that the virus originated in the Wuhan lab was never a “fringe theory” as the left and their media have tried to portray it. It was a no-brainer. A new virus emerges within a mile of a well-known lab which researches such diseases, and we were all supposed to think it was a coincidence? It was always a fringe theory to suggest that the virus didn’t come from the lab.
  • Not much has changed from an evidentiary standpoint. Scientists such as Dr. Celine Gounder who served on President Biden’s transition team, former head of the FDA Dr. Scott Gottlieb, and the unassailable Dr. Anthony Fauci are now pointing to the actual structure of the virus to conclude that it did not originate naturally in an animal as some had originally suggested. Additionally, a “U.S. intelligence report found that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology sought hospital care after falling ill,” with symptoms and timing consistent with the outbreak. You don’t have to be Sherlock Homes to solve this mystery.

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COVID & The Noble Lie

Authored by Brian Maher via DailyReckoning.com,

“Unethical”… “dystopian”… “totalitarian”…

These are the words of the British government’s primary scientific advisory bunch — the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour, by title.

These scientific advisors presently droop their heads in shame. For these are the very words they employ to describe their own conduct.

They concede: Last March their wicked counsel encouraged government officials to wildly inflate the true viral threat.

Only a pitiless torturing of facts — argued these men and women of science — could terrify the public into locking themselves in, locking themselves up, locking themselves down.

The London Telegraph:

In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear.

Fear came ladling out by the ton.

Millions and millions would perish in agonies scarcely describable, they howled. The hospitals would overflow into the streets, they screeched.

Only the near-cessation of all public life could cage the menace.

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