The Feminization of Western Men

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In a remarkable interview published on Russia Insider in March 2019, RT’s Anissa Naouai interviewed Danish journalist Iben Thranholm about the disappearance of Western manhood: Dear European Men: You Are Pathetic Pussies.  This is a Danish woman’s conclusion.

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America is a Nation of Weak Men

Via GenZConservative

america is a nation of weak men

Weak men and the Collapse of Society

Americans used to pride themselves on their masculinity and masculine impulses. The famous photo of the sailor kissing a girl in New York after victory was announced, Emanuel Leutze’s painting of a masculine, proud, and erect George Washington bravely crossing the Deleware, and tales of rugged individualist cowboys fighting off bandits and merciless Apaches and Comanches used to define our culture.

Up until quite recently, when we became a nation of weak men, we lionized the brave, austere men of the past that created the prosperous present.

Clint Eastwood inspired many a red-blooded American male with his portrayal of Josey Wales.

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