Snow Driving Etiquette . . . And Its Lack

Guest Post by Eric Peters

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Lots of advice goes out every year about how to drive in the snow. But the single most important piece of advice about snow-day driving is almost never mentioned – probably because the cardinal rule of modern advice-giving is to never tell people the truth when it might cause discomfort or offense.

It is, simply: Stay home if you lack the skills – or the appropriate vehicle – or both to competently deal with snow on the road.

But I have to get work!

Would that fly in court, if spoken by a well-doused drunk?

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Operational Neurasthenia

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s reasonable to adjust speed for conditions – snow, for instance. But what about drivers who drop their speed because it might snow later?

Road (and school) closings, not because it is snowing. Because it’s possible it may.

Continue reading “Operational Neurasthenia”