Stop the Dr. Oz Hate and Get With the Program

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Stop the Dr. Oz Hate and Get With the Program

I did not support Dr. Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate primary, but I am sure supporting him now against Heart Attack Shrek, the communist mutant who spent the first half-century of his life sponging off his parents and now wants to spend the second half sponging off the feds with a DC sinecure. John Fetterman makes Bernie Sanders look like Milton Friedman, yet there are still Republicans who are not all in on Oz.

Get all in on him, people.

Again, he was not my primary choice – to the extent a Californian (even one with roots in Pennsyltucky) should have any say in who the fine GOP folk of the Keystone State chose as their Senate nominee. But he was the Republican voter’s choice. Primaries mean something. That’s when the voters get to tell the parties’ power structures that we are going with this guy or gal or, in the case of Democrats, this non-binary being who identifies as a walrus.

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Conservatives, Stop Falling in Love with Politicians

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Conservatives, Stop Falling in Love with Politicians

You gotta hand it to conservatives – we get abused and dumped and generally treated like dishrags, but we never stop falling for the latest politician who is going to sweep us off our feet and make sweet, sweet political love to us. Yet maybe, instead of acting on our infatuations, we should be players instead of getting played. Maybe we should banish the starry-eyed romanticism, stop scratching “Cons + Pol” surrounded by little hearts in our Pee-Chee folders and start, as noted political theorist Sir Mix-A-Lot observed in his renowned treatise “Baby Got Back,” to “hit it and quit it.”

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Why Is Dr. Oz Running as a Republican?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Why Is Dr. Oz Running as a Republican?

I understand that someone named Dr. Mehmet Oz is running for the Senate seat in Pennsylvania – though he apparently wasn’t a Pennsylvanian until five minutes ago – and this raises several questions, like “Who is this person?”, “Why should this person be a senator instead of, say, some Amish rando from Chambersburg?”, and, most importantly, “Why is this person running as a Republican?”

He is apparently a TV reality guy, and I guess he looked at Trump and thought, “Well, he was on TV and he did it, so why not?” But “Why not” is not a great reason for someone to run for a Senate seat we Republicans need. And Dr. Oz is a Republican like Brian Stelter, who is a potato, is a Chippendales dancer.

Let’s review his track record, with a special thanks to conservative muckraker Jack Posobiec, who has done great work gathering the receipts.

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