Email from Jack M describing his evening at the bar last night. He is a sarcastic SOB:

Mike please don’t brother me tonight

The Ferguson verdict has depressed me … I feel like … I don’t know …. Robbing a liquor store

I was at my drinking club tonight … It was a prison guard, the local masons (they always try to recruit me ) and a dude and his girlfriend came in.

So I went there to get our (me and my brother’s) 2015 membership cards that I paid for last week.

Had a few since I was there and went like 3 miles today exercising.

So the girl says – can you turn on a news station .. The Ferguson decision is coming down.

Historically tonight — there are TWO Monday night football games. It has NEVER happened before …Cause Buffalo got SNOWED out … SO MASSIVE BETTING.

So EVERYBODY in the bar has bet the parley. You have to pick which TWO teams will win TONIGHT.

So basically it was “are you f-ing kidding me?”

She said, “aren’t you guys afraid of going home if they don’t indict ???”

Everybody – “NO!!!”

She stupidly said “well, I hope you all have Guns … Cause you MAY need them” (like with authority).

Her boyfriend put his head in his hands … And of course I had to break the ice and said, “you KNOW you’re in Western Pennsylvania right ?” and EVERYBODY laughed.

She said, “what does THAT have anything to do with it?”

Another guy I went to high school said, “honey there are only TWO people in this bar who MIGHT not have a gun on them.”

She said, “are you KIDDING ME???”

Her boyfriend said, “let’s go”.

She was protesting as he dragged her out

We took a vote – anyone NOT carrying had to raise their hand.

… No one did


Guest Post by Hope@ZeroKelvin


1. Several generations of liberal progressive policies RE the black community have created a critical mass of impoverished, illiterate and perpetually aggrieved black folks that can be ginned up and pointed at the enemies of the Regime – or just let loose to wreak havoc/chaos on anybody unlucky enough to be in their way. Please note that Ferguson and all the other big protests last night were in BLUE cities/counties.

2. This liberal progressive brainwashing has affected whites as well RE the whole “white privilege” narrative and the idea that violence of the “oppressed” (=nonwhite) against the “oppressor” (= always white, heterosexual, Judeo-Christrians) is justifiable payback in some cosmic sense. This is nonsense spewed by the liberal progressive moonbats like the man-boobed metrosexual Chris Hays of MSNBC and watching him scurry away when he heard gunfire coming from his “comrades in arms” was an image I shall treasure for years.

3. When the uniforms go away, the thugs come out to play. Sorry, but the National Guard should have come down hard on the looters/arsonists, ie, shoot to kill, tear gas, the whole nine yards. There are clearly people in this world that care nothing for “justice”, the rule of law or civilized society. They can’t be reasoned with, or bargained with and they don’t feel pity or remorse. They don’t even care for the stuff they loot – they just want to watch the world burn. Better to get them out of the gene pool sooner rather than later. This principle applies to the chaos that has been unleashed upon the world with America’s military withdrawal from it, but that is a post for another day.

4. There are good people of all races/creeds/colors/whatever that want to just live and let live. Seek out those people, give them a voice, cherish them. Or, as we say in the prepper community – prep, train and form teams.

5. Now that the economic heart of the Ferguson community has been burned to the ground, we will likely see yet another self serving black politician like Maxine Waters (Watts riots) come to power promising all kinds of rainbow pooping unicorn lollipop goodies while Ferguson morphs into Detroit.

6. If you are a business owner close to a large mass of illiterate, impoverished and perpetually aggrieved people – tough shit. You are clearly on your own in a riot as the police/fire will not come to protect/help you.

Here’s a thought: When black people riot they burn down their own neighborhoods. When white people riot, they burn down entire continents.

7. Our preezy, the AG and most of the MSM are actively engaged in a race/civilizational war against white/Judeo-Christian/heterosexuals, aka Western Civilization. I can think of no other reason for Obama to speak this way in the midst of this chaos, embrace Al Sharpton as his go-to man on race, put up Loretta Lynch as the new AG, and the rest of the clapping-seal-stay-on-script MSM to act as enablers and cheerleaders to this madness. Personally, I don’t want my country to look like Mogadishu or Detroit but things are certainly headed that way.

8. Events in Ferguson are a great cover to avoid talking about the holocaust that has consumed so many black lives, a holocaust of crime, illegitimacy, poverty and dysfunction that can be laid solely and completely at the feet of those supporters of The Great Society. Racism? You bet. The soft racism of diminished expectations, no demands for accountability and lack of personal responsibility for a person solely based on the color of their skin. See also: Marion Barry (good riddance to bad rubbish).

9. Given the well coordinated nature of these multiple demonstrations after the grand jury, there is clearly a “Fifth Column” of commie rat bastards intent on the destruction the USA and the Rule of Law, using race (and black people as cannon fodder) as cover. Sadly, many of these scumbags are either part of the fed.gov or actively supported by them. Worse, these douchebags infest most of our elite universities, able to poison the minds of millions of young people. (Why do you think Obama has spoken almost exclusively to handpicked audiences of university students since about 2010?) If these people are not exposed and stopped, we are looking at a potential Reign of Terror here, a la the French Revolution. Google the commie “reporter” asking questions of Jay Nixon during his pre-verdict news confab.

10. Embrace the Doom. The (FU) USA is a powder keg into which the Obama Admin and the libtard proglodytes are throwing as many sparks as possible. Toss in a pinch of radical Islam and it’s gonna be Epic. In their hubris and their insanity, they truly believe they can burn it all down and build something better. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be bargained with and they will not stop until the advocates of Western Civilization are all metaphorically and literally dead.

The battle lines have been drawn, the battle space prep is complete, are you ready?

Deus Vult.

We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

If you dress police officers up as soldiers and you put them in military vehicles and you give them military weapons, they adopt a warrior mentality. We fight wars against enemies, and the enemies are the people who live in our cities—particularly in communities of color.—Thomas Nolan, criminology professor and former police officer

Should police officer Darren Wilson be held accountable for the shooting death of unarmed citizen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9, 2014?

That the police officer was white and his victim black should make no difference. In a perfect world, it would not matter. In an imperfect world such as ours, however, racism is an effective propaganda tool used by the government and the media to distract us from the real issues.

As a result, the national dialogue about the dangers of militarized, weaponized police officers being trained to act like soldiers on the battlefield, shooting first and asking questions later, has shifted into a largely unspoken debate over race wars, class perceptions and longstanding, deep-seated notions of who deserves our unquestioning loyalty and who does not.

Putting aside our prejudices, however, let’s not overlook the importance of Ferguson and this grand jury verdict. Tasked with determining whether Wilson should stand trial for Brown’s shooting, the grand jury ruled that the police officer will not face charges for the fatal shooting.

However, the greater question—whether anything will really change to rein in militarized police, police shootings, lack of accountability and oversight, and a military industrial complex with a vested interest in turning America into a war zone—remains unanswered.

Ferguson matters because it provides us with a foretaste of what is to come. It is the shot across the bow, so to speak, a warning that this is how we will all be treated if we do not tread cautiously in challenging the police state, and it won’t matter whether we’re black or white, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat. In the eyes of the corporate state, we are all the enemy.

This is the lesson of Ferguson.

Remember that in the wake of the shooting, Ferguson police officers clad in body armor, their faces covered with masks, equipped with assault rifles and snipers and riding armored vehicles, showed up in force to deal with protesters. Describing that show of force by police in Ferguson, Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, stated, “This was a military force, and they were facing down an enemy.”

Yes, we are the enemy. As I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, since those first towers fell on 9/11, the American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process.

There was a moment of hope after Ferguson that perhaps things might change. Perhaps the balance would be restored between the citizenry and their supposed guardians, the police. Perhaps our elected officials would take our side for a change and oppose the militarization of the police. Perhaps warfare would take a backseat to more pressing national concerns.

That hope was short-lived.

It wasn’t long before the media moved on to other, more titillating stories. The disappearance of a University of Virginia college student and the search for her alleged abductor, the weeks-long man-hunt for an accused cop killer, the Republican electoral upset, a Rolling Stone expose on gang rapes at fraternity parties, Obama’s immigration amnesty plan, and the rape charges against Bill Cosby are just a few of the stories that have dominated the news cycle since the Ferguson standoff between police and protesters.

It wasn’t long before the American public, easily acclimated to news of government wrongdoing (case in point: the national yawn over the NSA’s ongoing domestic surveillance), ceased to be shocked, outraged or alarmed by reports of police shootings. In fact, the issue was nowhere to be found in this year’s run-up to Election Day, which was largely devoid of any pressing matters of national concern.

And with nary a hiccup, the police state marched steadily forth. In fact, aided and abetted by the citizenry’s short attention span, its easily distracted nature, and its desensitization to anything that occupies the news cycle for too long, it has been business as usual in terms of police shootings, the amassing of military weapons, and the government’s sanctioning of police misconduct. Most recently, Ohio police shot and killed a 12-year-old boy who was seen waving a toy gun at a playground.

Rubbing salt in our wounds, in the wake of Ferguson, police agencies not only continued to ramp up their military arsenals but have used them whenever possible. In fact, in anticipation of the grand jury’s ruling, St. Louis police actually purchased more equipment for its officers, including “civil disobedience equipment.”

Just a few weeks after the Ferguson showdown, law enforcement agencies took part in an $11 million manhunt in Pennsylvania for alleged cop killer Eric Frein. Without batting an eye, the news media switched from outraged “shock” over the military arsenal employed by police in Ferguson to respectful “awe” of the 48-day operation that cost taxpayers $1.4 million per week in order to carry out a round-the-clock dragnet search of an area with a 5-mile-radius.

The Frein operation brought together 1,000 officers from local, state and federal law enforcement, as well as SWAT teams and cutting edge military equipment (high-powered rifles, body armor, infrared sensors, armored trucks, helicopters and unmanned, silent surveillance blimps)—some of the very same weapons and tactics employed in Ferguson and, a year earlier, in Boston in the wake of the marathon bombing.

The manhunt was a well-timed, perfectly choreographed exercise in why Americans should welcome the police state: for our safety, of course, and to save the lives of police officers.

Opposed to any attempt to demilitarize America’s police forces, the Dept. of Homeland Security has been chanting this safety mantra in testimony before Congress: Remember 9/11. Remember Boston. Remember how unsafe the world was before police were equipped with automatic weapons, heavily armored trucks, night-vision goggles, and aircraft donated by the DHS.

Contrary to DHS rhetoric, however, militarized police—twitchy over perceived dangers, hyped up on their authority, and protected by their agencies, the legislatures and the courts—have actually made communities less safe at a time when violent crime is at an all-time low and lumberjacks, fishermen, airline pilots, roofers, construction workers, trash collectors, electricians and truck drivers all have a higher risk of on-the-job fatalities than police officers.

Moreover, as Senator Tom Coburn points out, the militarization of America’s police forces has actually “created some problems that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.” Among those problems: a rise in the use of SWAT team raids for routine law enforcement activities (averaging 80,000 a year), a rise in the use and abuse of asset forfeiture laws by police agencies, a profit-driven incentive to criminalize lawful activities and treat Americans as suspects, and a transformation of the nation’s citizenry into suspects.

Ferguson provided us with an opportunity to engage in a much-needed national dialogue over how police are trained, what authority they are given, what weaponry they are provided, and how they treat those whom they are entrusted with protecting.

Caught up in our personal politics, prejudices and class warfare, we have failed to answer that call. In so doing, we have played right into the hands of all those corporations who profit from turning America into a battlefield by selling the government mine-resistant vehicles, assault rifles, grenade launchers, and drones.

As long as we remain steeped in ignorance, there will be no reform.

As long as we remain divided by our irrational fear of each other, there will be no overhaul in the nation’s law enforcement system or institution of an oversight process whereby communities can ensure that local police departments are acting in accordance with their wishes and values.

And as long as we remain distracted by misguided loyalties to military operatives who are paid to play the part of the government’s henchmen, there will be no saving us when the events of Ferguson unfold in our own backyards.

When all is said and done, it doesn’t matter whose “side” you’re on as far as what transpired in Ferguson, whether you believe that Michael Brown was a victim or that Darren Wilson was justified in shooting first and asking questions later.

What matters is that we not allow politics and deep-rooted prejudices of any sort to divert our efforts to restore some level of safety, sanity and constitutional balance to the role that police officers play in our communities. If we fail to do so, we will have done a disservice to ourselves and every man, woman and child in this country who have become casualties of the American police state.


I thought they were mad at white people. Shouldn’t they be going to white communities and burning their businesses down? It’s kind of stupid to burn your own black community to the ground. Don’t you think?

Maybe the looters and rioters are smarter than we think. Whitey is armed. White people realize they are the first responder. Amazing how an armed populace keeps their community peaceful.


Ferguson In Flames: The Morning After

Tyler Durden's picture

Shortly after 9pmET last night, prosecutors relayed the grand jury’s decision not to charge white Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson over the death of black teenager Michael Brown… and all hell broke loose…






And finally… Michael Brown’s mother…




Source: Bloomberg


Looks like we could have an early Black Friday. I hear the deals at the looted stores across our urban ghetto kill zones will be a real steal. Will this verdict be an excuse for a race of people to steal, loot and act like thugs? Or will they peacefully protest the verdict and act like human beings? I’m sure our president will calm his voters down with his teleprompter words of wisdom. He surely won’t question the verdict of the grand jury. Right?

If the grand jury votes to indict the officer will white people around the country riot, loot and create havoc?

Let’s see who acts civilized this evening.

Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Due At 9ET, School District Closed Tomorrow, Protests Spreading – Live Feed

Tyler Durden's picture

The Grand Jury result will be announed at 9ET…

Live Feed (via NBC)


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Crowds are gathering

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UPDATE: The Ferguson School District has been closed for tomorrow.


And protests are spreading

Having quietly got married this weekend, the 28-year-old Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson – who fatally shot unarmed black teen Michael Brown in August – will discover shortly after 5pmET today if he will stand trial for Brown’s death after the grand jury verdict is released by the St.Louis prosecutors office. As Brown’s lawyer previously noted “ninety-nine percent of the time the police officer is not held accountable for killing a young black boy,” Crump said. “The police officer gets all the consideration.” Dragging the decision out over the weekend has some fearing it has merely stoked tensions, and protests have already been arranged for later this evening. Police, as we previously noted, are prepared; and the White House has reiterated their call for calm. After-school activities in Ferguson have been cancelled (somewhat suggesting the outcome is not what Ferguson residents are hoping for).

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We shall see shortly…

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Some background color from ABC

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The Grand Jury


Locals are preparing

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Perhaps something to consider…

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Could be a long night…


Maybe the preparation was worth it…


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Media is in Ferguson en masse

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Not everyone agrees with the decision…

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A timeline of key events following the fatal police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. (via FOX)


AUG. 9 — Brown and a companion, both black, are confronted by an officer as they walk back to Brown’s home from a convenience store. Brown and the officer, who is white, are involved in a scuffle, followed by gunshots. Brown dies at the scene, and his body remains in the street for four hours in the summer heat. Neighbors later lash out at authorities, saying they mistreated the body.

AUG. 10 — After a candlelight vigil, people protesting Brown’s death smash car windows and carry away armloads of looted goods from stores. In the first of several nights of violence, looters are seen making off with bags of food, toilet paper and alcohol. Some protesters stand atop police cars and taunt officers.

AUG. 11 — The FBI opens an investigation into Brown’s death, and two men who said they saw the shooting tell reporters that Brown had his hands raised when the officer approached with his weapon and fired repeatedly. That night, police in riot gear fire tear gas and rubber bullets to try to disperse a crowd.

AUG. 12 — Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson cancels plans to release the name of the officer who shot Brown, citing death threats against the police department and City Hall.

AUG. 14 — The Missouri Highway Patrol takes control of security in Ferguson, relieving St. Louis County and local police of their law-enforcement authority following four days of violence. The shift in command comes after images from the protests show many officers equipped with military style gear, including armored vehicles, body armor and assault rifles. In scores of photographs that circulate online, officers are seen pointing their weapons at demonstrators.

AUG. 15 — Police identify the officer who shot Brown as Darren Wilson, 28. They also release a video purporting to show Brown robbing a convenience store of almost $50 worth of cigars shortly before he was killed, a move that further inflames protesters.

AUG. 16 — Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declares a state of emergency and imposes a curfew in Ferguson.

AUG. 17 — Attorney General Eric Holder orders a federal medical examiner to perform another autopsy on Brown.

AUG. 18 — Nixon calls the National Guard to Ferguson to help restore order and lifts the curfew.

AUG. 19 — Nixon says he will not seek the removal of St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch from the investigation into Brown’s death. Some black leaders questioned whether the prosecutor’s deep family connections to police would affect his ability to be impartial. McCulloch’s father was a police officer who was killed in the line of duty when McCulloch was a child, and he has many relatives who work in law enforcement.

AUG. 20 — Holder visits Ferguson to offer assurances about the investigation into Brown’s death and to meet with investigators and Brown’s family. In nearby Clayton, a grand jury begins hearing evidence to determine whether Wilson should be charged.

AUG. 21 — Nixon orders the National Guard to begin withdrawing from Ferguson.

SEPT. 25 — Holder announces his resignation but says he plans to remain in office until his successor is confirmed.

SEPT. 25 — Ferguson Chief Tom Jackson releases a videotaped apology to Brown’s family and attempts to march in solidarity with protesters, a move that backfires when Ferguson officers scuffle with demonstrators and arrest one person moments after Jackson joins the group.

OCT. 10 — Protesters from across the country descend on the St. Louis region for “Ferguson October,” four days of coordinated and spontaneous protests. A weekend march and rally in downtown St. Louis draws several thousand participants.

OCT. 13 — Amid a downpour, an interfaith group of clergy cross a police barricade on the final day of Ferguson October as part of an event dubbed “Moral Monday.” The protests extend beyond Ferguson to sites such as the nearby headquarters of Fortune 500 company Emerson Electric and the Edward Jones Dome in downtown St. Louis, site of a Monday Night Football game between the St. Louis Rams and the San Francisco 49ers.

OCT. 21 — Nixon pledges to create an independent Ferguson Commission to examine race relations, failing schools and other broader social and economic issues in the aftermath of Brown’s death.

NOV. 17 — The Democratic governor declares a state of emergency and activates the National Guard again ahead of a decision from a grand jury. He places the St. Louis County Police Department in charge of security in Ferguson, with orders to work as a unified command with St. Louis city police and the Missouri Highway Patrol.

NOV. 18 — Nixon names 16 people to the Ferguson Commission, selecting a diverse group that includes the owner of construction-supply company, two pastors, two attorneys, a university professor, a 20-year-old community activist and a police detective. Nine of its members are black. Seven are white.

NOV. 24 – Grand Jury finds…


The powers that be can’t wait for another round of Ferguson upheaval to distract the masses from the ongoing economic debacle. They love these race events that get whites and blacks fired up and not focused on the true enemies on Wall Street and K Street.
Religious leaders speak to police officers during a demonstration at the Ferguson Police Department in Ferguson, Missouri, October 13, 2014. (Reuters/Jim Young)

Religious leaders speak to police officers during a demonstration at the Ferguson Police Department in Ferguson, Missouri, October 13, 2014. (Reuters/Jim Young)

Gun shops near Ferguson, Missouri are reporting a surge in sales as residents wait to hear if a local police officer will be charged in the death of an unarmed teenager. State Gov. Jay Nixon has vowed a strong response to potential protests and violence.

Retailers like Metro Shooting Supplies in Bridgeton, MO have seen gun sales triple in recent days, KMOV News reported this week, and similar shops throughout the region are reporting that items are flying off the shelves, apparently amidst fears that the impending grand jury decision concerning Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson may rekindle violent demonstrations.

Sales on Friday were at a “fevered pitch,” Metro’s Steven King told KMOV, with the store selling over 100 guns in only three days instead of a more routine 30 weapons or so.

“This is very abnormal,” King told the station. “With all the rumors on the internet, they are saying every neighborhood is unsafe, there is a possibility of a strike in any neighborhood.”

According to CNN, similar shops in the Show-Me State are experiencing the same type of uptake as a grand jury gets closer to deciding if Wilson will be indicted over the officer-involved shooting death of Michael Brown, 18, earlier this year. A shooting range in Bridgeton visited by the network, for example, said sales there had surged by up to 50 percent within recent days; Dan McMullen, a local insurance man, told the station that he brings an “extra gun” with him to his Ferguson office now after demonstrations in town during the last few weeks left businesses looted or, worse, burned to the ground.

“So maybe I get trapped here or something and have to have a John Wayne shootout,” McMullen told CNN with a smile. “That’s the silly part about it: Is that going to happen? Not a chance. But I guess, could it? I’m the only white person here.

The August 9 incident that left Brown dead quickly spawned protests not just in Ferguson but around the world as anger grew among Americans outraged over the absence of charges filed against Wilson, 28. Those demonstrations, which at times became violent, attracted not just thousands of demonstrators, but a gauntlet of highly armed police officials who garnered attention in their own right, not over the potential case against Wilson, but rather the law enforcement response than has largely been labeled as overly excessive.

Now with a grand jury reportedly days, if not moments away from announcing whether or not Wilson will be charged, Missourians seem fearful that a similar showdown may soon erupt.

“Every time that door opens, we’re seeing new faces,” John Stephenson of the Metro Shooting Range in Bridgeton told CNN, citing specifically what the network described as concerns over the grand jury response.

With respect to home defense shotguns sold at Metro, Stephenson told CNN, “We’ve sold tons.”

But Sgt. Brian Schellman of the St. Louis County Police Department warned the network that the influx of weapons in Ferguson could prove problematic, even if just one person perturbed over the grand jury verdict acts out their frustration.

“It only takes one in 10 with bad intentions to make the entire situation spiral out of control,” he said. “A few protesters take it above and beyond not just aimed at police anymore, but sometimes these threats are going against police officers’ families.”

Indeed, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles even went as far as to warn local media this week that authorities must prepare for the worst as the city awaits a new series of demonstrations that may rival what was seen after the Aug. 9 killing.

“I think you have to prepare for the worst, but I think we all hope the best out of people,” Knowles said. “I don’t believe that there is even a small fraction of residents in the city of Ferguson who want to do any damage or harm to any other residents or to any businesses…the concern would be who comes (from) outside the area.”

Previously, King from Metro and other area gun retailers said they saw a similar spike in gun sales in mid-August and the Ferguson protests began to take hold. On Tuesday this week, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon said over 1,000 officers have received specialized training in crowd control since the last major round of protests, and said “Violence will not be tolerated” when the Darren Wilson decision is finally made, which may come as early as this week.

Missouri Gov.: past ‘ugliness’ cannot be repeated

Meanwhile, Governor Jay Nixon announced on Tuesday that the state would be ready to quickly respond to any reports of violence that may occur in the wake of the grand jury decision. The National Guard will be on standby and ready to intervene, if necessary, he said.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Nixon added that 1,000 officers have taken part in new training procedures specifically intended to deal with protests. So far, they have logged some 5,000 hours learning new procedures and preparing for whatever may happen when the decision is revealed.

Referring to clashes between protesters and police that occurred in the weeks after Brown’s death, Nixon said it would be unacceptable for similar events to unfold again.

“That ugliness was not representative of Missouri and it cannot be repeated,” Nixon said, as quoted by Reuters. “These measures are not being taken because we are convinced that violence will occur, but because we have a responsibility to prepare for any contingency.”

While Nixon did not delve into specifics, he emphasized that the civil rights of protesters will not be violated should they take to the streets. Previously, a federal judge ruled that officers did violate the rights of demonstrators when they threatened arrests if people did not move after a few seconds.

Nixon reiterated that protests would be permitted so long as they are peaceful.

“This is America,” he said. “People have the right to express their views and grievances, but they do not have the right to place their fellow citizens and property at risk.”

Ferguson – Missing the Point

ferguson-Aug-2014 Militarization

A few people have sent emails justifying the killing of Brown saying they will prove he was dangerous and on drugs. It really is irrelevant. Aside from the fact there is the little Commandment that says thou shalt not kill with no exception if you have a badge, the only justifiable reason to kill someone is in self-defense. Ferguson is a flash-point. Justifying the shooting is irrelevant. This is no longer a race riot, it is being seen worldwide as war waged by military troops pretending to be police and this crosses the line for that same level of force will be used against white protesters when the economy turns down. The goal is to be so harsh and cruel, like in Donetsk, anyone who disagrees better not show their face.


Ferguson is a flash-point in the cycle of war. It is becoming the government against the people. Police have been mandated to militarize under 1033. We have the police forces going simply nuts. In Florida, police bought 8 Apache Attack Helicopters for Brevard County. When you have every person armed walking around town, shit happens.

I was in Washington DC and one of these police was walking around at the train station with a bullet-proof vest and a machine-gun. He did not look to be as smart as an average teenager, just mean, nasty, and looking for a fight. The typical school-yard bully type. He gave the impression that if you spit-out hot coffee on you and jumped up suddenly, he would shoot first and ask questions later. There was nothing going on there that day. Just this one power-crazed guy. I have been in countries like that. It is never a safe feeling.

This is not whether Brown was a good guy or bad. This is a flash-point and it is moving beyond racism. This is something that is spreading once again into 2017-2018.


$40 Million Lawsuit Filed in Ferguson


Missouri police have been sued for $40 million over actions in Ferguson protests by several people alleging civil rights violations through arrests and police assaults with rubber bullets and tear gas adopting ”militaristic displays of force and weaponry,” and engaged U.S. citizens “as if they were war combatants.”

It will be interesting to say the least for this is the trend in motion – the militaristic police that have taken this to a whole new level. Even the tiny town of Keene, N.H., it was reported that Mayor Kendall Lane whispered to Councilman Mitch Greenwald during a December city council meeting that they were going to get their own tank,.The town is tiny with a population of just 23,000. They have had only two murders since 1999. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security gave them a $285,933 grant to purchase a Bearcat manufactured by LENCO, an eight-ton armored personnel vehicle.

Homeland Security

It is clear. Homeland Security is arming against the people on a grand scale. The definition of “terrorist” is now anyone who disagrees with the government. The plain truth is they have seen the riots in Europe and Thailand watching how people rise up when the economy turns down. They know that is coming in this direction.

What we saw in Ferguson is how the police are now trained and operate no different from a standing army. They are no longer “civil” in nature. Homeland Security has also militarized the nation and proof this is not a black or white issue as it was in the 1960s, is the simple fact that they are militarizing even small all white towns.

Ron Paul On Ferguson: The War Comes Home

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute,

America’s attention recently turned away from the violence in Iraq and Gaza toward the violence in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting of Michael Brown. While all the facts surrounding the shooting have yet to come to light, the shock of seeing police using tear gas (a substance banned in warfare), and other military-style weapons against American citizens including journalists exercising their First Amendment rights, has started a much-needed debate on police militarization.

The increasing use of military equipment by local police is a symptom of growing authoritarianism, not the cause. The cause is policies that encourage police to see Americans as enemies to subjugate, rather than as citizens to “protect and serve.” This attitude is on display not only in Ferguson, but in the police lockdown following the Boston Marathon bombing and in the Americans killed and injured in “no-knock” raids conducted by militarized SWAT teams.

One particularly tragic victim of police militarization and the war on drugs is “baby Bounkham.” This infant was severely burned and put in a coma by a flash-burn grenade thrown into his crib by a SWAT team member who burst into the infant’s room looking for methamphetamine.

As shocking as the case of baby Bounkham is, no one should be surprised that empowering police to stop consensual (though perhaps harmful and immoral) activities has led to a growth of authoritarian attitudes and behaviors among government officials and politicians. Those wondering why the local police increasingly look and act like an occupying military force should consider that the drug war was the justification for the Defense Department’s “1033 program,” which last year gave local police departments almost $450 million worth of “surplus” military equipment. This included armored vehicles and grenades like those that were used to maim baby Bounkham.

Today, the war on drugs has been eclipsed by the war on terror as an all-purpose excuse for expanding the police state. We are all familiar with how the federal government increased police power after September 11 via the PATRIOT Act, TSA, and other Homeland Security programs. Not as widely known is how the war on terror has been used to justify the increased militarization of local police departments to the detriment of our liberty. Since 2002, the Department of Homeland Security has provided over $35 billion in grants to local governments for the purchase of tactical gear, military-style armor, and mine-resistant vehicles.

The threat of terrorism is used to justify these grants. However, the small towns that receive tanks and other military weapons do not just put them into storage until a real terrorist threat emerges. Instead, the military equipment is used for routine law enforcement.

Politicians love this program because it allows them to brag to their local media about how they are keeping their constituents safe. Of course, the military-industrial complex’s new kid brother, the law enforcement-industrial complex, wields tremendous influence on Capitol Hill. Even many so-called progressives support police militarization to curry favor with police unions.

Reversing the dangerous trend of the militarization of local police can start with ending all federal involvement in local law enforcement. Fortunately, all that requires is for Congress to begin following the Constitution, which forbids the federal government from controlling or funding local law enforcement. There is also no justification for federal drug laws or for using the threat of terrorism as an excuse to treat all people as potential criminals. However, Congress will not restore constitutional government on its own; the American people must demand that Congress stop facilitating the growth of an authoritarian police state that threatens their liberty.

Rand Paul On Ferguson, Black Rage, and The Libertarian Critique of State Power

By  at reason.com

Why have events in Ferguson, Missouri following the police shooting of Michael Brown catalyzed a long-overdue conversation about the militarization of local law enforcement? As I write at The Daily Beast, the deaths of unarmed citizens (particularly black men) during police encounters happen all the time without starting such national discussions (google John Crawford III to see what I mean).

Part of the reason Ferguson exploded was because the authorities there have misplayed virtually every decision they made since Saturday, August 9. But something else is also at work and deserves serious attention:

In Ferguson, minority outrage at police mistreatment has intersected with the libertarian critique of state power in a way that has brought the concerns of both groups to a national audience. Most interestingly, the coverage of Ferguson hasn’t been dominated by figures such as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Even a few years ago, they would have been at the forefront of the coverage. Now, the people at the center of this conversation have been journalists on the scene and local community spokespeople.

And when it does come to the political class, Rand Paul’s op-ed in Time was far and away the most trenchant (and early) sustained commentary on Ferguson and the issues it raises.

“There is a systemic problem with today’s law enforcement,” he wrote. “When you couple this militarization of law enforcement with an erosion of civil liberties and due process that allows the police to become judge and jury—national security letters, no-knock searches, broad general warrants, pre-conviction forfeiture—we begin to have a very serious problem on our hands. Given these developments, it is almost impossible for many Americans not to feel like their government is targeting them. Given the racial disparities in our criminal justice system, it is impossible for African-Americans not to feel like their government is particularly targeting them.”

Indeed, what Ferguson demonstrates is how tightly related abstract concerns libertarians have about the government’s power and the very real-life fears of police harassment that many African Americans have really are. So too are other issues of interest to both groups, ranging from school choice to sentencing reform to occupational licensing. As these sorts of newly recognized common causes filter through the culture, all sorts of new coalitions and possibilities can come to fruition. Glimpses of this are already visible in actions such as the nearly successful effort by Republican Rep. Justin Amash and Democratic Rep. John Conyers to defund National Security Agency surveillance programs last summer.

Read “The Libertarian Moment in Ferguson.”

As my colleague and co-author Matt Welch has pointed out, eminent-domain abuse is another area in which the overlap between longstanding concerns of African Americans and libertarians is particularly strong. And as Reason‘s Damon Root, author of the tremendous forthcoming book Overruled: The Long War for Control of the U.S. Supreme Court, has noted, the NAACP filed an amicus brief in Kelo v. New London. Read Root’s great essay on the classical liberal Moorfield Storey, one of the NAACP’s founders, here.



Via Doug Ross

“Obama is in the middle of a two-week vacation at the $12 million, 17-room mansion of a Democratic Party fundraiser wherein, according to ABC News, he has played 29.5 hours of golf, attended a Democratic fundraiser, partied at a birthday bash, spent 6.5 hours on the beach, and attended a jazz concert on Sunday… According to Gallup, Obama’s job approval stands at just 41%.”


There have been 1,600 shootings in Chicago this year. There have been 266 homicides. 80% of the victims were black. An equal percentage of the perpetrators were also black. Why does the death of one black man in Ferguson result in 40 FBI agents and the Attorney General swooping into that city, but dozens of blacks get gunned down every weekend in Chicago with absolutely no response from Obama or Holder? Every urban ghetto run by Democrats in this country has off the charts gun violence every day. Why doesn’t the Jesse and Al Show pull into these Democratic enclaves and demand someone be lynched? 

To see the stats on Rahm’s paradise, checkout this website:



Via Doug Ross

CALLOUS DISREGARD: Obama’s Ferguson Remarks Ignore Yet Another Bloody Week in Chicago

By Investor’s Business Daily

Malignant Neglect: The president talks about Ferguson, Mo., but not about a Chicago weekend where three dozen people were shot, seven of them killed, including a 16-year-old black girl who wanted to be a doctor.


To his credit, President Obama was more judicious than usual talking about the shooting of Michael Brown outside St. Louis. He did not say the police acted stupidly. He actually made a rare attempt at acknowledging individual responsibility when he said that when young black men “commit a crime, they need to be prosecuted, because every community has an interest in public safety.” 

One of those communities is Chicago, about whose routine carnage the president has said little of substance, and where last weekend, as the fires of looted stores in Ferguson burned, seven people were shot dead and 29 were wounded. No need to put out the fires of perceived racial animosity or place special focus on the situation when it is young blacks routinely killing other young blacks.

If Sasha and Malia Obama, the president’s young daughters, had another sister, she might look like 16-year-old Shaquise Buckner. Chicago police say Shaquise, who was the same age as Malia, appeared to have been the unintended target of a gang-related drive-by shooting early Saturday morning.

Yet Attorney General Eric Holder went to Ferguson, not Chicago. Thirty-six people are shot in Chicago in a single weekend, seven of them fatally, yet the FBI sends 40 agents to Missouri to investigate the shooting death of one young black male.

In his remarks on Ferguson and the difficulties of young black men, Obama spoke of “communities that feel left behind; who, as a consequence of tragic histories, often find themselves isolated, often find themselves without hope, without economic prospects. You have young men of color who are more likely to end up in jail, or the criminal justice system, than they are to end up in a good job or college.”

One of those communities is Chicago.

How we’d cover Ferguson if it happened in another country

This is a hysterical satire of what the rest of the world sees when we dictate what should happen in their countries. Introspection is not a strong point of the American Empire


How would American media cover the news from Ferguson, Missouri, if it were happening in just about any other country? How would the world respond differently? Here, to borrow a great idea from Slate’s Joshua Keating, is a satirical take on the story you might be reading if Ferguson were in, say, Iraq or Pakistan.


Reporters surround Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson (Scott Olson/Getty Images)


FERGUSON — Chinese and Russian officials are warning of a potential humanitarian crisis in the restive American province of Missouri, where ancient communal tensions have boiled over into full-blown violence.

“We must use all means at our disposal to end the violence and restore calm to the region,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in comments to an emergency United Nations Security Council session on the America crisis.

The crisis began a week ago in Ferguson, a remote Missouri village that has been a hotbed of sectarian tension. State security forces shot and killed an unarmed man, which regional analysts say has angered the local population by surfacing deep-seated sectarian grievances. Regime security forces cracked down brutally on largely peaceful protests, worsening the crisis.

America has been roiled by political instability and protests in recent years, which analysts warn can create fertile ground for extremists.

Missouri, far-removed from the glistening capital city of Washington, is ostensibly ruled by a charismatic but troubled official named Jay Nixon, who has appeared unable to successfully intervene and has resisted efforts at mediation from central government officials. Complicating matters, President Obama is himself a member of the minority sect protesting in Ferguson, which is ruled overwhelmingly by members of America’s majority “white people” sect.

Analysts who study the opaque American political system, in which all provinces are granted semi-autonomous self-rule, warned that Nixon may seize the opportunity to move against weakened municipal rulers in Ferguson. Missouri’s provincial legislature, a traditional “shura council,” is dominated by the opposition faction. Though fears of a military coup remain low, it is still unknown how Nixon’s allies within the capital will respond should the crisis continue.

Now, international leaders say they fear the crisis could spread.

“The only lasting solution is reconciliation among American communities and stronger Missouri security forces,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech from his vacation home in Hainan. “However, we can and should support moderate forces who can bring stability to America. So we will continue to pursue a broader strategy that empowers Americans to confront this crisis.”

Xi’s comments were widely taken as an indication that China would begin arming moderate factions in Missouri, in the hopes of overpowering rogue regime forces and preventing extremism from taking root. An unknown number of Kurdish peshmerga military “advisers” have traveled to the region to help provide security. Gun sales have been spiking in the US since the crisis began.

Analysts warn the violence could spread toward oil-producing regions such as Oklahoma or even disrupt the flow of American beer supplies, some of the largest in the world, and could provide a fertile breeding ground for extremists. Though al-Qaeda is not known to have yet established a foothold in Missouri, its leaders have previously hinted at assets there.

Though Missouri is infamous abroad for its simmering sectarian tensions and brutal regime crackdowns, foreign visitors here are greeted warmly and with hospitality. A lawless expanse of dogwood trees and beer breweries, Missouri is located in a central United States region that Americans refer to, curiously, as the “MidWest” though it is nearer to the country’s east.

It is known among Americans as the home of Mark Twain, a provincial writer from the country’s small but cherished literary culture, and as the originator of Budweiser, a traditional American alcoholic beverage. Budweiser itself is now owned by a Belgian firm, in a sign of how globalization is transforming even this remote area of the United States. Analysts say some american communities have struggled as globalization has pulled jobs into more developed countries, worsening instability here.

Locals here eat a regional delicacy known as barbecue, made from the rib bones of pigs, and subsist on traditional crafts such as agriculture and aerospace engineering. The regional center of commerce is known locally as Saint Louis, named for a 13th century French king, a legacy of Missouri’s history as a remote and violent corner of the French Empire.

Though Ferguson’s streets remained quiet on Friday, a palpable sense of tension and uncertainty hung in the air. A Chinese Embassy official here declined to comment but urged all parties to exhibit restraint and respect for the rule of law. In Moscow, Kremlin planners were said to be preparing for a possible military intervention should political instability spread to the nearby oil-producing region of Texas.


I have a couple of questions.

Is it racist if a white person uses the term negro? I get confused. Or can only black people use the term negro and nigga without being tarred as a racist?

I thought they preferred African American. Shouldn’t it be African American Spring?

Secondly, can it really be a Negro Spring when it is late Summer?

Do these people realize they called it the Arab Spring because it started in the Spring?

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Is this really about black people? Making a martyr out of Michael Brown seems to be a stretch. We have video of what a forthright citizen he was. It seems there were witnesses to what happened and it appears he just might have attacked the officer. I’m guessing the three autopsies will include a toxicology screen. Whether the Feds allow it to be reported is another matter.

TPTB are successfully turning this into a black versus white distraction, on par with the Trayvon Martin case. The MSM and government are convincing millions of sheeple to support the military response to the chaos in Ferguson. They are being desensitized, so they willingly accept the militarization of police forces across the land. The mindset of white America is these black hoodlums must be put in their place and caged by our protective government.

How will white America react when these very same militarized police storm their protests, disregard their right to free speech and assembly, breakdown their front doors in violation of the 4th Amendment, and try to take their guns? We already got a preview in Boston’s white suburbs. They are already monitoring all of your electronic communications. They have the military equipment in place. They have been training in our cities.

TBTB know things are falling apart. They know their Ponzi scheme is reaching an endpoint. They will not give up their power, control, and wealth without a fight. The real enemy is not poor black people. They are just the useful idiots in this endgame.

Know your true enemy.

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Why so much anger in Ferguson? 10 facts about the massive economic gap between white America and black America

U.S. Map Money - Public DomainWhen people feel like they don’t have anything else to lose, they are likely to do just about anything.  Many in the mainstream media seem absolutely mystified as to why there is so much anger in Ferguson, but as I pointed out yesterday, all of this anger did not erupt out of a vacuum.  Economic conditions in Ferguson, and for African-Americans as a whole, have been deteriorating for years.  Sadly, many white Americans are totally oblivious to any of this.  Many of them have absolutely no idea that the unemployment rate for black Americans is more than twice as high as it is for white Americans or that the average white household has 22 times as much wealth as the average black household.  But these are things that black communities are acutely aware of.  Many African-Americans that live in poor neighborhoods deeply resent the fact that most of the people that live in the “good neighborhoods” are white while most of the people that live in “bad neighborhoods” are people of color.  In fact, in America today a black child is nearly four times as likely to live in an impoverished neighborhood as a white child is.  And when you throw endless police brutality and growing racial division in America into the mix, it is easy to understand why so many black Americans are so angry and frustrated these days.

Things didn’t have to turn out this way.  If we had all learned how to love one another and not judge one another by skin color, we could have had the kind of society that Martin Luther King once dreamed about

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we’re free at last!”

But instead we have allowed ourselves to become increasingly divided.  And I am sure that fact will once again be reflected in the comments following this article.  There is so much anger and hatred in America today, and people seem to love to express their anger and hatred on the Internet.

For white Americans (myself included), I think that it would be good for us to put ourselves in the shoes of the people of Ferguson for a few moments.  For years, the economy of Ferguson has been declining.  The following is how Brookings summarized the current economic situation

The city’s unemployment rate rose from less than 5 percent in 2000 to over 13 percent in 2010-12. For those residents who were employed, inflation-adjusted average earnings fell by one-third. The number of households using federal Housing Choice Vouchers climbed from roughly 300 in 2000 to more than 800 by the end of the decade.

Amid these changes, poverty skyrocketed. Between 2000 and 2010-2012, Ferguson’s poor population doubled. By the end of that period, roughly one in four residents lived below the federal poverty line ($23,492 for a family of four in 2012), and 44 percent fell below twice that level.

And as the New York Times recently detailed, racial tensions have been rising in the city for a very long time

As African-Americans moved into the city and whites moved out, real estate agents and city leaders, in a pattern familiar elsewhere in the country, conspired to keep blacks out of the suburbs through the use of zoning ordinances and restrictive covenants. But by the 1970s, some of those barriers had started to fall, and whites moved even farther away from the city. These days, Ferguson is like many of the suburbs around St. Louis, inner-ring towns that accommodated white flight decades ago but that are now largely black. And yet they retain a white power structure.

Although about two-thirds of Ferguson residents are black, its mayor and five of its six City Council members are white. Only three of the town’s 53 police officers are black.

So it is understandable why a lot of Ferguson residents are so angry and so frustrated.

However, there is absolutely no excuse for the looting and the property destruction that have taken place.

Alternatively, there is absolutely no excuse for how brutally the (mostly white) police have handled peaceful protesters and the media.  The police have been using smoke bombs, tear gas, flash bang grenades, rubber bullets and LRAD sound cannons against protesters that are not even armed.  Meanwhile, the police have been doing next to nothing to stop criminals from looting stores and businesses all over Ferguson.  It has pretty much been a textbook case of what not to do during a period of civil unrest.

Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and things will calm down in Ferguson soon.

But that doesn’t mean that the underlying problems will have been fixed.  The truth is that I believe that this is just a preview of what is coming to America in the years ahead.  And much of the anger and frustration that is bubbling just under the surface in our communities has an economic element to it.  The following are 10 startling facts about the massive economic gap between white America and black America that we see in our country today…

#1 For decades, the unemployment rate for black Americans has consistently been more than twice as high as the unemployment rate for white Americans.  In July 2014, the official unemployment rate for white Americans was 5.3 percent.  Meanwhile, the official unemployment rate for black Americans was 11.4 percent.

#2 A report released earlier this year discovered that the “underemployment rate” for African-American workers was 20.5 percent.  But for white Americans it was only 11.8 percent.

#3 A study released back in 2012 found that the average white household has 22 times as much wealth as the average black household.

#4 African-American households make up only about 13 percent of the population, but they receive more than 26 percent of the food stamp benefits.

#5 One study discovered that 82 percent of white students graduate from high school but only 63.5 percent of black students do.

#6 Pew Research found that the income gap between white Americans and black Americans has continued to grow ever since the late 1960s

The difference in median household incomes between whites and blacks has grown from about $19,000 in 1967 to roughly $27,000 in 2011 (as measured in 2012 dollars).

#7 In the United States today, 12 percent of white children live in areas of concentrated poverty, but 45 percent of African-American children do.

#8 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.9 percent of white children live in single parent homes.  But for black children, the number is an astounding 52.1 percent.

#9 Since 1960, the percentage of white American adults that are married has declined from 74 percent to 55 percent.  But for African-Americans the decline has been even more dramatic.  Since 1960, the percentage of black American adults that are married has declined from 61 percent to 31 percent.

#10 In the United States, the incarceration rate for black men is more than six times higher than it is for white men.

So how do we solve these problems?  People have been debating this for years, but nothing ever seems to actually get accomplished.

Meanwhile, the middle class continues to collapse and things continue to get even tougher for African-American communities.  The following is an excerpt from a recent piece that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote for Time magazine entitled “The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race“…

Dystopian books and movies like Snowpiercer, The Giver, Divergent, Hunger Games, and Elysium have been the rage for the past few years. Not just because they express teen frustration at authority figures. That would explain some of the popularity among younger audiences, but not among twentysomethings and even older adults. The real reason we flock to see Donald Sutherland’s porcelain portrayal in Hunger Games of a cold, ruthless president of the U.S. dedicated to preserving the rich while grinding his heel into the necks of the poor is that it rings true in a society in which the One Percent gets richer while our middle class is collapsing.

That’s not hyperbole; statistics prove this to be true. According to a 2012 Pew Research Center report, just half of U.S. households are middle-income, a drop of 11 percent since the 1970s; median middle-class income has dropped by 5 percent in the last ten years, total wealth is down 28 percent. Fewer people (just 23 percent) think they will have enough money to retire. Most damning of all: fewer Americans than ever believe in the American Dream mantra that hard work will get them ahead.

I wish that I could be more optimistic about the future of this country.

I wish that I could believe that we won’t see a tremendous amount of chaos in the streets of America in the years ahead.

Unfortunately, the truth is that what is happening in Ferguson right now is just the tip of the iceberg.  Once we hit the next major wave of our ongoing economic collapse, unemployment and economic despair in our major cities are going to grow rapidly.  This will fuel more anger, more frustration, more protests, more looting and more rioting.

It has been said that desperate people do desperate things.  And in the years ahead, ordinary Americans are going to become increasingly desperate.

I hope that you are getting ready for that.


The fine upstanding citizens of Ferguson after being told the McRib sandwich was discontinued. They mistook the Welcome sign to mean break in the window. Honest mistake. They are just misunderstood yutts. I wonder if they have completed their summer reading assignments for school.

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The true cause of the Ferguson riots.

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