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Watch: ‘Good Guy’ With Gun (& Six-Pack Of Beer) Takes Down ‘Bad Guy’ With Gun

Authored by Athena Thorne via PJ Media,

Today’s feel-good story comes to us from Cass County, Mich. A law-abiding gentleman with a concealed carry permit was picking up a six-pack of Miller Lite in his local gas station convenience store. Suddenly, 35-year-old Cordelius Anthony Martin burst into the establishment. “You know why I’m here,” declared Martin. He pulled a mask over his face and rushed the terrified clerk, brandishing a boxcutter.

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Via The NYP

Store owner shoots, kills would-be burglar who dug tunnel through wall

An Albuquerque store owner is claiming self-defense after he shot and killed a would-be burglar who allegedly dug a tunnel through the wall of his business over the weekend.

The owner, who was not identified, told KOB 4 News that he was sleeping in his smoke shop in the International District Saturday when he was awoken at about 3 a.m. by a scratching sound in the wall.

One hour later, a man wielding a large hammer and what looked like an ax burst through the wall.

The shop owner claims he grabbed his gun and told the man to get out, only for the intruder to come toward him. The businessman said he then opened fire and called the police.

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