Experts: DeSantis Policies So Bad He’s Now Infecting Record Numbers In California And New York

Via The Babylon Bee

TALLAHASSEE, FL—According to experts, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s COVID policies are so bad they are starting to cause skyrocketing COVID infection rates in leftist states.

“COVID is on the rise in New York and California,” said Dr. Fauci. “I spoke with SCIENCE just this morning, and it told me that the real culprit here is Ron DeSantis.”

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Why Is The Media Suddenly No Longer Interested In Blaming COVID Waves On Red States

Authored by ‘IM’ via ‘Unmasked’ Substack,

By now, it’s become a truth universally acknowledged that the media must continually be in search of a governor and specific political ideology to blame when COVID cases rise.

Well, I’m old enough to remember when it was a truth universally acknowledged.

But that was way back in the summer, when cases were rising in the Southern states, mostly run by Republican governors who refused to acquiesce to demands from the media to mandate masks and vaccine passports.

The seasons have changed, however, and case trends along with it.

The Midwest and the Northeast are now the epicenter of the latest COVID surge.

[ZH: We thought these two charts may also help explain the lack of media maleficence]

And just like that, inexplicably, the media’s no longer interested in blaming local officials or the political beliefs of residents for the dramatic increase in COVID cases. Imagine that!

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