BREAKING: VAERS data clearly shows that the COVID vaccines are an unmitigated disaster for pregnant women

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The CDC said the COVID vaccines were perfectly safe for pregnant women. They lied and they continue to lie to the American people. Here’s the proof and you can verify it yourself.

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Miscarriages and stillbirths are higher for the COVID vaccines than all other vaccines over the past 33 years combined.

Executive summary

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is the official US government database for reporting adverse events following vaccination. It is the “gold standard” for detecting safety signals. All Americans who have an adverse event following vaccination are encouraged by the US government to report it to VAERS.

The VAERS data clearly shows that the COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines of all time. There are more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines combined in the 33 year history of VAERS.

In this article, I will examine the number of stillbirths and miscarriage (aka spontaneous abortions) reports compared to all other US vaccines given over the past 33 years.

As far as I know, this has not been done before.

What I found should alarm everyone on the planet: the absolute number of stillbirths and miscarriages reports associated with the COVID vaccines is literally “off the charts”: 4X higher than for all other vaccines combined.

Because VAERS is around 100X under reported, meaning the COVID vaccines have likely caused an estimated 360,000 excess deaths.

Continue reading “BREAKING: VAERS data clearly shows that the COVID vaccines are an unmitigated disaster for pregnant women”

URGENT: Stillbirths nearly doubled in Singapore, one of the world’s most mRNA vaccinated countries, in 2022

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Meanwhile, live births plunged. The changes began in March 2022, EXACTLY nine months after Singapore mass vaccinated people of childbearing age

For two years, mRNA Covid vaccine skeptics have raised questions about whether the shots might damage fertility.

mRNA jabs alter menstrual cycles in some women. An Israeli study last June showed that sperm production falls after the Pfizer shot.

Worse, births are falling fast in many mRNA countries. The trend predates the shots, but in some countries it accelerated nine months after the widespread rollout of the jabs to women of childbearing age.

Still, data have not supported the worst fear of mRNA skeptics – a marked rise in late-term deaths or stillborn babies.

Until now.

Continue reading “URGENT: Stillbirths nearly doubled in Singapore, one of the world’s most mRNA vaccinated countries, in 2022”

The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) ignores allegations of vaccine injury in pregnancy

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Dr. Pierre Kory wrote an article about the 87.5% miscarriage rates reported by Pfizer. Dr. James Thorp wrote a letter to the Exec Dir of ABOG about the issue and they ignored him. Entirely.

Miscarriage and baby loss: What to say to women who are grieving | CNN

Executive Summary

Pierre Kory wrote an article, Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried In The Pfizer Documents on August 20, 2022. He wrote: “So, of the 32 pregnancies they knew the outcome of, 87.5% resulted in the death of the fetus or neonate.”

In the comments to Kory’s article, James Thorp mentioned he wrote a letter to the Executive Director of American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG).

It’s now 6 months later, and we now know the response from the mainstream medical community including ABOG: silence.

The Kory Substack article

This is Kory’s article: Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried In The Pfizer Documents.

Continue reading “The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) ignores allegations of vaccine injury in pregnancy”

50% increase in miscarriages; 50% decrease in fertility after COVID vax

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

But Eric Topol says there is “no evidence” that the vaccine causes harm. That’s reassuring. So Eric, if it isn’t the vaccine, what IS causing it? He blocked me. Can you ask him?

Watch this exclusive 30 second video of Kimberly Biss, MD an OB/Gyn in Tampa Bay, FL explaining what they’ve observed in their large practice:

However, Dr. Eric Topol, who is an expert on the COVID vaccine, says this isn’t caused by the vaccine

Continue reading “50% increase in miscarriages; 50% decrease in fertility after COVID vax”