The Covid Protocol Is a Conspiracy Against Human Health

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Gibraltar’s entire population is Covid vaccinated, including the Spaniards who cross the border each day to work. But everyone still has to wear a mask, and Christmas has been cancelled because Covid cases are exploding.

Obviously, the “vaccine” does not protect. So why the mandates and illegal coercion to force vaccination? IT CLEARLY MAKES NO PUBLIC HEALTH SENSE.

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There is Something Just Not Right – Papers Please!

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I do not believe the vaccines will suddenly kill the vaccinated in 2 or 3 years – at least intentionally. They may lower your immunity and make you more susceptible to new strains of viruses yet to appear. There seems to be a greater risk that they will impact fertility intentionally. But the side effects are serious and there are no studies that warn people with certain medical profiles not to take the vaccine as is the case with other vaccines on the CDC website. The MMR vaccine the CDC clearly tells who should not get vaccinated.

Continue reading “There is Something Just Not Right – Papers Please!”

Who Will Answer?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Why on earth would any American with a functioning brain believe what he /she /they is being told by the public health officialdom, the politicians, or the news media? For two years, they have lied to you about everything relating to the Covid-19 virus, including where it came from, how it was developed, who sponsored its development, how the vaccines happened to come onstage thirty seconds after the disease entered the scene, how well the vaccines worked, how safe the vaccines were, and whether there were other cheap and effective treatments for the disease.

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Worldwide vaccine failure

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

From Singapore to the Netherlands to Iceland to Vermont. And coming soon to the entire northern half of the United States.

This is not how it was supposed to go.

Deaths hitting new highs in Singapore (85% of the population fully vaccinated – NOT adults, the entire population):

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FOIA’d CDC Emails: Our Definition of Vaccine is “Problematic”

Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary,

The CDC caused an uproar in early September 2021, after it changed its definitions of “vaccination” and “vaccine.” For years, the CDC had set definitions for vaccination/vaccine that discussed immunity. This all changed on September 1, 2021.

The prior CDC Definitions of Vaccine and Vaccination (August 26, 2021):

Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

The CDC Definitions of Vaccine and Vaccination since September 1, 2021:

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccine: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

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Uh, That’s Not A Conspiracy Theory

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

There is an article floating around from The Expose that makes an explosive claim: There is a wildly statistically-significant skew in the death rate from Covid-19 vaccines by lot number.

What originally got my attention was the tinfoil hat crowd screaming about lots being intentionally distributed to certain people to kill them — in other words certain Covid-19 vaccine lots were for all intents and purposes poisoned.  That was wildly unlikely so I set out to disprove it and apply some broom handles to the tinfoil hatters heads.  What I found, however, was both interesting and deeply disturbing.

Lots are quite large, especially when you’re dealing with 200 million people and 400 million doses.  Assuming the lots are not preferentially assigned to certain cohorts (e.g. one goes to all nursing homes, etc) adverse reactions should thus be normally distributed between lots; if they’re not one of these things is almost-certainly true:

  • There is a serious manufacturing quality problem or you produced something without understanding how it would work in the body and thus failed to control for something you had to in order to wind up with reproduceable results.  That is, some lots are ok, others are contaminated, have too much or too little of the active ingredient in them, some produce wildly more spike-protein than others in the body when injected, etc.OR
  • Much worse, the lots are intentionally segregated to produce different results. This implies some sort of nefarious intent such as killing people on a differential basis or that the manufacturers are running unsanctioned experiments on a mass basis among the population at-large, since they know what is in each lot and intentionally varied the contents.OR
  • Perhaps worst of all, reports are now being intentionally suppressed, the injury and death rate hasn’t changed and there are lots with one of the two above problems but it is being intentionally not reported, having been detected almost-instantly and health providers were directed to not report anything serious (e.g. death) associated with the jabs.

Continue reading “Uh, That’s Not A Conspiracy Theory”

22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population

Guest Post by Dr. Paul Elias Alexander

The evidence is pouring in that the COVID-19 vaccines are not as efficacious as advertised against the Delta variant that became dominant in the fall of 2021. The Delta is learning how to thrive. The evidence has further accumulated to show that the vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated are equally as infectious.

The gestalt of the findings implies that the infection explosion globally – post double vaccination e.g. Israel, UK, US etc. – that we have been experiencing may be likely due to the possibility that the vaccinated are driving the epidemic/pandemic and not the unvaccinated. We have been vaccinating against the wild-type virus that is no longer a pressing concern, even if the vaccine data so far suggests effectiveness for the demographic most susceptible to severe outcomes.

The data seems to suggest that the infection is 50:50 (vaccinated versus unvaccinated) while the UK is reporting 70% of deaths in the vaccinated (Delta variant) though there is debate on differential based on < 50 versus >50 years old. It appears that it is the vaccinated who are  getting infected and thus transmitting the virus at a far greater rate. This unravels the demand for universal vaccine passports.

Continue reading “22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population”

Scientist Whose Wife Was Injured by COVID Vaccine Tells FDA: ‘Please Do Not Give This to Kids’

Via Children’s Health Defense

Brian Dressen, Ph.D., who is a chemist with an extensive background in researching and assessing the degree of efficacy in new technologies, told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pfizer’s vaccine “failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.”

Pfizer’s vaccine 'failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.'

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) advisory committee on Tuesday endorsed Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, despite strong objections raised during the meeting by multiple scientists and physicians.

Brian Dressen, Ph.D., is one of the scientists who testified during the 8-hour hearing.

Dressen is also the husband of Brianne Dressen, who developed a severe neurological injury during the Utah-based portion of the U.S. AstraZeneca COVID vaccine trial in 2020. After being injured by the first dose, Brianne withdrew from the trial.

During his 3-minute testimony, Dressen, a chemist with an extensive background in researching and assessing the degree of efficacy in new technologies, told the FDA advisory panel Pfizer’s vaccine “failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.”

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An Interesting Disparity

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Volvo has just announced it will recall about a half-million cars because of the safety threat suggested by the death of a single person, the result of a defective airbag. This is not a criticism of Volvo. It is a means of criticizing the adamant refusal of the drug-pushers to recall their far-more-dangerous products.

Hardly a day goes by without a credible report of someone who was pushed to take the drugs – styled “vaccines,” even though they do not vaccinate against anything but merely (supposedly) reduce the severity of the symptoms of the sickness supposedly being “vaccinated” against  – suffering what is styled an “adverse event.”

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URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Don’t take it from me, I don’t even get to tweet anymore.

Take it from a little place I call the British government. Which admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that:

“N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23)


Continue reading “URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER”

Virus gonna virus

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

We are almost two years into the plague di tutti plagues, the virus with a 3 in 1,000 death rate (give or take), which rounds down to roughly 0 in 1,000 for the non-elderly and morbidly obese.

Along the way, lots of different states and countries have pursued lots of different strategies, from Zero Covid to Zero Restrictions, from early vaccines to late vaccines to (basically) no vaccines.

Two years should be long enough to know who wore it best, amirite? So let’s go to the videotape!

Here’s the United Kingdom (heavy early lockdown, 70% vaccinated, tons of testing, just like the public health people want)

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Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition

Authored by Jack Davis via The Western Journal (emphasis ours),

New concerns are being raised about side effects from the Moderna vaccine against the coronavirus.

Swedish health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported. The pause on the Moderna shots had been scheduled to end on Dec. 1.

Finland, Iceland and Denmark have taken similar steps. Norway is encouraging men under 30 not to get the Moderna shot, but is not mandating it.

For months, the Moderna vaccine has been under scrutiny because of data that shows young men who receive it are at increased risk for myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart.

The Daily Mail reported that one U.S. study that has not yet been peer-reviewed concluded that “young males under [age] 20 are up to six times more likely to develop myocarditis after contracting COVID-19 than those who have been vaccinated.” Continue reading “Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition”